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Russia vows to slaughter FSA in cold blood for slaughtering a Russian bomber pilot in cold blood

...well once again Reich lost exactely the same number of soldiers in Estern Front as did the Russian Soldiers - around 8-9 millions (the other question is that all the way they were very cruel to russian civilians, and mostly eastern european SS divisions from romania, hungary and such were making hell in the Planet to the Soviet civilians , something that nobody have seen even from most brutal ISIL/ISIS bastarsd, i.e cutting pregnant womens' stomaches and raping the rest of bodies, ... yep .. all the ugly stuff like that, Mass burn civilians alive in vilages, mass taking babies blood for Reich officers and throwing away their bodied to caves and so on and do forth; as said comparing to that was happening in 'Eastern Front' is pure Hell on the Earth and ISIS are just puppies compared to nazi industy of death, - so they added up to additional 20Millions of civilians dead in SU, where as SU, when came to nazi germany, did experience the same mass murders of german civilians, ... even Stalin said : 'Hitlers are comming to and Going away but german people stays' - which ... well, I don't understand the mercy at all, ... in his place I would order to kill all the Nation of germany for such unprecedented crimes of Human History ...)...

...back on track - I requot myself:
...well, once again kinda, Russia lost in Afgan around 15.000 people, which is bad, but compare, say, with Americans lost 150.000 people and up to 65% of ALL its aircraft fleet in Vietnam; and guess what, ... it seems like 'western aliance' comes to 10.000 people lost now... soooo..
no, all military tasks by late 1980s was 99,9% solved by SU in afgan, Pak/Afgan border were becoming locked, and ..actually, there were up to 1.7 millions islamists killed by SU in afgan (from, probably, all muslim countries of the planet) - the 'flow' was , to say, 'declining' (i.e not many left in the Planet by the time to go fight Russians in Afgan) ..
..so kinda I would say, imho, probably (seems like.. just saying :)) Russians are the best land warriors in the world...
...by 1989 all MILITARY soviet mission in Afgan were almost accompleashed and Najibullāh would continue on with (moderately normaly mondern to call) his county if not fcucking boris yeltisin betraied him... I would agree that Russin lost cold war to West/US, but really, .. didn't it do due/to Afganistan...c'mon
Is this from the first hand experience you guys had against them in 60s when you guys ceded outer manchuria to russia ? :lol:


The chinese might have ceded manchuria to russia----but it has also slowly and steadily been moving its population across the border over all those years---.
Napoleon died because he attacked Russia. Hitler died because he attacked Russia. The distance between Sochi and Anadyr is 7419 km. Russia is a huge country. Russians are Nordic Vikings. Mess with Russia and you will pay.
There is a country somewhere in world, very poor and little as compared to mother Russia, called Afghanistan. Russia now old fat lady, but then was powerful and young, attacked Afghanistan. Then.........

Afghanistan wasn't a conventional threatre, AT ALL.
Syria is 100 times more messed up & non-conventional theater than Afghanistan.
Looks like Syria Turkmen terrorist are doomed. France has agreed to join Russian using their Rafale to bomb those Turkmen back to stone age. :lol:

The Latest: Russia supports closing of Turkish=Syria border - Yahoo News

he latest developments regarding the war in Syria. All times local.

Related Stories
  1. The Latest: Putin: Russia to cooperate with US-led coalition Associated Press
  2. Russia suspends visa-free travel with Turkey Associated Press
  3. Turkey's Erdogan warns Russia not to 'play with fire' Reuters
  4. Erdogan denies Turkey buys any oil from Islamic State AFP
  5. Turkey would have acted differently if it had known jet was Russian: Erdogan AFP
  6. The Best Black Friday Sale is Here!Reebonz Sponsored
4:45 p.m.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says he supports France's proposal to shut down the Turkish-Syrian border as a way to fight Islamic State fighters in Syria.

French President Francois Hollande was in Moscow on Thursday to wrap up a week of international visits in a bid to forge a broad international coalition against the IS.

In the wake of Turkey's shootdown of a Russian warplane over Syria on Tuesday Moscow has lashed out at Ankara, accusing it of buying oil from IS and supporting terrorist groups there.

Lavrov told reporters on Friday that Hollande has suggested "concrete steps" in order to shut the Turkish-Syrian border, which, Lavrov said, should "solve the problem of terrorism on Syrian territory."


