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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I still miss the facepalm smiley at the like button.

Dude, you really do think US does not have a Biological Weapon Program?

I mean, if this can be done cheap, then why not?

I mean, what's the facepalm for?? You think if Russian or China can do it for $650,000, they wouldn't do it?

Now that's a facepalm........
man you're desperate there was nearly nothing left you understand what scorched land(earth) means? that was one of problems why napoleon lost logistic :p:
So in ALL of Russia from what is now Belarus up to Moscow there was nothing? It was all gone. It magically disappeared. Everything was burned down.

I think that YOU are the desperate one.

"The frequency of looting by the French army and the local population increased as the occupation continued. Initially, looting was driven by wealth but later it was for food. Civilians were killed by troops. Attempts by French commanders to maintain discipline failed and soldiers would openly disobey the orders of their officers; as such, many French soldiers took part in these war crimes, even those of the elite Imperial Guard joining their comrades in looting and attacking civilians.[31] The locals sometimes called the French "pagans" or "basurmans" which depicted the French as godless, as the desecration of local churches was systematically done by the French army to fill Napoleon's war chest."

"Davout had lost 10,000 men marching to Minsk, which he reached on the 8th and would not attack Bagration without Jerome joining him. He ordered Polish cavalry to search for the thousands of looting soldiers who stayed behind."
Disinformation and war propaganda continue on both sides.

One obvious example: These images were posted as Ukrainian cities on some Ukraine supporter social media accounts. However, in real, the video taken just after the explosion in Lebanon.

Those who look carefully could understand that this is fake report (climate structures etc.), but the majority of fast-food social media users such as at tik tok do not have this awareness.
Dude, you really do think US does not have a Biological Weapon Program?

I mean, if this can be done cheap, then why not?

I mean, what's the facepalm for?? You think if Russian or China can do it for $650,000, they wouldn't do it?

Now that's a facepalm........

The facepalm is for that you dont understand that SARS-COV 2 crash the whole world cause US experimented with SARS-COV 1 to possibly get a bioweapon. Bioweapons cant be stoppt. If you use one, then you kick your own arse in the long run - see SARS-COV-2. So that is why bioweapons are forbidden. If anyone do not understand this - even he has all facts about it - then there is a facepalm smiley needed.
Didn't North Vietnam attack South Vietnam again and again? Didn't the PAVN and Viet Cong fight a long war to take over South Vietnam? How many of your compatriots did you kill? How many ARVN soldiers and civilians that you considered "counter-revolutionary" did you kill? Don't blame Putin then. Uncle Ho did worse things. Far worse.

I'm sure even @gambit will agree with me on this
No comparison
That was Vietnam civil war.
Like north and South Korea.
Or North and South States in US civil war.
The facepalm is for that you dont understand that SARS-COV 2 crash the whole world cause US experimented with SARS-COV 1 to possibly get a bioweapon. Bioweapons cant be stoppt. If you use one, then you kick your own arse in the long run - see SARS-COV-2. So that is why bioweapons are forbidden. If anyone do not understand this - even he has all facts about it - then there is a facepalm smiley needed.
Look, tell me what type of weapon will not come a time to bite your *** back one point or another. Your enemy can turn your guns, fighter jet or tank against you. You see a lot of them doing that in Ukraine. That is the nature of weapon. I mean, just because you made it, it does not mean it wouldn't hurt you.

So either you develop weapon or you don't, and by weapon, I mean any type of weapon. Not just guns, artillery or tanks. Yes, in a perfect world, we would not have Biological Weapon, Nuclear Weapon or anything that cannot take back after you had used it, but this is not a perfect world, and in war, whether or not you want to use that, you still want that capability, because if you don't and other do, then you will be in underhand.

I am not a mad man or I am hell bend on ending the world, I am just being a realist. And as I said, people in charge of Military cannot afford the position of "maybe we shouldn't get that as it will blow back up our a$$" If you do that, you lost an edge.
No comparison
That was Vietnam civil war.
Like north and South Korea.
Or North and South States in US civil war.
It wasn't civil war. North Vietnam and South Vietnam were two different countries. The majority of the South didn't want to join you. And they had help from USA just like you had help from China and the Soviet Union.


