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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Are you seriously comparing Germany in 1939 to China in 2022.

China is FAR more important to the world economy than Germany was then.

Make no mistake EU would be totally economically devastated. China would suffer too but it is at least one country and so would be better able to ride it out than the 27 nations of the EU who would soon turn on each other as they face different degress of economic devastation.

We need to be realistic and that is there is no way to cut off China from the global economy without seriously damaging yourself too.

Doesnt need to. If China declares war to Europe we should escalate it nuclear anyways.

Sensible post. I don't know why this @Apollon guy and some others here can't see that Russian destiny is with Europe. Yes, there are issues right now and that's partly because of who is in charge of Russia but after Putin is gone, we should expect a less nationalistic leader--or even another self-absorbed drunkard Yeltsin. And I also think Russian intentions, even under Putin, are too hyped up about taking NATO countries. Russia can't even handle Ukraine and here people are talking about Germany and Poland??

Well thats the thing, how end this in Ukraine that our interests are also fullfilled? Its obvious that Europe will not allow Putin to get his way over Ukraine and vice versa. So we will see constant war there till nothing is left. At same time putin is burned as negtotiation partner. So how solve this?
Todays losses is a Russian deputy commander of the Black Sea fleet, ANDREY PALIY, he was shot and killed in or around Mariupol what the hell was he doing knowing other Russian generals have been killed by snipers .and for the Ukrainian it’s a good tactic need to kill as many officers as possible, because the loss of the conscripts mean so little sadly In this conflict for the Russians . generals are regularly putting themselves at risk I’m guessing they not happy or trust at the dedication of there troops. and maybe we can never discount the possibility maybe Western Special Ops teams are integrated with Ukrainian teams - and takeout Russian commanders.
Doesnt need to. If China declares war to Europe we should escalate it nuclear anyways.

Well thats the thing, how end this in Ukraine that our interests are also fullfilled? Its obvious that Europe will not allow Putin to get his way over Ukraine and vice versa. So we will see constant war there till nothing is left. At same time putin is burned as negtotiation partner. So how solve this?

Europe was reluctant and it were the Americans and the British who were gung ho about Ukraine. Biden, in particular, made arrogant remarks just days before the war about not accommodating Russian interests. A face saving should have been given to Putin and now Putin is going to get at least neutrality AND some territories. And you better pray it comes to that otherwise your expressed desire to subdue Russia right now is unlikely to come to fruition. My advice: Make peace and bide your time until Putin goes away. Otherwise, you are playing with fire that can burn Europe far and wide.
Cant i be against Gender Gaga and at same time find Putin to be a laughable disgusting botox pancake face? One does not exclude the other i believe. It was Russia that threatens Europe.
Sure you can but you don't do it on a healthy level without the panic-making hypocritical media.
Russia is - thb - not so strong (conventionally). The problem is, WE are weaker.
Easy fact imo.
Russian national airline Aeroflot closed permanently all stations in Europe. Which means Aeroflot ceases to exist in Europe and most likely doesnt expect to enter Europe anytime soon. Experts say this is s further step towards the death of russian aviation, since Aeroflot is now in its last breath. Several managers left and Aeroflot starts to collapse internal. It is said that Putin was caught totally by suprise as Europe banned all russian aircrafts.

Sure you can but you don't do it on a healthy level without the panic-making hypocritical media.
Russia is - thb - not so strong (conventionally). The problem is, WE are weaker.
Easy fact imo.

I think if Ukraine proves something, than that Russia is incredible weak. Thats a military that no advanced nation must fear. I agree on that
-Darling, what are we going to have for dinner tonight?
Russia is headache of EU not US.. It is well documented in US intel reports that they see China as sole threat against their world order..Their indo pacific strategy is main concern and pivotal ...Do you think Russia has just started a war in anger? NATO has been expanding since many years Russia did not take action then. Now russo-sino alliance thought its best time to counter US global order and for China to keep US at bay from indo pacific .. we dont experience shift in global order in short period of time.. Effects will take time may be 10 - 30 years . Global order has to change in favor of china with this war or without this war..but this war more specifically Russia will expedite the process of Global order shift ...so China has to back Russia in any case.. Actually Russia is China's Ukraine but with more power, lethal, effective and hot headed . even at the expense of liquidation of Russia, China will take it with no worries untill its objectives are met. Got it ..
If Germany didn’t refuse Ukraine assessment to NATO in 2008, the war would not happen today. Ukraine is defenseless thus Putin sees it as easy prey. He takes Crime, he takes Donbaz, he starts the war to take whole Ukraine. Many see Germany is the main culprit.

No. Mate, I am amongst the minority who supports Russia. I believe this is a Proxy War between US & Russia and Ukranians been used as BAIT.

To be honest, I appreciate Germany, France & Turkey's role to seek end to this war via Diplomacy. I pray that Peace Prevails.

I had posted that snapshot image of the NY Times front page yesterday!! It is possible that despite so many losses, Russia would gain enough to strike a hard bargain. Wars maybe 'won' a thousand times in social media but needs to be 'won' only once on the ground!
According to Turkey, Russia and Ukraine are close to an agreement on the "fundamental issues."
Foreign Affairs is working really hard on this, but it is very difficult to get results without flexing some of the prerequisites from both sides.
Europe was reluctant and it were the Americans and the British who were gung ho about Ukraine. Biden, in particular, made arrogant remarks just days before the war about not accommodating Russian interests. A face saving should have been given to Putin and now Putin is going to get at least neutrality AND some territories. And you better pray it comes to that otherwise your expressed desire to subdue Russia right now is unlikely to come to fruition. My advice: Make peace and bide your time until Putin goes away. Otherwise, you are playing with fire that can burn Europe far and wide.

I know Europe was reluctant at first and thats the main problem. Putin did not expect Europe to act which encouraged his attack. But as he attacked the european resolve was extremly hard with basicly declaration of economic war to Russia. If the EU had made clear from beginning what they intend to do, im sure Putin would not have attacked. Unfortunately we are governed by idiots who first appeased and then pulled out the economic nuke on day one.

If i have a conflict with someone i cant act all soft and the suddenly punch all his teeth out. That was our crucial mistake.

From those imbeciles on top. Nobody has read Klausewitz.
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