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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Calling out a racist is not an insult. It asking you to be better. Hating a people simply because they are a different colour or race or religion is disgusting and belongs to ancient times not 2022. So readjust your meter and stop blaming me for calling you out as a ra ist European. You must know what the rest of Europe thinks of Greeks.... so being labelled as you are by the Europeans isn't nice and then you go and do the same to others. Shame

He is a indian.
I honestly can't dispute the rights of a sovereign nation to choose its destiny. No one would want to be part of the cold, dark country like Russia. I have been calling Russia 'The Sick Man of Europe' in this thread. But, just like Americans have exercised their military power against sovereign nations, Russia is doing the same. It is what it is. Pakistanis are or should be neutral in this conflict except for some perceived gains if China comes ahead from this conflict.
Time would have sorted this all out--as I keep repeating here.
Your view is totally legitimate. But it can not be in Pakistans interest to have a russia which dominates europe, threatens its muslim neighbours like Azerbaijan, Kazakstan, and all of central Asia. Russias ambition is to take European lands and muslim lands. This can not be in Pakistans interests.

Its tempting to enjoy the west getting some of its own medicine, I am sure, but the cost of that medicine to muslims in the region and central Asia is very very high.
If Germany didn’t refuse Ukraine assessment to NATO in 2008, the war would not happen today. Ukraine is defenseless thus Putin sees it as easy prey. He takes Crime, he takes Donbaz, he starts the war to take whole Ukraine. Many see Germany is the main culprit.

Germany has a lot to answer for and many - correctly - hold German decisions as an ingredient into what is happening. Once this is over(one way or the other) - there will be a lot of discussions on German decision making and the consequences of those decisions..
Germany has a lot to answer for and many - correctly - hold German decisions as an ingredient into what is happening. Once this is over(one way or the other) - there will be a lot of discussions on German decision making and the consequences of those decisions..

Well this happenes when you have a weak women like Merkel as chancellor. She decided never anything and just let things develop. I would go so far to check her finances for russian payments in the past.
Are you sure that you are not that Italian dude as you speak exactly the same as he used to do before he got banned and left the forum years ago?

Sorry ro disappoint you. But im 1.85m tall and not an italian dwarf.
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