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Look, tell me what type of weapon will not come a time to bite your *** back one point or another. Your enemy can turn your guns, fighter jet or tank against you. You see a lot of them doing that in Ukraine. That is the nature of weapon. I mean, just because you made it, it does not mean it wouldn't hurt you.

So either you develop weapon or you don't, and by weapon, I mean any type of weapon. Not just guns, artillery or tanks. Yes, in a perfect world, we would not have Biological Weapon, Nuclear Weapon or anything that cannot take back after you had used it, but this is not a perfect world, and in war, whether or not you want to use that, you still want that capability, because if you don't and other do, then you will be in underhand.

I am not a mad man or I am hell bend on ending the world, I am just being a realist. And as I said, people in charge of Military cannot afford the position of "maybe we shouldn't get that as it will blow back up our a$$" If you do that, you lost an edge.
Biological weapons are the most unstable to use. Even Nuclear weapons have a limited range and power. Biological weapons are more dangerous. THAT'S WHY RIPLEY WAS FIGHTING TO KEEP THE ALIENS OFF THE COMPANY'S HANDS! Remember?
Don't misrepresent me. Muslims always got a far worse deal from russia which included genocide and eradication even of the existence of whole muslim civilisations. The west gave muslims 50 independent states. Some with terrible dictators and yes when they tried to get rid of those dictators, may muslims saw this as a war against islam. Because presumably muslims should not be allowed to have democracy?

Nazis were not nice people. they hurt the jews and gypsies in my part of the world. bad bad. I like gypsies. They treated my people quite well. as they did many others in Europe and Middle East. They also totally destroyed all our enemies and freed us of some pig eating Serbian king who had ruled Bosnia for 20 miserable years. Good riddance to him.

a nazi dictator was replaced by a communist dictator. I dont know who was worse. Noone got a vote on choosing the dictator. Communists killed more Bosnians than nazis. so hmmmm.

All we want is democracy and freedom. Much like Ukrainians. Is it too much to ask?
what misrepresentation? lol. You doubled down on what you said before.

There is nothing for west or anyone to "give" anything to muslims in terms of who should be ruling what. Freedom means muslims choose what they want in terms of who should rule them. Telling people what their borders should be and who must be ruling them is not freedom. Your patronizing racist tones are off the charts really.

You are not here for democracy or freedom. You are just doing realpolitik here trying to instigate muslims with "hey look at russia - they are allegedly worse some 500 years ago - that excuses anything happening to you now in palestine or wherever". Despite Tsarist russia is not same as Russian empire which is not same as Bolshevik or Soviet Russia and which is not same as Putin Russia. You are playing an overly clever game which fools none.

who is coming in the way of your democracy or freedom? - definitely not russia. USSR peacefully allowed anyone who wanted to walk away to walk away - that was historically unprecedented. And after that too did Russia bother with any of the countries other than georgia and ukraine? is Russia interfering with bosnia or baltics ?

Moreover you are not west. Yes - if you go to some anglo country - adopt english- relegate your culture to occasional food and festivals - then you will be accepted as a white guy. No one is going to accept bosnian culture as western culture. Just for the pathetic white guy privilege you play so many games here.
Look, tell me what type of weapon will not come a time to bite your *** back one point or another. Your enemy can turn your guns, fighter jet or tank against you. You see a lot of them doing that in Ukraine. That is the nature of weapon. I mean, just because you made it, it does not mean it wouldn't hurt you.

So either you develop weapon or you don't, and by weapon, I mean any type of weapon. Not just guns, artillery or tanks. Yes, in a perfect world, we would not have Biological Weapon, Nuclear Weapon or anything that cannot take back after you had used it, but this is not a perfect world, and in war, whether or not you want to use that, you still want that capability, because if you don't and other do, then you will be in underhand.

I am not a mad man or I am hell bend on ending the world, I am just being a realist. And as I said, people in charge of Military cannot afford the position of "maybe we shouldn't get that as it will blow back up our a$$" If you do that, you lost an edge.
I am waiting for you to become an expert on bio weapons! Like u confidently said no bio weapons lab in ukrain- like you know biology or Pentagon reports to you of it's endeavours.

Wow that would be good.
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