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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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So are we going to get a good news soon that the war has finally ended?

I hope so! I think Mariupol is the key. I think Russia will conquer that city and then either ask for a ceasefire or go for Odessa to cut off Ukraine's sea access. The rest, except the Donbas region, is just smoke screen.
You seem to think Russia desires a direct war against NATO?

No, but Ukraine surely looked like an ideal raiding target, if not to say "seductively plumpy" as a prey. 40 million people, giant industry (comparatively to Russia,) arms, and military hardware factories, double digit of Europe's grain, sea access, lots of "nobrainer" business opportunities like hauling drugs to EU.... and virtually no army for country of such size.

Russia never ever attacked a stronger enemy in a few hundred years as my knowledge of history tells. Russia got our Northeastern lands without firing a shot, through trickery. British did the shooting, and Russia did the landgrab.

It been very predictable in conquering 50+ independent nations over the last 3 centuries. They only fight "free" wars, with zero chance of enemy turning the table, either through allied treaties (WW1, Persia, Balkans, China,) or having the "run away before the winter comes" card in the pocket if the invasion fails.

And natoified Ukraine — a prey turning predator overnight is indeed complete breakdown of the plan, and the overall political system.

It's very much like Japs made them a new one in 1905, and they jumped into WW1 because Moscow was desperate to save the "scary russian bear" image.

I am completely not convinced with Putin-Hitler analogy. Putin is no Hitler, he thinks completely differently. He is more like a financial professional, or better say "hostile takeover artist."

Military-wise, I simply see no analogies whatsoever, he is a man outside of that domain. I see not a single piece of military strategy he ever executed besides "grab all troops, and dump them there"

A more befitting analogy, I think, will be with Dongbei gang bros. Tatooed fatties, loud, scare showoff guys who tax granny traders, and call themselves triads.

When they finally get themselves into trouble, and run into real Canto mafia, they start to sweat profusely, shout, scream, shoot their gun in the air, only to be taken out without noise, and further ceremonies. And then, they disappear.

And after this happens, they will be out of the town for the next 2-3 years for sure.
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There was a specific question, for a specific situation. Pentagon sponsored Bio Weapon labs in Ukraine should be investigated by UNO so that the world can get to know the truth.

You are all over the place. Please NEVER ever think to change profession to become a lawyer, you are gonna get kicked out of the court and banned for life by the judge for contempt of court after first appearance if you ever try to argue like that.


As I said, please continue spreading one sided propaganda. I have never seen you criticizing US or NATO for their countless illegal wars around the world. And I dont think I will ever see you demanding war crime investigations for them either.

so yep... go on...
Why? Haven't I have already told you we see you as dirt? And that might is right??

I mean how would I be a hypocrite when I believe on those theory (Which is true by the way) and I stick by it. I would be a hypocrite if I DID NOT STICK by those value.

Dude, you have some memory issue.....
Well, then you need to talk to WHO, not me

And you are not "neutral", you are selective about the circumstance. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see you are just patronizing my question.

And at least I took side. Now go tell the Chinese they should accept Australia and US demand and let WHO inspect their lab. Really, you should go tell them that if you want to claim you are not a "Hypocrite"
Time to wake up dude, WHO already investigated Chinese lab twice.
you should ask Jhungary. He is the EXPERT.
Expert of what? ASMR?

Time to wake up dude, WHO already investigated Chinese lab twice.
Think he is talking about some private impartial organisation, he called for a UNO investigation, whatever that mean.

And by the way, I still think they should not have investigated by WHO, if they were indeed looked at it.
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
And you are the dude who post some photo and "Supposed" to be a cadet lol

Where are the tanks, APC? Mate, I gave you a cruiser and a seahawk helicopter. And you give me a bunch of dude and a trophy. LOL, that spell sausages fest, not cadet.....

Talking about fake...
Uncle just come to ghaziabad, even autowalas will beat the shit out of ur overburdened brain! Then you will become better human being. Consider it yogic cleansing ( whatever the duk that is)

Uncle just come to ghaziabad, even autowalas will beat the shit out of ur overburdened brain! Then you will become better human being. Consider it yogic cleansing ( whatever the duk that is)
Dude, that did not excuse the fact you said you have "Substantial" combat experience in an active border, and all you show me is a few dude with a trophy, then you go ahead and accuse me of being a fake.......

Dude, at least my photo have a god damn Battleship in the background........
I remember French soldiers helping themselves to vodka,food and warm clothes during their capture of Moscow in 1812.
Wow your old man ...
From what i read russian made scorched land tactic during that time so there was nothing for French to loot :p:
You dont need. It all was already in the media.

I hope to god they do then.

Dude, do you know how much these research is going to cost? A team of Scientist alone would have cost more than millions of dollar (going by the rate of junior medical research specialist pay around $120,000 a year) If Fauci rally do able to do that with a 650,000 grant. Then good on him, we should give him more money for more research, he is saving our money on Bio Weapon development.
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