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Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and his French counterpart Francois Hollande leave after a …
4:35 p.m.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has called for blacklisting a Syrian rebel group whose members killed a pilot of a Russian warplane and one member of a rescue party.

Speaking after the talks with the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem on Friday, Lavrov said that "things are not going to go ahead" in the Syria peace talks unless other world powers list the group as terrorist.

Lavrov earlier said that it is impossible to discuss a political settlement for Syria until everyone agrees on a list of the groups that should be invited to talk and those that should be listed as terrorists and therefore not covered by a potential cease-


3:50 p.m.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says Moscow has decided to suspend visa-free travel with Turkey. Lavrov said Friday Turkey has been reluctant to share information with Moscow about it citizens accused of involvement in terrorist activities.

The move comes amid a bitter spat between Moscow and Ankara over a Russian warplane downed by Turkey on Tuesday.

Lavrov said the visa-free travel will be suspended starting from Jan. 1.


2:35 p.m.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he warned Russian President Vladimir Putin of the risks of Russian planes intruding into Turkey's airspace during their meeting earlier this month at a G-20 summit in Turkey.

Erdogan said Friday that Putin urged Turkey to accept the Russian planes "as guests."

Erdogan said he responded: "There cannot be uninvited guests. The region is sensitive."

Erdogan was addressing thousands of supporters on Friday.

He also accuses Russia of backing Syrian President Bashar Assad's "terrorist state" which he says is responsible for the deaths of 380,000 people.

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FILE - In this June 3, 2015 file photo, Can Dundar, the editor-in-chief of opposition newspaper Cumh …
He again challenged Russia to prove allegations that Turkey was buying oil from the Islamic State group, and claimed that IS sells oil to Assad and that Russian companies were involved. ___

2:25 p.m.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says that he hopes to have an opportunity soon to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in a step to defusing the crisis over Turkey's downing of a Russian warplane.

Speaking in northwest Turkey on Friday, Erdogan said: "There is a summit in Paris, I believe he (Putin) will also attend. We could sit and talk there."

Erudoga adds: "I would like to meet (Putin) face to face in Paris. I would like to bring the issue to a reasonable point. We are disturbed that the issue has been escalated."


1:00 p.m.

Hundreds have gathered outside an opposition newspaper in a show of solidarity after two of its journalists were jailed on terror and espionage charges for their reports on alleged government arms smuggling to Syria.

Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar, and the paper's Ankara representative, Erdem Gul, were sent to a prison in Istanbul late on Thursday. They are accused of willingly aiding a terror organization and revealing state secrets.

In May, the paper published what it said were images of Turkish trucks carrying ammunition to Syrian militants. Cumhuriyet said the images were proof that Turkey was smuggling arms to rebels — a claim the government rejects.

More than a thousand people at the paper's Istanbul headquarters on Friday, accusing the government of silencing critics and attempting to cover-up the scandal.

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In this Thursday, Nov. 26, 2015 photo, Can Dundar, right, the editor-in-chief of opposition newspape …

12:40 p.m.

Turkey's foreign minister says Turkey wants to overcome tensions with Moscow over the downing of a Russian plane do through "diplomacy."

Speaking during a visit to Azerbaijan on Friday, Mevlut Cavusolgu urged Russia to help deflate tensions through "level headed statements and acts." His words were carried by Turkey's state-run Anadolu Agency.

Cavusoglu said: "we don't favor tensions. We believe we can overcome this problem through diplomacy. We expect the same understanding from our friend and neighbor Russia."

On Friday, aides to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the Turkish and Russian leaders could meet at a climate summit in Paris next week.

But Dmitry Peskov, spokesman to Russian President Vladimir Putin, refused to speculate over whether Putin was considering a Turkish request for a meeting.


12:35 p.m.

Syrian opposition groups say a new wave of airstrikes on the city of Raqqa — the headquarters of the extremist Islamic State group — has killed at least eight people, including five children.

It wasn't immediately clear who carried out the airstrikes Friday.

The city in northeastern Syria is the Islamic State group's de facto capital and has become the focus of international airstrikes aimed at the group.

A Raqqa-based activist group that reports on IS, known as Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, said that most of the casualties occurred when warplanes targeted the city's Heten School.

The school, like others in Raqqa, has been taken over by IS.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights put the death toll at 12, including the five children.

