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Russia vows to slaughter FSA in cold blood for slaughtering a Russian bomber pilot in cold blood

I never thought I would agree with an Indian. Why don't the Indians side with NATO? I am accustomed to hostile Indians and friendly Pakistanis. Now all the alliances have flipped around. Crazy!

You do realize India has always been closer to USSR / Russia than to NATO - heck NATO sent its ships to Bay of Bengal to thwart the Indian Navy in the 71 war.
With top secret weapons like the one we used to turn Putin into an emotional teenage girl :) Don't you have some sewage to dive into mate?
That's only option for you and your heedless PM...when Russia is raining bombs over your tiny country!! You should come out of NATO and see what happens...but you not gonna do that....bunch of sissies hiding behind the tree!! Lol
What's preventing you from protecting your people? What happened to the Turkish arrogance that you can take on mother Russia in war?

You didn't like Russia bombing your people and killed a Russian. But now Russia has doubled down on bombing your people and the Turkish Air Force is nowhere to be found.

How does it feel to be powerless when your own people are getting slaughtered?

For every Russian death, thousands of Turks are dying.

Russians have been humiliating the Turks war after war for centuries.

Don't ever mess with Russia.
Maaaan, you are interesting Turkmens more than us. Over 4 years regime killing them. We didn't any big moves before. It's not about Russia. Don't worry worlds not ruling by the fools like you. This is a long run. This is a proxy war. This is a Cold War. Get some milk and sleep well. You are psychologically down.
Dude, it's me........... are you kidding me? I've literally witnessed the baby steps Turkey took to get where it is today, I'm very well aware of it's capabilities and it's failings.......... it's Russia you're talking about........... there's a point where bravado meets insanity................. and it's our duty to disengage just one notch before that........... that being, using the cannon to shoot off the bow of the intruding Russian aircraft, instead of blowing it to smithereens with AMRAAM would have sufficed. In such situation, you need to use your brains more than your nuts.

And that point was breached by Russia when they ignored all the previous warnings of Turkey at every level on how serious we are about our borders. Hopefully, now they know.

Turkey 'cannot endure' Russian violation of airspace, president says | World news | The Guardian

I'm not gonna start with the current RoE along with the Syrian border
I think this is planned someone some how wants russian to war with Turkey.. definatily Turkey cant defeat Russia for sure Russia is hug country.. All turkey can gang up with west but they never come on front with russia they watch till turkey get destroy and if russia is weak then they attack russia if needed...
Russia and turkey sud sit together and see where it went wrong and work together against ISIS which is real threat to everyone..
What have u done FSA?:disagree: btw love for Russia is real on this forum even americans are loving them strange i must say:blink:
Ultron isn't American :rofl:

and where is the source that says Russia vows to slaughter FSA in cold blood?? :butcher::butcher:
Wow, how did I miss this massive circle jerk between Russians and their Chinese fanboys. What makes it even more pathetic and cringey is those Indians who are trying to participate in the circle :lol:

Apparently, being unable to properly react against its jet being "wrongfully" shot down from the skies isn't enough to show some people here that Russia is nothing but a small fraction of its former self. It can't **** with countries like Turkey without consequences as we have all seen in the latest incident. Yet you guys are like: "I want to believe" :)

Anyway, don't let me interrupt.

We would invite you to circle jerk - but you probably are scared of being bobbited by the Russians? Oh well. Understandable. You can clean up after the circle jerk is over.
Did you ever read history?

US fought wars with Germany and Japan during WW II; simultaneously at one point. While USSR and US defeated Germany with joint effort, US defeated Japan on its own.

Iraq was also a decent military power during 1990s. US fought a war with Iraq and soundly defeated it.

Wrong。The Japs Kwantung Army(Manchurian Army)with a total strength of over 1 million men surrendered to the Red Army wholesale。
Getting cosy with one big boy at the cost of another always ends in disaster........ people who don't learn from the mistakes of others and don't heed advice of friends, end up in the gutters of history........... America is no ones ally, and NATO is personal bitch of the Yanks ONLY.......... hell will freeze over before they sacrifice their personal interests for the well being and honor of Turkey................ Try to look up on what Russia means in context of war.................. not many have survived it's wrath, actually only one, Pakistan, that too was betrayed in the end by it's buddy.

So true!

Philippine is another "Turkey". Just watch how it fares when China decides not to hold anymore.
Before it was scale 1 out of 10. Now it's scale 10 out of 10. For ever 1000 bombs dropped on rebels, 999 will be on FSA, 1 will be on ISIS.
And that somehow makes you happy and excited?

What is wrong with you guys?
Lets all pray that common sense prevail!! IF ANYONE HERE THINKS THEY WILL COME OUT OF SUCH A WAR AS A WINNER, i have yet to come across a bigger fool!!
so a chinese? :D

lel i didn't even thought about that :angel:

when he was known as Superboy he had Canadian flags and I got a vibe he was Chinese. Probably from Vancouver or he's just a clever troll.
These idiots should've known who they just provoked. Russian's are ruthless. They don't give a rats @$$ about human rights violations. And neither can the Americans or NATO do a sh!t to stop the Russians from slaughtering the Turkmen and FSA militias. America's don't give two hoots for their Arab pawns and won't risk WW3 for some ragtag militias.

Russians know how to break the will of a people through brute force.

I still havent been able to figure out why Turkey had to so such a thing . Having shot down an aircraft of a nation which is not at war with you & killing its pilot to me shows only one thing - lack of control.

Turkey , will do what is best for its national Interest. They are correct (planes should not enter their air space) they warned and then they acted.

One must always respect air space however any knee jerk reaction is not productive

Even in an Indo Pak context we do not shoot down each others aircraft unless either we are at war or have reason to believe hostile intent.

I think Erdogan was playing for his domestic audience , maybe there are things unknown to us but this needless escalation defies logic with the existing amount of information we have.

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