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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Even as the Russian ground advance on key targets including Kyiv and Odessa remains stalled, it has used long-range rockets in recent days to devastating effect against the Ukrainian military and infrastructure.

As the war grinds on, the strikes are a reminder of how Russia’s vastly superior armaments give it a distinct advantage, even as what was meant to be a lightning blitz to take out the Ukrainian government turns into a grueling war of attrition.

In the first week of the war, it is not clear how many Russian strikes hit their targets, but Piotr Lukasiewicz, an analyst at Polityka Insight, a Warsaw-based research institute, said that they did serious damage to Ukraine’s command and control centers.

“They disabled an important headquarters and communications center in the beginning with precision strikes,” he said.

Just as the Russians are plagued by logistical and resupply issues, the Ukrainians are struggling to replace the stationary systems that the Russians have destroyed or disabled.

“Gradually Ukrainians are losing their radars or warning systems,” Mr. Lukasiewicz said.

The Russians also have shown that their weapons can hit with precision. A strike on a barracks in Mykolaiv on Friday that was housing 200 marines, killing dozens, was among the deadliest of the war. It also came with little warning, according to the mayor, Oleksandr Senkevich, with no air alarms sounding. The strike raised questions about Ukrainian tactics and why they would have concentrated so many soldiers in one location on the front lines.

This war showed even if there is asymmetric advantege in certain defensive weapons like atgms manpads etc. long range weapons can still reduce any static element like barracks depots, airfields and similar.

Instead of larger bulky sam systems, mobile-towed medium altitude sams specialized against pgms,long range cruise missiles would be favored more which can be more easily replaced and transferred when taken out unlike S300 variants. Those cant take out hypersonic missiles currently but for bulk numbers of the systems like calibr,tomahawk they can be effective. Limited effectiveness to high altitude threats as well and arm measures like giraffe radars.

Drones also seem to be still launched from makeshift runways. However there are other methods that can be applicable to drones as well.

Smaller drones like TB-2 can be modified to be launched by catapult-rocket assist and recovered by arrestor hook + short-runway
They are pretty slow at landing and arrestor hook would slow it down more so a very short runway would be sufficient in my opinion with an arrestor hook.
Armored vehicle launched bridge/drone-runway can be an option in my opinion. Several vehicles can make a short runways with an arrestor hook.


A mobile runway for light drones would negate any attack even hypersonic since it is continiously on the move.

Also for example ZEL can be a future alternative for launching adapting drones for non-runway situations.

Why Germany developed and cancelled the F-104 ZELL program​

Near future interceptor a2a drones which would obviously be much lighter than fighter aircraft and carry much less and only a2a payload so they can be launched by Zel much easier than cold war era planes from frontlines and land on protected short runways behind the frontlines with arrestor hook then recovered and launch again. Transportation would be an issue but if landing sites numbers are high, or highways are very long to not to be taken at once by cruise missiles they can travel to the next launch site from air and launched from Zel platforms on the ground.

Also initial concept for the interceptor was Mat landing. An inflatable mat that is carried around with vehicles. Manned landing became a problem but unmanned landing would not make much problems.

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He's fought with half the forum. I wasn't following it all,but first he pissed off the Persians by insulting them,then he started insulting the Chinese and their leaders. Then he fought with other people.

The war in Ukraine is bad. Orthodox are killing Orthodox and the Russians and Ukrainians are brothers. Imagine Czechs invading Slovakia.

Personally,I believe Russia,Belarus and Ukraine should unite again. But a lot of people in Ukraine want the money and "progress" of the West. They want LGBT rights,feminism and liberalism. They want more independence. They want to forget the Russian identity of theirs and many of them want to forget their Slavic culture and become more "Europeans".

All that is because of the poverty and oppression they had endured under the communist tyranny,but also because of the influence of USA and Western Europe after the fall of communism.

So their leaders are acting like so many in the ex-Eastern Bloc:

They want to join NATO and the EU to get money,new weapons and to become a "progressive" society.

One thing that you might notice is that most governments in Europe are "centrist". They are almost all the same. Politically correct,promoting LGBT rights,feminism,extreme secularism and atheism,refugees and capitalism.

There are a few countries who resist that. Hungary is one,Poland used to be one,Russia and Belarus are the ones who resist the most.

Germany had no problem with the Russians,they wanted peaceful trading. France wanted stability in Europe as well.