Russia and a U.S.-led coalition that includes France have been pounding Raqqa.


10:15 a.m.

France's foreign minister says destroying the Islamic State group's Raqqa headquarters is the main objective of the international military campaign.

In an interview with RTL radio on Friday, Laurent Fabius said "neutralizing and eradicating Daesh" is an objective that all countries agree upon, referring to IS by its Arabic acronym. He spoke after a week of intense diplomacy capped by the French president's meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the downing of a Russian passenger plane over Egypt, as well as the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. Fabius said Putin agreed on the need to focus international efforts against the extremist group and France is drawing up a map of other, moderate groups, to protect them from warplanes.

He also said the international coalition is focusing on oil convoys from the group's territory, which provide a crucial source of income. He said some of the trucks head toward Turkey, and France believes Syrian leader Bashar Assad is also a buyer.
tell me when NATO is already pre occupied with growing wave of jihad in europe which every one knows is done with help of ISIS/ISIL and supported covertlly by SA & turkey will the NATO or US take on russia for turkey other than just a few rosey talk :azn:

thing is this time around priorities are very diffrent and tureky has taken on afight with iran ,iraq/ syria , israel and russia france & USA at the same time thinking its safe cause its in NATO ...... man its gonna be very messy when the angry bear mauls the grey wolf :butcher:
you forget CHINA!we will definitely to teach turkey a lesson!:sniper:
In prior confrontation between Ottoman and Russian empires Ottomans suffered all the time...

I guess this time also there will not be any change in the final outcome of this current conflict
Better in what way? as a superior ethnic race or something? no there is no such thing only a racist will think along those lines.
Before soviet entry in afghanistan, Afghan was a prosperous nation...even girls used to go school.( use google for images)
What is now? Nothing.
Even their national television anettena was destroyed(* by taliban) and new one was installed recently.After soviet afghan war...afghan effected most than soviets.Every one knows what happened to afghan.

Looks like Syria Turkmen terrorist are doomed. France has agreed to join Russian using their Rafale to bomb those Turkmen back to stone age. :lol:

The Latest: Russia supports closing of Turkish=Syria border - Yahoo News

he latest developments regarding the war in Syria. All times local.

Related Stories
  1. The Latest: Putin: Russia to cooperate with US-led coalition Associated Press
  2. Russia suspends visa-free travel with Turkey Associated Press
  3. Turkey's Erdogan warns Russia not to 'play with fire' Reuters
  4. Erdogan denies Turkey buys any oil from Islamic State AFP
  5. Turkey would have acted differently if it had known jet was Russian: Erdogan AFP
  6. The Best Black Friday Sale is Here!Reebonz Sponsored
4:45 p.m.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says he supports France's proposal to shut down the Turkish-Syrian border as a way to fight Islamic State fighters in Syria.

French President Francois Hollande was in Moscow on Thursday to wrap up a week of international visits in a bid to forge a broad international coalition against the IS.

In the wake of Turkey's shootdown of a Russian warplane over Syria on Tuesday Moscow has lashed out at Ankara, accusing it of buying oil from IS and supporting terrorist groups there.

Lavrov told reporters on Friday that Hollande has suggested "concrete steps" in order to shut the Turkish-Syrian border, which, Lavrov said, should "solve the problem of terrorism on Syrian territory."


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Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and his French counterpart Francois Hollande leave after a …
4:35 p.m.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has called for blacklisting a Syrian rebel group whose members killed a pilot of a Russian warplane and one member of a rescue party.

Speaking after the talks with the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem on Friday, Lavrov said that "things are not going to go ahead" in the Syria peace talks unless other world powers list the group as terrorist.

Lavrov earlier said that it is impossible to discuss a political settlement for Syria until everyone agrees on a list of the groups that should be invited to talk and those that should be listed as terrorists and therefore not covered by a potential cease-


3:50 p.m.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says Moscow has decided to suspend visa-free travel with Turkey. Lavrov said Friday Turkey has been reluctant to share information with Moscow about it citizens accused of involvement in terrorist activities.

The move comes amid a bitter spat between Moscow and Ankara over a Russian warplane downed by Turkey on Tuesday.

Lavrov said the visa-free travel will be suspended starting from Jan. 1.


