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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Biological weapons are the most unstable to use. Even Nuclear weapons have a limited range and power. Biological weapons are more dangerous. THAT'S WHY RIPLEY WAS FIGHTING TO KEEP THE ALIENS OFF THE COMPANY'S HANDS! Remember?
Well, I guess the point is not really whether or not they are dangerous, but whether or not people are going to develop it regardless.

I can tell you this, US is not the only country that have Biological Weapon, that is a fact, and US is not the only country that have, lets say, a desire, to pursuit Biological Weapon program. So the matter really is, what if I don't have and someone use it.

Whether or not people use it is another matter, but as I said, when you are talking about weapon capability, that has to be full spectrum. Same as Chemical Weapon, and Same as Nuclear Weapon.
Megafon, one of the largest mobile operators in Russia, announced that Telegram usage across the country surpassed WhatsApp for the first time.
I am waiting for you to become an expert on bio weapons! Like u confidently said no bio weapons lab in ukrain- like you know biology or Pentagon reports to you of it's endeavours.

Wow that would be good.
Don't put word in my mouth.

I never said Ukraine do not have Bio Weapon Lab, I said if Ukraine were to develop Biological Weapon with US help, they may as well buy from the US, if US is willing to help anyway. That give them deniability and it's WAY cheaper than try to make one.

I don't believe an investigation is warranted as much as I don't believe in Chinese being investigated by WHO or anyone else is warranted. Because that said international authority is not doing the job they are supposed to do. Sure, if Russia or US (in the case of Wuhan) were able to provide more concrete evidence that Biological Weapon were indeed being developed in those lab, then yes, not when you are just talking about it, or in Russia case, using Victoria Nuland words, which she never even mentioned Biological Weapon.

That's the different, and if you cannot see it, that's your business.

And I don't need to be an expert to talk about stuff, since when have I claimed to be a Biological Weapon expert? Now I can't even have my opinion about stuff now, can't I? Dude, you need to chill, maybe being banned for a few days (hopefully) is good for you. Catch up with your sausage fest buddies for a talk or game of rugby, then come back for a more "sane" discussion.
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Disinformation and war propaganda continue on both sides.

One obvious example: These images were posted as Ukrainian cities on some Ukraine supporter social media accounts. However, in real, the video taken just after the explosion in Lebanon.

Those who look carefully could understand that this is fake report (climate structures etc.), but the majority of fast-food social media users such as at tik tok do not have this awareness.
Most people don't even know were Kharkov is.
Well Kunis is Ukrainian and Hollywood is majority Democrat and anti-Putin. Also Jewish.
Images of the shopping center bombed in Kiev were published in the Russian media.



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Turkish Naval Forces Command, Department of Navigational Hydrography and Oceanography, published Navtex and warned sailors against the danger of mines in the Black Sea.

Ukraine has irresponsibly mined its territorial waters, and then stated that some of them were disconnected and drifted into the current.
Well Kunis is Ukrainian and Hollywood is majority Democrat and anti-Putin. Also Jewish.
I had no idea that she was Ukrainian. Now the donation makes sense.
USSR peacefully allowed anyone who wanted to walk away to walk away - that was historically unprecedented. And after that too did Russia bother with any of the countries other than georgia and ukraine? is Russia interfering with bosnia or baltics

We maybe getting off topic but you are right on this: USSR was still very powerful in late 1980s and yet they (basically, the Russians) let go off their huge empire and that was unprecedented in human history and remains so. I distinctly remember some (left leaning) Pakistani columnists remarked on that aspect of the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

As for @thetutle , I believe he has good insight about eastern Europe but he is wrong to say that Russia's planning is to expand to take back the former USSR states. And he is also wrong to say that this is anything about 'freedom and democracy' or about 'sovereignty'. America has done enough blatant violations of those mighty principles and so has no right to talk about them in this conflict.
I see this conflict as a business opportunity to grab Russia's immense riches, and basically driven by the same few hundreds who make the cabal of American corporations, media agencies, and politicians who led America to the illegal war against Iraq in 2003. The rest is noise and smokescreen, if not outright hypocritic.
Ukraine has irresponsibly mined its territorial waters, and then stated that some of them were disconnected and drifted into the current.

So it was doubble ok that Turkey close the passage.
We maybe getting off topic but you are right on this: USSR was still very powerful in late 1980s and yet they (basically, the Russians) let go off their huge empire and that was unprecedented in human history and remains so. I distinctly remember some (left leaning) Pakistani columnists remarked on that aspect of the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

As for @thetutle , I believe he has good insight about eastern Europe but he is wrong to say that Russia's planning is to expand to take back the former USSR states. And he is also wrong to say that this is anything about 'freedom and democracy' or about 'sovereignty'. America has done enough blatant violations of those mighty principles and so has no right to talk about them in this conflict.
I see this conflict as a business opportunity to grab Russia's immense riches, and basically driven by the same few hundreds who make the cabal of American corporations, media agencies, and politicians who led America to the illegal war against Iraq in 2003. The rest is noise and smokescreen, if not outright hypocritic.

well put. And i may have mixed up parts of @thetutle with another user who was obsessing about old russian empire's quarrel with some khanates here and there almost 5 to 6 centuries ago. But still my points stand as they are.
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