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Russia vows to slaughter FSA in cold blood for slaughtering a Russian bomber pilot in cold blood


Sep 16, 2015
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United States
United States
the Bab Hawa border crossing was just bombed




Russians will now do everything to challenge Turkey till it declare war on Russia by itself. It's gonna be very ugly for Turkey and their will. Russians will tease and shame them to the extreme

Napoleon died because he attacked Russia. Hitler died because he attacked Russia. The distance between Sochi and Anadyr is 7419 km. Russia is a huge country. Russians are Nordic Vikings. Mess with Russia and you will pay.
Napoleon died because he attacked Russia. Hitler died because he attacked Russia. The distance between Sochi and Anadyr is 7419 km. Russia is a huge country. Russians are Nordic Vikings. Mess with Russia and you will pay.

what about America ???
what about America ???
It was Russia which broke Hitler invasion spree. Russia was late to enter the party but first in finishing things off. The way Russians recaptured their lost land is still a nightmare for the west. Don't you see West has no ball to go on one on one battle. Rather gang bang like cowards. But Russians stand alone and deliver some deadly blows. Americans never went to a war against decent Army or Airforce or Navy. But they attacked many countries. But till now never touch the Russians. Why? Afraid? Nope. They are cleaver. War with Russia is like death wish with Instant Delivery
Russians will now do everything to challenge Turkey till it declare war on Russia by itself. It's gonna be very ugly for Turkey and their will. Russians will tease and shame them to the extreme

I know people in Moscow who drive around in their G63s with 12 gauge shotguns on the passenger seat looking for a fight. These people are millionaires who can live a life of luxury anywhere in the world but still choose to be outside punching others in the face. We are fighters by nature. We love blood, destruction and murder of our enemies and their families.

And the turks think that somehow we are afraid of a war.

Now theS400 is in place and its only a matter of time before a Turkish jet is shot down for entering Syrian airspace. Then the real fun starts.

The Dmitri Donskoi Akula sub is parked right in the med and has 120 nuclear warheads in its 20 Bulava ballistic missiles. Each warhead has a 150 kt yield which is about 10 time the power of the ones dropped over Japan in WW2. The missiles have an 8,000 km range.

We can literally wipe the entire existence of turkey off the map if required. Their entire history and culture like ottomans and kebabs etc. We can make everything go up in radioactive smoke if they decide to escalate things.
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The Grey Wolves that shot down the Russian pilot just met the fury of mother Russia. Russians are ruthless.

Russia will bomb the Turkmen until that border area is turned into dust.

Is this from the first hand experience you guys had against them in 60s when you guys ceded outer manchuria to russia ? :lol:
What have u done FSA?:disagree: btw love for Russia is real on this forum even americans are loving them strange i must say:blink:
These idiots should've known who they just provoked. Russian's are ruthless. They don't give a rats @$$ about human rights violations. And neither can the Americans or NATO do a sh!t to stop the Russians from slaughtering the Turkmen and FSA militias. America's don't give two hoots for their Arab pawns and won't risk WW3 for some ragtag militias.

Russians know how to break the will of a people through brute force.

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