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Russia vows to slaughter FSA in cold blood for slaughtering a Russian bomber pilot in cold blood

Russians will now do everything to challenge Turkey till it declare war on Russia by itself. It's gonna be very ugly for Turkey and their will. Russians will tease and shame them to the extreme

They can tease all they want, none of it will truelly be considered a retaliation. Bombing some border crossing doesnt mean shitt. Like i said Putin will bark some emty threats, drops some bombs here and there and the Russian public will eat this propaganda like the starving people they are.
didnt we all say the same thing about Afghans in the 80s
2 million Afghans died in that war, 15,000 Russian military casualties. And Russia wasn't even using half its firepower that it used in WW2.

I still havent been able to figure out why Turkey had to so such a thing . Having shot down an aircraft of a nation which is not at war with you & killing its pilot to me shows only one thing - lack of control.
Or approval from big daddy Uncle Sam. There's no way Turkey would have taken such a big step on its own. So far none of the NATO countries leadership has given condolences over the death of one of the Russian pilots. They have all defended Turkey's right to defend against violations of its airspace.
thats only in your day dreaming media world...ask people who have been to Pakistan and ask them what people wear and what they eat in Pakistan these days, you are still far behind.

Yes which is why you are ranked below us in the hunger index. Day dreaming like pantslam, gibberfalter and pantfatigil are pak pastimes, not Indian. A bigger economy than yours, a bigger military than yours and Pakistanis trying to pass off as Indians in the west. That is what the Afghan war has left you with. If you do not get the comment made, better to keep your trap shut instead of vomitting and showing everybody what a fool thinks like.

And if you think Pakistan did not get dragged down with Afghanistan in the war you are the only person day dreaming here.
I know people in Moscow who drive around in their G63s with 12 gauge shotguns on the passenger seat looking for a fight. These people are millionaires who can live a life of luxury anywhere in the world but still choose to be outside punching others in the face. We are fighters by nature. We love blood, destruction and murder of our enemies and their families.

And the turks think that somehow we are afraid of a war.

that's hardcore man
There has been no war even remotely worthy in modern history that can be compared to that of the Nazi Germany vs Soviet Russia nothing not even the land mass, resources, man power and generals that fought each other on the eastern front and Russia with all her might that repelled and defeated the third Reich, conquered Manchuria the size of Europe in a matter of day is still here today, Turkey should have chosen her foe wisely, Russia is not the US with her cute little Sherman's patrolling around on the beaches of Normandy.

But then again Mother Russia did lose in Afghanistan . . .
Turkey has rescued not only Turkmens but over 2 MILLION Syrians since the beginning of the war. The ones in Syria are the ones willingly fighting against the regime. Most of them are already in the safety of Turkey. Though, Turkey doesn't have any obligation to protect anyone but itself and its borders. Russia just experienced how serious we are about our borders first hand and it is still in shock caused by 5 decades of arrogance popped like a ballon.
But a lot of people are fleeing Turkey as refugees to EU. How is that possible that Turkey saved 2m refugees? If Turkey is indeed benevolent they would take all the refugees.
i believe NATO give the go ahead to piss off Russia but it turkeys a ss on the line sorry but turkey is sacrificial lamb. erdogan you might as well call him the young turk zoharite jew. turkey didn't even get into European union why cos you a brown muslims. this was sufficient hint from europe zion, plus you are being used as canon fodder.
I know people in Moscow who drive around in their G63s with 12 gauge shotguns on the passenger seat looking for a fight. These people are millionaires who can live a life of luxury anywhere in the world but still choose to be outside punching others in the face. We are fighters by nature. We love blood, destruction and murder of our enemies and their families.

And the turks think that somehow we are afraid of a war.

Now theS400 is in place and its only a matter of time before a Turkish jet is shot down for entering Syrian airspace. Then the real fun starts.

The Dmitri Donskoi Akula sub is parked right in the med and has 120 nuclear warheads in its 20 Bulava ballistic missiles. Each warhead has a 150 kt yield which is about 10 time the power of the ones dropped over Japan in WW2. The missiles have an 8,000 km range.

We can literally wipe the entire existence of turkey off the map if required. Their entire history and culture like ottomans and kebabs etc. We can make everything go up in radioactive smoke if they decide to escalate things.

Not Kebabs...we also have quite a range of them and love them too.
You need some history lessons.
...wow, ...sure.. I may need, ... but question comes... lessons from the people who donno the history at all (really, pal, go check the stuff about WW2 before postings)

2 million Afghans died in that war, 15,000 Russian military casualties. And Russia wasn't even using half its firepower that it used in WW2.
...sry, to say.. SU hadn't have intentions to kill Afgani people at the time (I mean it's ridiculous to say they killed 2M of Afganis as it sounds like they were trying to kill as much as possible, cuz if purpose were as dumb as that, well ... it could have been done .. in like minutes, right? stupid stuff), they were killing up to 2M of ...well, very much the same guys every one now knows as terrorist - mostly fortune fighters for money from Arab countries (so the same stuff 1980s in Afgan) ...

There has been no war even remotely worthy in modern history that can be compared to that of the Nazi Germany vs Soviet Russia nothing not even the land mass, resources, man power and generals that fought each other on the eastern front and Russia with all her might that repelled and defeated the third Reich, conquered Manchuria the size of Europe in a matter of day is still here today, Turkey should have chosen her foe wisely, Russia is not the US with her cute little Sherman's patrolling around on the beaches of Normandy.

