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Russia vows to slaughter FSA in cold blood for slaughtering a Russian bomber pilot in cold blood

I think this is planned someone some how wants russian to war with Turkey.. definatily Turkey cant defeat Russia for sure Russia is hug country.. All turkey can gang up with west but they never come on front with russia they watch till turkey get destroy and if russia is weak then they attack russia if needed...
Russia and turkey sud sit together and see where it went wrong and work together against ISIS which is real threat to everyone..
tell me when NATO is already pre occupied with growing wave of jihad in europe which every one knows is done with help of ISIS/ISIL and supported covertlly by SA & turkey will the NATO or US take on russia for turkey other than just a few rosey talk :azn:

thing is this time around priorities are very diffrent and tureky has taken on afight with iran ,iraq/ syria , israel and russia france & USA at the same time thinking its safe cause its in NATO ...... man its gonna be very messy when the angry bear mauls the grey wolf :butcher:
With top secret weapons like the one we used to turn Putin into an emotional teenage girl :) Don't you have some sewage to dive into mate?
You are making your joke himself. Shooting SU 24 was nothing but coward act. You actually give Russia reason or freedom to operate without restrictions. Before S 400 or other advance weaponry would never be allowed by NATO .
Now by handling this difficult situation with cold blood Putin actually gained at the expanse of NATO. Its just the start ..... of bad time for Turkish people.
I never thought I would agree with an Indian. Why don't the Indians side with NATO? I am accustomed to hostile Indians and friendly Pakistanis. Now all the alliances have flipped around. Crazy!
We love russia......We don't want to join hands with NATO( No Action Troll Only)

Wow, how did I miss this massive circle jerk between Russians and their Chinese fanboys. What makes it even more pathetic and cringey is those Indians who are trying to participate in the circle :lol:

Apparently, being unable to properly react against its jet being "wrongfully" shot down from the skies isn't enough to show some people here that Russia is nothing but a small fraction of its former self. It can't **** with countries like Turkey without consequences as we have all seen in the latest incident. Yet you guys are like: "I want to believe" :)

Anyway, don't let me interrupt.
Nothing is Pathetic than turkmen on this forum.
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Turkey , will do what is best for its national Interest. They are correct (planes should not enter their air space) they warned and then they acted.

One must always respect air space however any knee jerk reaction is not productive
dude, that turks shot down su24 has nothing to.do.with so called air space violation .

it is just a excuse.The real reason is ru tries to protect assad gov and kills so many turkmen terrorists.
Before it was scale 1 out of 10. Now it's scale 10 out of 10. For ever 1000 bombs dropped on rebels, 999 will be on FSA, 1 will be on ISIS.

Please provided a source of where you got your numbers from. Thanks.
I never thought I would agree with an Indian. Why don't the Indians side with NATO? I am accustomed to hostile Indians and friendly Pakistanis. Now all the alliances have flipped around. Crazy!

Because it is not in our strategic interests and not to mention we do not trust the Americans. Irrespective of what the Chinese think of Indians, we do not trust the Americans in any remote geostrategic way. Our strategic co-operation will remain with Russia, Israel and France in that order.

Which is why I am continuosly saying on this forum. The Indo China dispute is the easiest for China to solve. We fix current boundaries and move on. India is not a threat to China, if the border issue is solved. With the Indo-China border solved you can concentrate on the loonies in Xinjiang and the South China Sea, while we do our national pass time of dealing with the loonies coming from Pakistan.

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