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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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So you do realise that russia can flatten entire cities . Wonder why they aren't doing it to Ukrainian cities? Putin isn't as dumb as west think he is, it's a calculated move that will alter the europe as we know it in forthcoming years.

What a load of BS. Look at Mariupol,Kharkiv to name a few. A calculated move my @ss. Everyone fooled Putin about the Ukrainian adventure,he will never admit that his adventure is currently a failure.
Russian had to choose worst time of the year to invade, weather moving away from snow.
Melting ground becomes soggy, why did they choose this time, could have waited for 2 months.
Ukrain was discussing security pact with usa and overnite ( literally in 24 hours) US air defence and tactical missiles would have moved to Ukraine.
Behind the curtain USA was just about to deploy and cause major headache for Russia. So Russia just took preemptive action.
This is one of Patrick J. Buchannan's biggest lament: The West self-destructing from the World Wars.
Hard to pinpoint why the West went after Germany than against an already expansionist ideological foe like the USSR. I tend to think there were lobbies in the West--powerful, moneyed lobbies, which had been steering the Western policies since at least around the First World War and the Second World War was but an extension of the same direction. But I am just guessing.
Could be, or maybe they just saw that the Soviet Union had about 5% of the population with proper toilets, and figured, better deal with germans first before they make some super weapon and destroy us all.
Putins hidden wife and children are in Switzerland btw. Just you know. Will be interesting to see his reaction when they are in custody.
I find this hard to believe. he's not that stupid. is he?
So you do realise that russia can flatten entire cities . Wonder why they aren't doing it to Ukrainian cities? Putin isn't as dumb as west think he is, it's a calculated move that will alter the europe as we know it in forthcoming years.
Ukrain with all the might of western intelligence platforms to feed information about Russian movement and tactics is still crumbling.
Western media is focussed on - oh look 6 tanks destroyed, 15 people captured everyday, not telling the world 400 sq kilometer were lost.

Dude, are you serious? So according to you Russians are not targeting Ukrainian cities? You say that with a straight face while Mariupol and Kharkiv are basically being destroyed the same way Aleppo was and civilian targets all around Ukraine are being targeted every single day.

Nobody in the West lives in a fairy tale where Ukraine kicks Russia's *** and suffers no losses at all. Everybody here knows that the situation for the civilians and the Ukrainian forces is very serious yet we know that with Ukraine the Russian bear swallowed a porcupine with poisonous needles... All we do now is to pour even more poison in her mouth while it tries to chew it while risking to get a few scratches. It is worth it.
Could be, or maybe they just saw that the Soviet Union had about 5% of the population with proper toilets, and figured, better deal with germans first before they make some super weapon and destroy us all.

I really think Hitler admired the Anglos a lot and simultaneously hated the communists a lot. Left to his own, he would have just focused on the USSR. The megalomania theory, attributed to him, are not unique when you think that America claims an entire hemisphere for itself and Japan, as well as the British Empire, were also expansionist. We come to wrong conclusions when we get the victors' versions of history. And by keep coming to wrong conclusions we, as we human beings, keep repeating the same mistakes and keep causing sufferings as happening in the world right now.
We are too close to the WW 2 to know 'the real truth' about the causes of the war. Give it a few more decades. I am going to stop about the causes of the WW2 so as to not derail the thread anymore.
Dude, are you serious? So according to you Russians are not targeting Ukrainian cities? You say that with a straight face while Mariupol and Kharkiv are basically being destroyed the same way Aleppo was and civilian targets all around Ukraine are being targeted every single day.

Nobody in the West lives in a fairy tale where Ukraine kicks Russia's *** and suffers no losses at all. Everybody here knows that the situation for the civilians and the Ukrainian forces is very serious yet we know that with Ukraine the Russian bear swallowed a porcupine with poisonous needles... All we do now is to pour even more poison in her mouth while it tries to chew it while risking to get a few scratches. It is worth it.
In 2016 Russia had inventory of 180000 500kg unguided ammunition. 230kg was something around 44000.
Basically ww2 era bombs!
Bombers flying high, un challanged can drop them on ukrain any time of choosing. They will toast anything living without nuclear radiation.
And if some how they start loosing they will toast areas with low yield nuclear devices!
You think west or u will stop them! Consider stopping them! And consider destruction of all of living form from earth.
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