2:35 p.m.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he warned Russian President Vladimir Putin of the risks of Russian planes intruding into Turkey's airspace during their meeting earlier this month at a G-20 summit in Turkey.

Erdogan said Friday that Putin urged Turkey to accept the Russian planes "as guests."

Erdogan said he responded: "There cannot be uninvited guests. The region is sensitive."

Erdogan was addressing thousands of supporters on Friday.

He also accuses Russia of backing Syrian President Bashar Assad's "terrorist state" which he says is responsible for the deaths of 380,000 people.

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FILE - In this June 3, 2015 file photo, Can Dundar, the editor-in-chief of opposition newspaper Cumh …
He again challenged Russia to prove allegations that Turkey was buying oil from the Islamic State group, and claimed that IS sells oil to Assad and that Russian companies were involved. ___

2:25 p.m.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says that he hopes to have an opportunity soon to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in a step to defusing the crisis over Turkey's downing of a Russian warplane.

Speaking in northwest Turkey on Friday, Erdogan said: "There is a summit in Paris, I believe he (Putin) will also attend. We could sit and talk there."

Erudoga adds: "I would like to meet (Putin) face to face in Paris. I would like to bring the issue to a reasonable point. We are disturbed that the issue has been escalated."


1:00 p.m.

Hundreds have gathered outside an opposition newspaper in a show of solidarity after two of its journalists were jailed on terror and espionage charges for their reports on alleged government arms smuggling to Syria.

Cumhuriyet newspaper's editor-in-chief Can Dundar, and the paper's Ankara representative, Erdem Gul, were sent to a prison in Istanbul late on Thursday. They are accused of willingly aiding a terror organization and revealing state secrets.

In May, the paper published what it said were images of Turkish trucks carrying ammunition to Syrian militants. Cumhuriyet said the images were proof that Turkey was smuggling arms to rebels — a claim the government rejects.

More than a thousand people at the paper's Istanbul headquarters on Friday, accusing the government of silencing critics and attempting to cover-up the scandal.

View gallery

In this Thursday, Nov. 26, 2015 photo, Can Dundar, right, the editor-in-chief of opposition newspape …

12:40 p.m.

Turkey's foreign minister says Turkey wants to overcome tensions with Moscow over the downing of a Russian plane do through "diplomacy."

Speaking during a visit to Azerbaijan on Friday, Mevlut Cavusolgu urged Russia to help deflate tensions through "level headed statements and acts." His words were carried by Turkey's state-run Anadolu Agency.

Cavusoglu said: "we don't favor tensions. We believe we can overcome this problem through diplomacy. We expect the same understanding from our friend and neighbor Russia."

On Friday, aides to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the Turkish and Russian leaders could meet at a climate summit in Paris next week.

But Dmitry Peskov, spokesman to Russian President Vladimir Putin, refused to speculate over whether Putin was considering a Turkish request for a meeting.


12:35 p.m.

Syrian opposition groups say a new wave of airstrikes on the city of Raqqa — the headquarters of the extremist Islamic State group — has killed at least eight people, including five children.

It wasn't immediately clear who carried out the airstrikes Friday.

The city in northeastern Syria is the Islamic State group's de facto capital and has become the focus of international airstrikes aimed at the group.

A Raqqa-based activist group that reports on IS, known as Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, said that most of the casualties occurred when warplanes targeted the city's Heten School.

The school, like others in Raqqa, has been taken over by IS.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights put the death toll at 12, including the five children.

Russia and a U.S.-led coalition that includes France have been pounding Raqqa.


10:15 a.m.

France's foreign minister says destroying the Islamic State group's Raqqa headquarters is the main objective of the international military campaign.

In an interview with RTL radio on Friday, Laurent Fabius said "neutralizing and eradicating Daesh" is an objective that all countries agree upon, referring to IS by its Arabic acronym. He spoke after a week of intense diplomacy capped by the French president's meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the downing of a Russian passenger plane over Egypt, as well as the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. Fabius said Putin agreed on the need to focus international efforts against the extremist group and France is drawing up a map of other, moderate groups, to protect them from warplanes.

He also said the international coalition is focusing on oil convoys from the group's territory, which provide a crucial source of income. He said some of the trucks head toward Turkey, and France believes Syrian leader Bashar Assad is also a buyer.
Better they leave syria and read comics at home( Arabian nights:p:)
Shakalaka BOOM BOOM:guns:

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