But the Americans and the British...well,they live too far from Russia to care,they have all these buffer States between them. The Baltics also insisted...and we ended up having almost every country bordering Russia in Europe,to become a NATO member. And then there was Ukraine. The one girl you tell someone not to mess with. The girl next door that you tell the guy from the other side of the neighborhood that she's off limits. That even if she doesn't want you now,he shouldn't hit on her either. He has a lot of girlfriends. Oh he can have almost any woman he likes. But no,he goes there and knocks on her door and flirts with her. Because he wants them all.

There could be peace in this world,but some countries really want everything. There could have been peace in Palestine if Israel moved back to the pre-1967 borders and recognized Palestine.

Now you have idiots like Biden and Johnson and those behind them,doing the same things that Bush and Blair did. And you have Zelensky who is the useful idiot.

But then again,Britain,France and the Ottoman Empire went to war against the Russians in Crimea. The Russians lost,but all countries suffered heavy casualties.

View attachment 825619

Greek volunteers in Sevastopol,1854. Crimean War.
Since people started counting populations, in the 1700's Crimea was 80% Tatar muslim. Only after genocide and conquest did Russians become a majority. Crimea is in no way Russian. and noone in the world recognises it as so. Nor will they.

Crimea is more greek than it is Russian. Greece has a greater claim on it than russia.

Putin loses ANOTHER top commander: Black Sea Fleet captain, 51, is ‘shot dead near Mariupol’​

This say it all about the shortcoming of Russian Armor

"You skim out on a $40,000 component on a multi-millions dollar vehicle, and you got stuck in the mud"

He is talking about tires, and what he said make a lot of sense.
I know Europe was reluctant at first and thats the main problem. Putin did not expect Europe to act which encouraged his attack. But as he attacked the european resolve was extremly hard with basicly declaration of economic war to Russia. If the EU had made clear from beginning what they intend to do, im sure Putin would not have attacked. Unfortunately we are governed by idiots who first appeased and then pulled out the economic nuke on day one.

If i have a conflict with someone i cant act all soft and the suddenly punch all his teeth out. That was our crucial mistake.

From those imbeciles on top. Nobody has read Klausewitz.

I don't think leaders in Germany or France were 'appeasing'. Those two countries know all too well what another war on the European continent would mean. The German naval officer who suggested to accommodate Putin spoke what was the 'real' position of western European countries. Also almost all of European countries have the NATO umbrella so this talk of Putin marching into Poland or Germany was not based on reality. Plus there would be economic consequences for Europe. Ukraine was not as important to western Europe as made out to be. But they were arm-twisted by the Americans. Perhaps Americans privately told those leaders if you don't follow then you will be on your own! Perhaps they were told that they would portrayed as the Chamberlains of 2022 by the powerful American media machine?
I think you and @thetutle have a lot of great insight about eastern Europe although you two are often on different sides. Reading you two's opinion--as from @dBSPL are very good from that region.
We are always on different sides. He's a greek, orthodox supremacist, who hates turks and muslims. Hates Bosnians too probably. and seems to hate his fellow orthodox ukranians because they dont want to be enslaved by a gangster state.

I can understand greeks hating muslims, but why hate the ukranians for wanting freedom and democracy. Greece has freedom and democracy, they choose NATO and the west, why cant ukranians have what greeks have?
Im finding it hard to believe that UKR is killing off so many top commanders and generals of the Russian military. Something sus about it all. These are similar claims to the ones Armenia made in the NK2020 war
We are always on different sides. He's a greek, orthodox supremacist, who hates turks and muslims. Hates Bosnians too probably. and seems to hate his fellow orthodox ukranians because they dont want to be enslaved by a gangster state.

I can understand greeks hating muslims, but why hate the ukranians for wanting freedom and democracy. Greece has freedom and democracy, they choose NATO and the west, why cant ukranians have what greeks have?

