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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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There maybe still a chance that China supplies Russia with weapons. That could be a game changer in this war.
The number of available tanks in the Inventory is only one dimension of the situation. In that area, Russia already has the world's largest reserve (inactive) inventory. But, tank personnel are invaluable and currently , you losing a battalion of tank personal every day. Another issue is the logistics of tank units. Logistics is everything for tank units. I don't see it likely for Russia to buy a ready-made system from China and put it on the battlefield.
This would mean death of Chinas trade with Europe. I doubg China would declare war to Europe to help Russia...a economic dwarfs war.

China will keep sending warm words but never risk evrything it has build up in last 30 years. It would kill all their european investments including silkroad in an instant

EU is in no state to stop trading with China.

China is the 2nd largest economy in the world and totally integrated in the world supply chain.

Sanctioning both Russia and China at the same time would make the 2007-2008 financial crisis look like a mild slowdown.
ATM we are weak bc of political hippity hoppity decadent-"liberal" promoted values, values coming from the same mouth pieces who are doing their anti-Russian propaganda, so you are falling into their trap.
If we would lose (conventionally) vs the Russians we would deserve it because we became fat, lazy and decadent!
We are Germans who stapled Russians so high the ones down under started to stink when we finish the body tower.
So you are defending the values which are the main reason why we have become weak.
In the end, the Russians and other Europeans have a common history and Russians will always be there, then under different leadership but you must find a neutral ground where both sides win.
Europe needs Russia vs the growing dragon.
I dunno why you don't wanna understand this ordinary fact.

I have no problem with cooperation with Russia as long we are the boss.

I must thank Putin for one thing though. Within one week all the hippies, FFF , gender gagag went silent and mostly disappeared. Europe has woken up and goes to war. its a start and was a necessary awakeneing
I really don't see China providing weapons to Russia - they will offer words that warm enough to smooth Russian egos - but just 'cold enough' to not cause bother with the west that they are not taking sides.

China will not impose sanctions on Russia - they have very clearly said that and we should not doubt that.

China will sit this out - and what comes of it - will come to pass.
EU is in no state to stop trading with China.

China is the 2nd largest economy in the world and totally integrated in the world supply chain.

Sanctioning both Russia and China at the same time would make the 2007-2008 financial crisis look like a mild slowdown.

I guess nobody told Churchill in 1939 when he declared war to Hitler Germany? Germany was 2nd largest economy in the world there as well.

If China declares war to Europe, it would mean war. And in war you dont trade.
Russia says it’s struck another mercenary base in Ukraine

Russian forces hit a Ukrainian special forces training center early on Sunday, killing more than 100 local troops and foreign mercenaries, the Ministry of Defense has claimed.

A Ukrainian Special Operations Forces training center near the town of Ovruch in the northern Zhytomyr Region, which hosted the mercenaries, was targeted by “high-precision air-launched missiles,” ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said during a briefing.

A week ago, Russia destroyed another mercenary base at the Yavoriv range in the western Lviv region, saying that up to 180 foreign fighters were killed there.

I have no problem with cooperation with Russia as long we are the boss.

I must thank Putin for one thing though. Within one week all the hippies, FFF , gender gagag went silent and mostly disappeared. Europe has woken up and goes to war. its a start and was a necessary awakeneing

Apollon, you need to be prepared for war, in all instances.
Europe, at least the rich counries with strong industrial base have become highly decadent, thats the problem with richness, as history proves this.
It will take a long time to be mentally prepared and get the society-military cohesion.
But that's not the main problem which I mean.
Hippies, FFF, Gender gagag etc. are the products of the SAME ideological promoters who are now doing their massive anti-Russian propaganda.
And I think YOU know that too but now you on their line in the case of Russia? That smells fishy, doesn't it?
I guess nobody told Churchill in 1939 when he declared war to Hitler Germany? Germany was 2nd largest economy in the world there as well.

If China declares war to Europe, it would mean war. And in war you dont trade.

Are you seriously comparing Germany in 1939 to China in 2022.

China is FAR more important to the world economy than Germany was then.

Make no mistake EU would be totally economically devastated. China would suffer too but it is at least one country and so would be better able to ride it out than the 27 nations of the EU who would soon turn on each other as they face different degress of economic devastation.

We need to be realistic and that is there is no way to cut off China from the global economy without seriously damaging yourself too.

PS - Germany exports to China last year was over 120 billion US dollars. VW sold over 4 million vehicles in China last year.
Apollon, you need to be prepared for war, in all instances.
Europe, at least the rich counries with strong industrial base have become highly decadent, thats the problem with richness, as history proves this.
It will take a long time to be mentally prepared and get the society-military cohesion.
But that's not the main problem which I mean.
Hippies, FFF, Gender gagag etc. are the products of the SAME ideological promoters who are now doing their massive anti-Russian propaganda.
And I think YOU know that too but now you on their line in the case of Russia? That smells fishy, doesn't it?

Cant i be against Gender Gaga and at same time find Putin to be a laughable disgusting botox pancake face? One does not exclude the other i believe. It was Russia that threatens Europe.
In the end, the Russians and other Europeans have a common history and Russians will always be there, then under different leadership but you must find a neutral ground where both sides win.
Europe needs Russia vs the growing dragon.
I dunno why you don't wanna understand this ordinary fact.

Sensible post. I don't know why this @Apollon guy and some others here can't see that Russian destiny is with Europe. Yes, there are issues right now and that's partly because of who is in charge of Russia but after Putin is gone, we should expect a less nationalistic leader--or even another self-absorbed drunkard Yeltsin. And I also think Russian intentions, even under Putin, are too hyped up about taking NATO countries. Russia can't even handle Ukraine and here people are talking about Germany and Poland??
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