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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Why? Haven't I have already told you we see you as dirt? And that might is right??

I mean how would I be a hypocrite when I believe on those theory (Which is true by the way) and I stick by it. I would be a hypocrite if I DID NOT STICK by those value.

Dude, you have some memory issue.....

Dude, first of all: Who is this "We"?

You are a Vietnamese who is somehow naturalized. I bet the average Americans see you as "dirt" as well. So land back on earth.

Second: Why dont you keep that line? That you are a hypocrite and believe in "Might is Right". Why keep changing it every few posts?

In some posts you are "well yeah, we did all the war crimes, because we could" and few posts later you are all morals and ethics and "I am not hypocrite" and God knows what.

Why do I get a feeling that you are paid per post? LOL

You are one confused soul!
Dude, first of all: Who is this "We"?

You are a Vietnamese who is somehow naturalized. I bet the average Americans see you as "dirt" as well. So land back on earth.

Second: Why dont you keep that line? That you are a hypocrite and believe in "Might is Right". Why keep changing it every few posts?

In some posts you are "well yeah, we did all the war crimes, because we could" and few posts later you are all morals and ethics and "I am not hypocrite" and God knows what.

Why do I get a feeling that you are paid per post? LOL

You are one confused soul!
We as in everyone. Dude, even if I am a Vietnamese, I live in the West, I earn much more money than you. So yes, we mean people in the west.

And you want to come prosecute me? Ha!! You on what order?

And apparently, English is not your strong suit either, you should go get a dictionary and seek out the meaning of Hypocrite.


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hyp·o·crite | \ ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit \

Definition of hypocrite

1: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
2: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

Since when did I do either of the definition. I don't put a false appearance of virtual or religion. And I never contradict to what I state or believe. Believing Might is Right is not being a hypocrite. If I say I don't believe in Might (Which as you can see, I never as I always see I am better than you) then I am a Hypocrite.....

Dude, you probably need to learn some English too....
Dude, that did not excuse the fact you said you have "Substantial" combat experience in an active border, and all you show me is a few dude with a trophy, then you go ahead and accuse me of being a fake.......

Dude, at least my photo have a god damn Battleship in the background........
You're a nobody to be shown anything!
I posted that pic from my National defence academy days( nearly 21 years ago) while I was taking about crying west Point cadets, crying in simple map reading exercises under cadets exchange program between usa and indian National defence academy.
Look at the Anti-tank weapons they got! That's a lot of stuff there!

Screenshot_2022-03-21 List of equipment of the Ukrainian Ground Forces - Wikipedia.jpg
We as in everyone. Dude, even if I am a Vietnamese, I live in the West, I earn much more money than you. So yes, we mean people in the west.

And you want to come prosecute me? Ha!! You on what order?

And apparently, English is not your strong suit either, you should go get a dictionary and seek out the meaning of Hypocrite.

And now the ex- ranger, navy seal, commando, diver, gunner, intelligence officer think ( just by the fancy of his imagination) that some one on net talking to him makes less money!
You're a nobody to be shown anything!
I posted that pic from my National defence academy days( nearly 21 years ago) while I was taking about crying west Point cadets, crying in simple map reading exercises under cadets exchange program between usa and indian National defence academy.
Dude, you show me a photo of 6 dude crouching together, it could have been anywhere. It could have been your mother basement for all I know, How do I know that was National Defence Academy? Did it say anywhere? If I take a picture on my backyard, then can I say it was the rose lawn in the white house??
Funny though that it is only reported by dubious Russian sources,most likely BS. Just like that Canadian sniper who magically sneaked in Mariupol (that's supposed to be encircled from everywhere!) and somehow was killed 20 minutes after getting into battle. :disagree:

Lmao. His Video is also available wherein he ran to Poland. :azn:
If I were Biden, I would've went for first strike in the first minutes of the conflict to:
  1. Not let nuclear C&C get into actual "serious military mode"
  2. Catch staging forces in the field off guard
Biden is a genuinely weak in all (dis)respects leader

Sometimes he just look, for lack of other words, confused
— something which is lethal at war

The moment you lose track of the enemy strategy, you lose an ability to counter it
Joe Bidet is in mental decline. A neighbor is a retired nurse and in her final career yrs, she worked with hospice patients. She is a centrist Democrat. When the country was still in semi-lockdown after Bidet was elected, we enjoyed a few beers outside our houses. We did not masked and stood close for conversation like normal people. She told me that Bidet exhibited all the symptoms of someone in early mental decline, from the short stepping gait to squinting eyes. She said the squinting eyes gave him away, that is when the patient still have full mental faculties but strains to concentrate to focus. She believes that Bidet is on drugs to help him focus and that his wife Jill is essentially guilty of elder abuse for letting Bidet continue as is.

People must suffer their leaders and policies, and currently, the US is suffering Bidet. For all my yrs of political awareness, and I lived thru the mid to late 1970s Saudi oil embargo against US, I have never seen the country went thru so many negative changes in one yr. COVID is no excuse. Bidet is in mental decline that made him weak against political stresses, especially from ideologues inside the Democratic Party. As stresses from political issues mounts, Bidet's physical being will accelerate his decline. As time passes, the odds of a catastrophic event increases. If whatever drugs Bidet is taking fails, that catastrophic event will do serious damage to the US. Anything from loss of concentration in front of other world leaders, or something worse like heart failure, qualifies as a catastrophic event. The context of 'catastrophic' here is the point of no return. So if Bidet lost concentration in front of world leaders and/or the global public, how do we know he had not other events in private? We do not. The press once covered for Roosevelt's wheelchair and then Kennedy's various physical ailments. Today, they covered for Bidet's son Hunter's life as a drug addict and exploiter of the family name. So they are covering for Bidet's mental decline now.
We as in everyone. Dude, even if I am a Vietnamese, I live in the West, I earn much more money than you. So yes, we mean people in the west.


LOL. Whatever man.

Keep entertaining us with your imaginations about postings around the world and all the first hand experiences :P.

Back to topic:

German defense minister says Germany has at this moment no plans to build hypersonic weapons.
I hope to god they do then.

Dude, do you know how much these research is going to cost? A team of Scientist alone would have cost more than millions of dollar (going by the rate of junior medical research specialist pay around $120,000 a year) If Fauci rally do able to do that with a 650,000 grant. Then good on him, we should give him more money for more research, he is saving our money on Bio Weapon development.

Bullshit! Corona is SARS-Cov 2. The US experimented with SARS-COV 1 in Wuhan and suddenly there was the first SARS-COV 2 outbreak in Wuhan. The same US do in other Labs with different viruses over the whole world, e.g. Ukraine. Most of the US inhabitants are ok, but the US itself is the worlds biggest criminal shit.
And now the ex- ranger, navy seal, commando, diver, gunner, intelligence officer think ( just by the fancy of his imagination) that some one on net talking to him makes less money!
Gary and I are also Space Shuttle door gunners. The Space Shuttle program is still going in secret.
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