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Japan, Vietnam blame China for maritime tensions

It is because these Asian have inferiority complex. Being subservient to Western dominance for over 100 years, it will take a long time to get rid of this mindset and build the confidence in China as the protector of Asia. Remember we used to play that role until the West came and took it away from us. We were powerless to defend as we were backward and didn't believe in new modern technology can decide geopolitical fate. These Asian states like Philippines, Japan, and Vietnam have saw and were dominated by Western powers for so long that they don't believe they stand a chance to fight back. They don't trust our capability yet as realistically, we are still behind the West so I don't blame them. We just have to continue to build on our strength. Expect 2020s for many major breakthrough. That is the decade you will see major shift in Asia confidence.

Once China becomes considered a peer to the US, both economically and militarily then the mindset will change. This will be obvious to all sometime in the 2020s.

Also at this moment in time, some Asians think that Indian can somehow "balance" China. A country like India, that is made up of many nations, can never challenge a unitary state like China as it's primary focus is on keeping itself together rather than pushing it's economy forward. In the 2020s while India is still very much a 3rd world country China will look and feel like a 1st world country and then all these Asians(even the Indians themselves:lol:) will realise that China is in a totally different league to India. Once this happens, even the proud Japanese who I respect for becoming the first Asian country to industrialise will accept China's place as the leading nation in Asia.
Even the credible Westerners think that China will outstrip the US to become the most powerful country in the world over the next generation. Like the US dominates the American continent, China will dominate the Asian continent.

It goes without question that China will be the economic center and engine of Asia, by virtue of our central location and population. This is simply our natural role. It's the role we played for the majority of recorded history in Asia, and it is the role we are recovering as the natural Asian equilibrium is restored. But we don't seek to dominate the Asian continent, in a way that violates others' sovereignty. In return, we have very simple expectations that all Asian countries:
1. must respect our sovereignty and territorial integrity.
2. must respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of their neighbors.

Failure to respect our sovereignty and territorial integrity means the offendor must be wiped off the map. There isn't really a suitable alternative punishment for failing to observe such a basic courtesy.

Number 2 is also important for us as well, because given our central location in which we border 14 other countries, we will often get caught in the crossfire between countries that can't respect their neighbors sovereignty and cause conflict as a result. Moreover, it disrupts our trade.

Anyway, as @xunzi has stated, some Asian countries like Japan/Vietnam/Philippines are still militarily occupied by their white masters, and are subject to intense brainwashing. When you visit those countries, you will notice that skin-whitening creams are sold everywhere. Models used on billboards or in magazines are all white or mixed-race. They have been taught to comprehensively despise their Asian heritage and love their white masters. It's exactly like the narrative that White slavemasters in the American South tried to push about their slaves - that their relationship was a harmonious relationship based on consent and cooperation, and not one of rape, coercion and exploitation.

We feel very sorry that these people continue to be enslaved, militarily as well as culturally and mentally. But decolonization was happening in Asia as early as the 1950's, and most countries managed to free themselves. So the responsibility is on Japan/Vietnam/Philippines to do what their Asian neighbors already did half-a-century ago.
Failure to respect our sovereignty and territorial integrity means the offendor must be wiped off the map. There isn't really a suitable alternative punishment for failing to observe such a basic courtesy.

I agree with everything apart from "wiping out" countries that do not respect your sovereignty and territorial integrity.

If any country does this, then China will have a range of punishments at its disposable. First the offending country can be made to pay a military price for this which would be limited to wiping out the offending forces and maybe punitive raids on select military bases involved in the logistics, and also a range of economic measures to harm the offender financially. Wiping a country off the map for something like invading a tiny Island would be considered wholly disproportionate and will alienate China's natural allies in Asia, of which there are many.
I agree with everything apart from "wiping out" countries that do not respect your sovereignty and territorial integrity.

If any country does this, then China will have a range of punishments at its disposable. First the offending country can be made to pay a military price for this which would be limited to wiping out the offending forces and maybe punitive raids on select military bases involved in the logistics, and also a range of economic measures to harm the offender financially. Wiping a country off the map for something like invading a tiny Island would be considered wholly disproportionate and will alienate China's natural allies in Asia, of which there are many.

