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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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They say they're winning so hard.... Then why do they need child soldiers and a penal legion?

Do they realize that soldiers can legally shoot armed civilians on the spot as militants?

This is irresponsible to risk the lives of children.
This is just for local consumption let’s take stock don’t you remember school children being taught how to shoot in Pakistan following APS


Points we have to accept:
  • Ukraine is at war with Russia
  • How Ukraine choose to inspire its people is for her government and people to decide
It gives me a big chuckle when I point out all the so-called experts here who made reply after reply after long winded reply saying there is no way Putin would invade Ukraine and all this talk by the US of an invasion was fakeNews. When Russian officials stood up and actively denied an invasion was imminent the weak minded sheep again got up and pointed out this as proof of US lies.

Then after Putin invades the tune changes from "he would never invade" to "oh..uh..they deserve to be invaded..yes..yes..that's it".
All you could have done was a friendly exchange of pleasantries.

I asked you wassup. You should've said same old same old bro.

Anyway I think of you as an old chum. Even if the feeling is not reciprocated.
This breaks my heart because this majestic aircraft was part of the relief efforts during the 2005 earthquake and not many people may know that.

It should have been respected.. but Russians were afraid of it being used for transporting more arms and ammunition to Ukraine..
Stop talking nonesse and allow Russian missiles in Cuba then.
The US did not invade Cuba and the Soviet Union PEACEFULLY removed the missiles after negotiations.

The Cuban Missile Crisis actually supports our argument. Yes, we did pressured Cuba to the extent that we did a naval blockade on the island. But at the same time, we negotiated with the Soviet Union on how to resolve the crisis PEACEFULLY. In the end, we left Cuba alone to this day. Whereas, Russia seduced/convinced Ukraine to give up nuclear weapons in exchange for sovereignty. All parties worked peacefully. Now Russia invaded Ukraine because Poutine wanted to make a name in Russian history. Not because of perceived NATO threat.
It should have been respected.. but Russians were afraid of it being used for transporting more arms and ammunition to Ukraine..
I thought Ukrainians destroyed it though? From my understanding it got taken out when Ukrainians shelled Antonov airport to retake it from Russian airborne troops.
the US does have SITUATIONAL constraints on speech, but not on restricting speech on general principle

You are here essentialy describing freedom speech in Islam.

So what is so unique then about USA? You just happen to be at the zenith of your civilization lifecycle, so money and decadence allows more personal freedoms. Ottoman empire during the Late 1700s to late 1800s was also around its zenith and the society was far more liberal than forexample America and Europe at that time.
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Interesting piece on the economic aspects of the sanctions. About 20 minutes.

I thought Ukrainians destroyed it though? From my understanding it got taken out when Ukrainians shelled Antonov airport to retake it from Russian airborne troops.

They said just like how Russia is shelling apartment buildings they shelled the AN-225 hangar.
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