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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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@LeGenD perhaps can we consider making a repository thread for sources for members to use please- that would be fantastic.

Thank you.
Please check:

Opera Snapshot_2022-03-05_040058_gab.com.png
You cannot even produce that agreement, let alone declaring it nullified.

Ukraine was in physical ownership of 1700 Soviet nuclear warheads. Russia was too weak to get them back. Russia seduced/convinced Ukraine to give up the nukes based on a non-legal doc. Ukraine agreed and complied to Russia's wishes. Now Russia is 1700 nuclear warheads more powerful.

And Ukraine is in the wrong?
This ukraine do not exist any longer after the coup. And YOU, the USA, destroyed it. But keep parroting the same point and don't forget the word WRITTEN.

The amount of arrogance and mendacity from you could be straight out of nazi germany. But hey, they copied your nazi ideology back then, you as the anglosaxons are the genuine inventors. So your behavrior is no suprise at all.
Please check:

Just did and thank you for taking the effort to compile that. I could t offer you a positive on that thread so have offered on here.
After Ukraine lost the world's largest An-225 Mriya in the ongoing war with Russia, the largest battleship of the Ukrainian Navy faced the same fate.


A photo widely shared on Twitter on March 3 shows the 30-year-old Hetman Sagaidachny (U130) frigate Krivak III/Menzhinskiy sitting half-submerged on its side in the coastal city of Mykolaiv.

The US isn't without flaws and it can never be all things to all people. Criticism is ok, but when people bearing our flag on PDF wish harm to befall our country - that is not ok. If the US has caused you to become bitter -then leave.

Agree. Its ok to critize and even hate sometimes your own countrey, but do not wish for bad things to happen to it.

OTOH Its ok to wish that bad things happen to those who made bad choices for your country.
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Again youre painting it as if Americans have unrestricted freedom of speech and that voting really counts.
Yes and yes.

In reality i would sat yes in certain areas America has more freedom of expressiok and speech but in other areas it prevents freedom of speech. In america you are not allowed to openly say or publish things which compromise national security, and rightly so. But still its a limitation of freedom of speech. You are not allowed to boycott israeli productc in many states. Teachers has to do a oath where they sign that they support Israel.
Regarding the highlighted, please provide LEGAL edicts.

In summary: ameica does not have absolute freedom of speech, what you have is a consensus based framework for what is acceptable or not.
To say 'absolute' implies conditions. The word 'absolute' overrides all conditions, even future ones. That is not what am talking about.

The US believe in 'free speech' as a philosophical and moral principle for the country, meaning every proposal, not yet law, that even hinted at infringing upon speech must be examined to see if there are political underpinnings of that proposal. An often used example is yelling fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire. That is illegal. Not because there are any political underpinnings of the law but of humane consequences. The word 'humane' means towards people. So from this perspective, the US does have SITUATIONAL constraints on speech, but not on restricting speech on general principle.

By large the limits of freedom of expression is controlled by your media, which in reality are 5-10 big media conglomerates, owned and controlled by only a few people.

When it comes to voting, you think you have a say when in reality its the money and media who decides whos going to win. People only vote according to the information they have access to, and that information is controlled by media.
Media is speech. Money is speech. The AARP is a lobby for seniors and they need money to speak for the elderly. Is that wrong?
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