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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Even as the Russian ground advance on key targets including Kyiv and Odessa remains stalled, it has used long-range rockets in recent days to devastating effect against the Ukrainian military and infrastructure.

As the war grinds on, the strikes are a reminder of how Russia’s vastly superior armaments give it a distinct advantage, even as what was meant to be a lightning blitz to take out the Ukrainian government turns into a grueling war of attrition.

In the first week of the war, it is not clear how many Russian strikes hit their targets, but Piotr Lukasiewicz, an analyst at Polityka Insight, a Warsaw-based research institute, said that they did serious damage to Ukraine’s command and control centers.

“They disabled an important headquarters and communications center in the beginning with precision strikes,” he said.

Just as the Russians are plagued by logistical and resupply issues, the Ukrainians are struggling to replace the stationary systems that the Russians have destroyed or disabled.

“Gradually Ukrainians are losing their radars or warning systems,” Mr. Lukasiewicz said.

The Russians also have shown that their weapons can hit with precision. A strike on a barracks in Mykolaiv on Friday that was housing 200 marines, killing dozens, was among the deadliest of the war. It also came with little warning, according to the mayor, Oleksandr Senkevich, with no air alarms sounding. The strike raised questions about Ukrainian tactics and why they would have concentrated so many soldiers in one location on the front lines.
How are those sanctions working out? Don’t worry, the little people can pay the cost. Your leaders will be standing by you when you’re lining up for flour.

Its war, war costs us all. Do you honestly suggest we let a facist russian regime take over europe in exchange for flour? Are you kidding?

Its obvious Europe sees Russian agression as substantial threat .
Russia loses an average of 1 tank battalion every day (10-13 tanks), even if we take into account only visual confirmations.

This is not the right offensive strategy when the war is stuck into the cities. This degree of attrition could puts even the largest land army in the world, such as Russia, into a difficult and dangerous situation within a few months.
Losing a tank so easily and quickly tells a lot about not only the survivability of russian tanks, but also the tactical operations and movements of the Russian armored troops.

30mm automatic turret vs. some of T-72s

I think tanks themselves are dead. Unless tank makers find a defense against top attack munitions.
Russia loses an average of 1 tank battalion every day (10-13 tanks), even if we take into account only visual confirmations.

This is not the right offensive strategy when the war is stuck into the cities. This degree of attrition could puts even the largest land army in the world, such as Russia, into a difficult and dangerous situation within a few months.

There maybe still a chance that China supplies Russia with weapons. That could be a game changer in this war.
There maybe still a chance that China supplies Russia with weapons. That could be a game changer in this war.

This would mean death of Chinas trade with Europe. I doubg China would declare war to Europe to help Russia...a economic dwarfs war.

China will keep sending warm words but never risk evrything it has build up in last 30 years. It would kill all their european investments including silkroad in an instant

I think tanks themselves are dead. Unless tank makers find a defense against top attack munitions.
Nope. Tanks are not dead. However, the staffs of some countries continue their old-school attack doctrines despite the developing technology and new systems, concepts. Russian armors are trying to enter urban areas where tactical and mini UAVs, top attack capable ATGM teams and remotely controlled anti-armor caliber turrets are rife and where the line of sight is a few hundred meters max due to the buildings; with the 70's MBT configurations and doctrines.

A tank moving into urban areas must have an APS system. Likewise, tanks operating in the countryside must have the ability to shoot with laser-guided projectile without line of sight. This topic is very detailed in terms of both troop operational doctrines and ground survivability technologies in new generation tanks, and a lot can be written about it.
You know what i dont understand? When has being conservative being morphed into being a putinist? Guess what? Conservative European means for me to not bow towards a primitive and savage Russia and yes, Russia is primitive for me and always has been.

I see Putins war as test run since he wants all of Europe. He openly said so several times. We can kill his pathetic excuse of a country now before its too late and i fully support that.

I believe i see the things very clearly.

What kind of imperislsm is it when all members come from free will to escape russian agression? Explain please.

ATM we are weak bc of political hippity hoppity decadent-"liberal" promoted values, values coming from the same mouth pieces who are doing their anti-Russian propaganda, so you are falling into their trap.
If we would lose (conventionally) vs the Russians we would deserve it because we became fat, lazy and decadent!
We are Germans who stapled Russians so high the ones down under started to stink when we finish the body tower.
So you are defending the values which are the main reason why we have become weak.
In the end, the Russians and other Europeans have a common history and Russians will always be there, then under different leadership but you must find a neutral ground where both sides win.
Europe needs Russia vs the growing dragon.
I dunno why you don't wanna understand this ordinary fact.
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