I honestly can't dispute the rights of a sovereign nation to choose its destiny. No one would want to be part of the cold, dark country like Russia. I have been calling Russia 'The Sick Man of Europe' in this thread. But, just like Americans have exercised their military power against sovereign nations, Russia is doing the same. It is what it is. Pakistanis are or should be neutral in this conflict except for some perceived gains if China comes ahead from this conflict.
Time would have sorted this all out--as I keep repeating here.
I don't think leaders in Germany or France were 'appeasing'. Those two countries know all too well what another war on the European continent would mean. The German naval officer who suggested to accommodate Putin spoke what was the 'real' position of western European countries. Also almost all of European countries have the NATO umbrella so this talk of Putin marching into Poland or Germany was not based on reality. Plus there would be economic consequences for Europe. Ukraine was not as important to western Europe as made out to be. But they were arm-twisted by the Americans. Perhaps Americans privately told those leaders if you don't follow then you will be on your own! Perhaps they were told that they would portrayed as the Chamberlains of 2022 by the powerful American media machine?

As a powerful entity one must be clear.

If i dont care about Ukarine then tell it. If i do care, then say consequences.

What i cant do is to be completly indifferent and basicly give Putin the impression that we dont care and its obvious he believed that...and then within one day basicly start nuclear economic attacks on them. Insiders say Putin was and still is shocked about the European economic attack. He was not prepared and its devastating effect.

So what we have now is that Putin completly miscalculated. Even the biggest supporters of Russia say that this war is a complete failure. We have Europe and Russia with knife at each others throats and trampling over Ukraine, which in the process is destroyed. And there is no way for Europe and Russia to get out of this deadlock. We fear that if we remove the knife, our throat gets cut and the Russians think same. USA and China are not neutral and both sides dont trust them.

Putin now claims nonstop Europe wants destroy Russia and Europe constantly says Russia wants destroy Europe.

Whats needed to solve this is an outside player that is neutral and slowly removes each others knifes and pushs both apart.
I honestly don't know enough to say anything to support or oppose that viewpoint. I am aware of the 'Nazi' dimension about Ukraine but I tend to think, in a nation of 40+ million, a few hundred or a few thousand extreme racists are a fringe. And they seem to be present in just about EVERY white country, going by what happened in the mosque attack in New Zealand recently.
What I believe is that the Western Civilization is a major attractant to humanity, regardless of religion, culture, races....
this is total nonsense abut aryans. there is no such thing. they are Afghans and North Indians, noone cares about that. Ukranians are slavs culturally. Ethnically they are a mix of all people in europe to some degree. Probably closest to polish people. Then Russians. Ukraine is the birthplace of slavic people apparently. Most slavs in balkans come from Ukraine. I am sure my ancestors come from Ukraine. maybe 900 years ago.

Nazis are irrelevant to Ukraine. there are more hindus in Ukraine than nazis.
Ukrainian media confirms the loss of the MiG-29 fighter of the Ukrainian Air Force & Major Stepan Tarabalka — He was a MiG-29 fighter pilot. As reported by Russian MoD on March 15

Source: ASB Military News Telegram
As a powerful entity one must be clear.

If i dont care about Ukarine then tell it. If i do care, then say consequences.

What i cant do is to be completly indifferent and basicly give Putin the impression that we dont care and its obvious he believed that...and then within one day basicly start nuclear economic attacks on them. Insiders say Putin was and still is shocked about the European economic attack. He was not prepared and its devastating effect.

So what we have now is that Putin completly miscalculated. Even the biggest supporters of Russia say that this war is a complete failure. We have Europe and Russia with knife at each others throats and trampling over Ukraine, which in the process is destroyed. And there is no way for Europe and Russia to get out of this deadlock. We fear that if we remove the knife, our throat gets cut and the Russians think same. USA and China are not neutral and both sides dont trust them.

Putin now claims nonstop Europe wants destroy Russia and Europe constantly says Russia wants destroy Europe.

Whats needed to solve this is an outside player that is neutral and slowly removes each others knifes and pushs both apart.

Interesting post and I agree for the most part, especially that neither Europe should trust America nor Russia should trust China. Those are two relatively remote powers and who knows what kinds of calculations and mutual adjustments they make behind the scene--as great powers do.
The conflict needs a neutral party. Even Turkey is not totally neutral but is probably the best one available for mediation.
Im finding it hard to believe that UKR is killing off so many top commanders and generals of the Russian military. Something sus about it all. These are similar claims to the ones Armenia made in the NK2020 war

Knowing the Russian track record from places like Chechnya and even Georgia (where they fought a tiny country and finished the war fast) and Syria (where their primary task was to destroy cities with their Air Force and use Wagner on the ground) it is not surprising to me at all how sloppy Russian tactics and performance is. Human life and the safety of their personnel means nothing. With lack of proper communication and logistics on the field this problem gets even bigger.
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