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Russia vows to slaughter FSA in cold blood for slaughtering a Russian bomber pilot in cold blood

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Russia destroys Turkish truck convoy headed for Syrian militants -- Erdogan silent - Fort Russ

November 26, 2015
Translated from Russian by Tom Winter
With additional photos supplied by Fort Russ

Last night (November 25) the first photos and video came up of the destroyed Turkish convoy that arrived in the militant-controlled city of Azaz. First, some photos:

Well, all in the same spirit, some information about what kind of city is this, and why is this news you need to focus on. The town Azaz is located in the north of Syria, almost on the border with Turkey. The city is a hub, where Turkish aid (weapons, ammunition, drugs, rations etc.) are dumped off. Then with all his "help" they begin to disperse it to other cities under militant control, as well as camps and fortified places.
Map. Azaz is circled in red:

As you can see, it's about five km from the Turkish border. Speaking of buffer zones, Turkey was expecting to make this city an absolute springboard, out of reach of Syrian army strikes. It did not happen. But until today, due to the remoteness of the Syrian army from it, as well as a number of geopolitical reasons, attacks were not mounted on this city.
But today the Russian air force eliminated an entire column of trucks loaded with supplies intended for the militants, there since yesterday. In any other comparable situation, the Turkish government and Erdogan in person, would have complained of Russia bombing trucks laden with Humanitarian Aid, but now, they can't afford to.
Thus Russia continues wiping out all objectives near the Turkish border, utterly ignoring the interests of Turkey (previously observed). It can now be affirmed that Turkey no longer is getting cheap oil, the militants can't get normal supplies, and border crossings by Turkish vehicles will be stopped by strikes from the Russian Air Force.

Since yesterday, Russia has been mounting massive air and artillery strikes (with the Syrian army) in the border areas with Turkey. And it means the destruction of the supply infrastructure, which was established by Turkey in these years of the war in Syria.
P.S. We learn from the Turkish press that 20 trucks were destroyed, seven killed, and 10 were injured by the strikes and the consequent fires.

I am waiting for the bravado Turkish hawk to save them :enjoy:
When is the Turkish military going to protect its own Turkmen people from getting bombed by Russia?

Thousands of Turkmen are dying, when is Turkey coming to their rescue?

Turkey has rescued not only Turkmens but over 2 MILLION Syrians since the beginning of the war. The ones in Syria are the ones willingly fighting against the regime. Most of them are already in the safety of Turkey. Though, Turkey doesn't have any obligation to protect anyone but itself and its borders. Russia just experienced how serious we are about our borders first hand and it is still in shock caused by 5 decades of arrogance popped like a ballon.
And I feel Turkey just fell into the trap And dragged NATO with it...Now this gave a Russia reason to deploy s400 along the border and its known to have abm capabilities...and with those radars Russia gets early warning capabilities for missiles in the region....if Russia managed to defeat ISIS and put Assad back to power...
Russia will have full access to Syria for its military activities...to contain NATO and its missile shield...as usual Turks failed to look at the bigger picture!!!
Turkey has rescued not only Turkmens but over 2 MILLION Syrians since the beginning of the war. The ones in Syria are the ones willingly fighting against the regime. Most of them are already in the safety of Turkey. Though, Turkey doesn't have any obligation to protect anyone but itself and its borders. Russia just experienced how serious we are about our borders first hand.
This just some how impotence Turkish when comes to syria situation. You can only watch those syria Turkmen got slaughter. Dont start the game you cant afford to finish.
I know people in Moscow who drive around in their G63s with 12 gauge shotguns on the passenger seat looking for a fight. These people are millionaires who can live a life of luxury anywhere in the world but still choose to be outside punching others in the face. We are fighters by nature. We love blood, destruction and murder of our enemies and their families.

And the turks think that somehow we are afraid of a war.

Now theS400 is in place and its only a matter of time before a Turkish jet is shot down for entering Syrian airspace. Then the real fun starts.

The Dmitri Donskoi Akula sub is parked right in the med and has 120 nuclear warheads in its 20 Bulava ballistic missiles. Each warhead has a 150 kt yield which is about 10 time the power of the ones dropped over Japan in WW2. The missiles have an 8,000 km range.

We can literally wipe the entire existence of turkey off the map if required. Their entire history and culture like ottomans and kebabs etc. We can make everything go up in radioactive smoke if they decide to escalate things.
So what happend in Afghanistan?
This just some how impotence Turkish when comes to syria situation. You can only watch those syria Turkmen got slaughter. Dont start the game you cant afford to finish.