You're right, wiping a country out is too drastic. I guess I'm just exasperated by the current context of our territorial disputes which have gone back and forth with no end in sight. But a more rational examination shows that it is the US fanning the flames and inciting the disputants to continue pestering us, with flimsy assurances of backup should their provocations blow up in their faces. If we eject the US from this continent, the provocateurs will naturally fall in line. These islands are such a peripheral matter, used by the US to distract us from focusing on economic growth, our utmost first priority, and I hope the Chinese leadership won't be sidetracked by such a cheap trick.
History has proven that Chinese Emperors throughout almost every Dynasties expected our neighbours to pay tribute to China to keep a good relationship with the biggest power of Asia. In return Chinese Emperors would bestow our friends with gifts as a token of kindness. Unfortunately this balance was disturbed by foreign invasions and the rise of Japan poured salt in the wounds to the whole continent. Now at last big brother has returned from the ashes and it's gonna lead the pack again so we Asians can shake off the colonized mentality and work on development of Asia. Unfortunately certain members have became slaves of the US and are trying to cause unnecessary trouble for China. Those barking at us will regret it
China is flexing its muscles to re-write Asia's manifest destiny, this time not to be again colonized and culturally brainwashed by the West. China's absolute minimum requirement is to have an equal relationship with the West. If they fail to realize and try to harm China, like they do today through a number of mental-slaves, the proxies will feel the fire first. Pushing the US imperialism from East Asia is taking place incrementally and experimentally. The US government is too dumb and reckless (and power drunk) at the moment; but, reality will struck them hard. Some bitter pills will have to be swallowed by the likes Vietnam, the Phil, Taiwan and Japan for their utmost political and cultural servitude to the US/West. In the end, hopefully, their true nature that once made them gather around the Middle Kingdom will resurface to demand all the foreign colonialism to be wiped off and they will join China to rule the world from Asia. A Chinese pan-Asianism does not have the anti-Asia militarist elements of Japan, but, rather, is based on harmony and mutual respect. I think, the Chinese confidence and scientific and cultural development will soon translate into a greater soft power over the rest of Asia. Cultural and political confidence will hopefully be the first to be salvaged from the heap of dirt the Western colonialism has left behind.
If US didn't help Chinese on expense of Japanese during WW2, you wouldn't even exist as a race. Maybe time to show some respect.

Eh, general consensus among the historians is that Japan overextended itself after initial victories. It is pretty much the same with Nazi Germany's operation Barbarossa into USSR. Without American intervention it would have took China a few more years to exhaust Japan, but it will happen nonetheless. One thing to remember that China or USSR was large countries and they have enough strategic depth to exhaust an opponent.
:rofl: Nothing can compare to the way we vanquished your cousins in Xinjiang and now we rule them with an iron fist and jackboots.
Although they are both good at kebab , our XJ people are not their cousins and we treat our JX minority people very well .

Damn, look at their houses and Children policy , I am jealous of it.
In summary, all Chinese members very hate about Japs, but they want to recreate a Chinese version of East Asia co-Prosperity

Nice Joke though
In summary, all Chinese members very hate about Japs, but they want to recreate a Chinese version of East Asia co-Prosperity

Nice Joke though
China wants to make East Asia Prosperity ??

You are out of your mind.
In summary, all Chinese members very hate about Japs, but they want to recreate a Chinese version of East Asia co-Prosperity

Nice Joke though

The Japan itself wanted to create a united east asia.....by wars of course, by this standard, China is just too polite to you guys. Indonesia, the leader of ASEAN, the dream! :rofl::rofl:
Some you guys are crying about white people, but here is the relationship Vietnam -Japan, why whites here?

They extol the solidarity of Asia but criticize India and Japan like as the enemies.

Don't forget that one of the biggest export markets of china are countries of white people. Without them, Bangladesh could replace?

Americans sit in their house and get the biggest benefit from the iPhone. Who get second benefit are Taiwanese bosses, the last and smallest benefit are chinese workers. This still happens in superpower china?

Some you guys are crying about white people, but here is the relationship Vietnam -Japan, why whites here?

They extol the solidarity of Asia but criticize India and Japan like as the enemies.

Don't forget that one of the biggest export markets of china are countries of white people. Without them, Bangladesh could replace?

Americans sit in their house and get the biggest benefit from the iPhone. Who get second benefit are Taiwanese bosses, the last and smallest benefit are chinese workers. This still happens in superpower china?


Americans enjoy the biggest cut of iphone because they hold the advantage of tech.

China only has a small piece of cake but we get many jobs and we are working hard to get the advantage of tech.

Even if we are superpower , it doesnot mean we need to be top 1 of every field.

And Japan consider themselves as EU .
If US didn't help Chinese on expense of Japanese during WW2, you wouldn't even exist as a race. Maybe time to show some respect.

To resist Japan in WW2, china not only needed the help of American daddy, but also Soviet Red Army. Without US and SU, the large lands of chinese coastal are still under the control of Japan today.
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