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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Commander? Is he planning the war himself? And he ordered a full mobilization in the end of the second day of the war? He's just lucky the West is giving him anti-tank weapons and Turkey is giving him drones. Where are all the super weapons Ukrainians had been designing for years?

To be fair, Ukrainians had some good prototypes or what would be worth to try out at least.
They had many good REALISTIC ideas but they didn't work out in the end - too much corruption.
They COULD have had a strong army after 2014 but excactly nothing happened. Now they pay the prize.
To be fair, Ukrainians had some good prototypes or what would be worth to try out at least.
They had many good REALISTIC ideas but they didn't work out in the end - too much corruption.
They COULD have had a strong army after 2014 but excactly nothing happened. Now they pay the prize.
I know,they just did nothing. They had many ideas but they hardly did anything about it. Those oligarchs could have helped their country by funding the defence,but...they even left the country when war started.

Polite notice to all - please don’t resort to abuse or personal attacks. Let’s be civilised, the war is in Ukraine and not on PDF.

Long after this conflict comes (hopefully) to a conclusion, we will all still be here and many of us are I’d like to thing (pdf friends).

So everyone please tone down the anger, these debates can get a little emotive but that is no cause for personal attacks or to lose one’s temper.

Might I suggest perhaps dipping out into another thread or listening to whale music 😂.

Let’s be kind to each other please.

There is also the ignore option. You can't stand with someone's gibberish, put the cursor on their profile and clock ignore. Bingo, you won't see their gibberish any more. Sigh of relief for not seeing their diarrhea. I'm pretty sure @gambit is a big candidate for being ignored. He is telling people "You don't agree with me, leave America". What kind of gibberish is that?

It just happens to be that there will always be someone who is more smarter, clever, ruthless in their hunger for money and power. If we think its OK, fair and good for the common people that a few individuals can control a nation and manipulate the population as they wish, then why should it be called a democracy? What you have is actually a plutocracy or oligarchy who throw some bones at the peasantry and keep them busy with entertainment and illusion that voting matter.
Fine. I will indulge you.

Remove money and silence the media because you fear their negative effects in spite of the fact that they do have positive effects as well. We did experimented with this before, and by 'we', am not saying US but other countries. This goes back to my post about contestant ideas.

To be 'contestant' is not merely about competing against each other to win a prize, although, that is one type of contest like a footrace towards a trophy. From a geopolitical perspective, to be 'contestant' is about the ERASURE of one side. There is no trophy. Unless you count survival as winning and the trophy. How do you achieve the erasure of the other side? Only two ways...
  1. War
  2. Conversion
In my comment 10,233 I also mentioned parallel ideas. Parallel ideas do not seek to erase the other side. They peacefully coexists. But contestant ideas must conflict against each other. Maybe not now, but eventually they will.

We know of countries that silenced the media, or so tightly controlled the media, that effectively money became pointless in the media. We call those countries 'communists'. The decades of uneasy existence of contestant ideas were called Cold War yrs. I lived thru and helped defended my side because I believe in money, the media, and money in the media.

Thankfully, there was no hot war between the two sides. But one side was erased from method 2: Conversion. It mean there were a lot of people converted to what I believe. So many people converted that eventually the other side was sufficiently weakened that it fell apart. We won that contest. If there is a trophy, that trophy is the people.

Your criticism is not new. I say this kindly, but it is trite, and actually no longer effective. What I believe in will ALWAYS win in this contest of ideas because ultimately, it is what the people believe.
Someone needs to do something here and end this agony. They need a mediator that guarantees the Russian redlines while ending the tragedy faced by the Ukrainian people. I hope an impartial 3rd country (or countries) come in and mediate them. Perhaps China, Turkey, India, Iran, Pakistan and others can mediate. This suffering 👇needs to come to an end.

That being said, Western powers sacrificing the Ukrainian people while not coming to their aid is really the culprit here. Why did they encourage the stupid Zelensky guy if they weren't gonna fully back him? This is madness.
Someone needs to do something here and end this agony. They need a mediator that guarantees the Russian redlines while ending the tragedy faced by the Ukrainian people. I hope an impartial 3rd country (or countries) come in and mediate them. Perhaps China, Turkey, India, Iran, Pakistan and others can mediate. This suffering 👇needs to come to an end.

That being said, Western powers sacrificing the Ukrainian people while not coming to their aid is really the culprit here. Why did they encourage the stupid Zelensky guy if they weren't gonna fully back him? This is madness.
Turkey is offering to host mediation talks.
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