Russia started that game and ended up with two dead pilots and downed jet and a helicopter. Yet, it can't do shit other than hitting aid convoys in Syria, then denying the responsibility :)
I know people in Moscow who drive around in their G63s with 12 gauge shotguns on the passenger seat looking for a fight. These people are millionaires who can live a life of luxury anywhere in the world but still choose to be outside punching others in the face. We are fighters by nature. We love blood, destruction and murder of our enemies and their families.

And the turks think that somehow we are afraid of a war.

Now theS400 is in place and its only a matter of time before a Turkish jet is shot down for entering Syrian airspace. Then the real fun starts.

The Dmitri Donskoi Akula sub is parked right in the med and has 120 nuclear warheads in its 20 Bulava ballistic missiles. Each warhead has a 150 kt yield which is about 10 time the power of the ones dropped over Japan in WW2. The missiles have an 8,000 km range.

We can literally wipe the entire existence of turkey off the map if required. Their entire history and culture like ottomans and kebabs etc. We can make everything go up in radioactive smoke if they decide to escalate things.

These idiots do no know with whom they are messing. And that too totally unnecessary. There was absolutely no need to mess Russia without any reason.
Getting cosy with one big boy at the cost of another always ends in disaster........ people who don't learn from the mistakes of others and don't heed advice of friends, end up in the gutters of history........... America is no ones ally, and NATO is personal bitch of the Yanks ONLY.......... hell will freeze over before they sacrifice their personal interests for the well being and honor of Turkey................ Try to look up on what Russia means in context of war.................. not many have survived it's wrath, actually only one, Pakistan, that too was betrayed in the end by it's buddy.

The fact that Turkey enjoys the perks of being a NATO member doesn't mean it relies solely on NATO or US to protect itself. In fact we are aware that we would be mostly left alone if shit hit the fan hence the rapid expansion in our self sufficiency in military field. Turkey is more than capable to protect itself against any country in the region without NATO's backing.

Yeah I know how scary the Russians are in war. Shooting down commercial airplanes, aid convoys, and shit :)
The fact that Turkey enjoys the perks of being a NATO member doesn't mean it relies solely on NATO or US to protect itself. In fact we are aware that we would be mostly left alone if shit hit the fan hence the rapid expansion in our self sufficiency in military field. Turkey is more than capable to protect itself against any country in the region without NATO's backing.

Yeah I know how scary the Russians are in war. Shooting down commercial airplanes, aid convoys, and shit :)
With what?
Before it was scale 1 out of 10. Now it's scale 10 out of 10. For ever 1000 bombs dropped on rebels, 999 will be on FSA, 1 will be on ISIS.
Russia was always bombing FSA, ISIS is a indirect friend to Assad and hence a friend for Russia. There's no point Russians would be engaging ISIS in any significant scale before FSA is eliminated.
Dude, it's me........... are you kidding me? I've literally witnessed the baby steps Turkey took to get where it is today, I'm very well aware of it's capabilities and it's failings.......... it's Russia you're talking about........... there's a point where bravado meets insanity................. and it's our duty to disengage just one notch before that........... that being, using the cannon to shoot off the bow of the intruding Russian aircraft, instead of blowing it to smithereens with AMRAAM would have sufficed. In such situation, you need to use your brains more than your nuts.

Turkey is more than capable to protect itself against any country in the region without NATO's backing.
It was Russia which broke Hitler invasion spree. Russia was late to enter the party but first in finishing things off. The way Russians recaptured their lost land is still a nightmare for the west. Don't you see West has no ball to go on one on one battle. Rather gang bang like cowards. But Russians stand alone and deliver some deadly blows. Americans never went to a war against decent Army or Airforce or Navy. But they attacked many countries. But till now never touch the Russians. Why? Afraid? Nope. They are cleaver. War with Russia is like death wish with Instant Delivery

Nope. Actually, Soviet Russia was initially a Nazi ally - Soviet Union and Germany invaded Poland together and Hiter and Stalin signed a No-War pact. Hitler broke the pact and invaded USSR which led Stalin to ally himself with UK, France and USA.
Turkey has rescued not only Turkmens but over 2 MILLION Syrians since the beginning of the war. The ones in Syria are the ones willingly fighting against the regime. Most of them are already in the safety of Turkey. Though, Turkey doesn't have any obligation to protect anyone but itself and its borders. Russia just experienced how serious we are about our borders first hand and it is still in shock caused by 5 decades of arrogance popped like a ballon.

What's preventing you from protecting your people? What happened to the Turkish arrogance that you can take on mother Russia in war?

You didn't like Russia bombing your people and killed a Russian. But now Russia has doubled down on bombing your people and the Turkish Air Force is nowhere to be found.

How does it feel to be powerless when your own people are getting slaughtered?

For every Russian death, thousands of Turks are dying.

Russians have been humiliating the Turks war after war for centuries.

Don't ever mess with Russia.

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