But then again Mother Russia did lose in Afghanistan . . .
...wrong about Afgan, ... but... me posted somany time about it .. not gonndo again.. but once again ...generally, you'r wrong = SU for sure cannot be called a loser in Afgan in 80s...
.. conserning the above matter - well... SU did like just take Manchuria (as it sounds like they went to occupy it for themselfs) it reather badly kicked arses of very much all Japan's land army - Kwantung... so SU liberated China, reunited it and ... made Communist :partay:
...wow, ...sure.. I may need, ... but question comes... lessons from the people who donno the history at all (really, pal, go check the stuff about WW2 before postings)

...sry, to say.. SU hadn't have intentions to kill Afgani people at the time (I mean it's ridiculous to say they killed 2M of Afganis as it sounds like they were trying to kill as much as possible, cuz if purpose were as dumb as that, well ... it could have been done .. in like minutes, right? stupid stuff), they were killing up to 2M of ...well, very much the same guys every one now knows as terrorist - mostly fortune fighters for money from Arab countries (so the same stuff 1980s in Afgan) ...

...wrong about Afgan, ... but... me posted somany time about it .. not gonndo again.. but once again ...generally, you'r wrong = SU for sure cannot be called a loser in Afgan in 80s...
.. conserning the above matter - well... SU did like just take Manchuria (as it sounds like they went to occupy it for themselfs) it reather badly kicked arses of very much all Japan's land army - Kwantung... so SU liberated China, reunited it and ... made Communist :partay:

Afghanistan is a defeat whether you would like to admit it or not, specially when compared to your previous accomplishments conquering of Manchuria and defeating the third Reich, a stalemate in Afghanistan against the mujaheddin for the Red Army is a defeat, you were a super power possessing an Army that were responsible of accomplishing remarkable feats but could not get the job done in Afghanistan.

Casualties in war doesn't equate to a win or a lost, it is true that Soviet suffered far less casualties when compared to the Afghans but if that's the case then Germans also suffered less casualties when compared to Russia but does that mean the Reich won? no it didn't.
Afghanistan is a defeat whether you would like to admit it or not, specially when compared to your previous accomplishments conquering of Manchuria and defeating the third Reich, a stalemate in Afghanistan against the mujaheddin for the Red Army is a defeat, you were a super power possessing an Army that were responsible of accomplishing remarkable feats but could not get the job done in Afghanistan.

Casualties in war doesn't equate to a win or a lost, it is true that Soviet suffered far less casualties when compared to the Afghans but if that's the case then Germans also suffered less casualties when compared to Russia but does that mean the Reich won? no it didn't.

...well once again Reich lost exactely the same number of soldiers in Estern Front as did the Russian Soldiers - around 8-9 millions (the other question is that all the way they were very cruel to russian civilians, and mostly eastern european SS divisions from romania, hungary and such were making hell in the Planet to the Soviet civilians , something that nobody have seen even from most brutal ISIL/ISIS bastarsd, i.e cutting pregnant womens' stomaches and raping the rest of bodies, ... yep .. all the ugly stuff like that, Mass burn civilians alive in vilages, mass taking babies blood for Reich officers and throwing away their bodied to caves and so on and do forth; as said comparing to that was happening in 'Eastern Front' is pure Hell on the Earth and ISIS are just puppies compared to nazi industy of death, - so they added up to additional 20Millions of civilians dead in SU, where as SU, when came to nazi germany, did experience the same mass murders of german civilians, ... even Stalin said : 'Hitlers are comming to and Going away but german people stays' - which ... well, I don't understand the mercy at all, ... in his place I would order to kill all the Nation of germany for such unprecedented crimes of Human History ...)...

...back on track - I requot myself:
...well, once again kinda, Russia lost in Afgan around 15.000 people, which is bad, but compare, say, with Americans lost 150.000 people and up to 65% of ALL its aircraft fleet in Vietnam; and guess what, ... it seems like 'western aliance' comes to 10.000 people lost now... soooo..
no, all military tasks by late 1980s was 99,9% solved by SU in afgan, Pak/Afgan border were becoming locked, and ..actually, there were up to 1.7 millions islamists killed by SU in afgan (from, probably, all muslim countries of the planet) - the 'flow' was , to say, 'declining' (i.e not many left in the Planet by the time to go fight Russians in Afgan) ..
..so kinda I would say, imho, probably (seems like.. just saying :)) Russians are the best land warriors in the world...
...by 1989 all MILITARY soviet mission in Afgan were almost accompleashed and Najibullāh would continue on with (moderately normaly mondern to call) his county if not fcucking boris yeltisin betraied him... I would agree that Russin lost cold war to West/US, but really, .. didn't it do due/to Afganistan...c'mon
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Afghanistan is a defeat whether you would like to admit it or not, specially when compared to your previous accomplishments conquering of Manchuria and defeating the third Reich, a stalemate in Afghanistan against the mujaheddin for the Red Army is a defeat, you were a super power possessing an Army that were responsible of accomplishing remarkable feats but could not get the job done in Afghanistan.

Casualties in war doesn't equate to a win or a lost, it is true that Soviet suffered far less casualties when compared to the Afghans but if that's the case then Germans also suffered less casualties when compared to Russia but does that mean the Reich won? no it didn't.

Afghanistan wasn't a conventional threatre, AT ALL.

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