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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The US is now considering sending Ukraine M26 ‘Steel Rain’ cluster rockets. Currently Ukraine only has DPICM artillery shells which dispense 72 submunitions per shell.

M26 cluster rockets dispense 644 submunitions per rocket and can be fired in a 6-12 rocket salvo from HIMARs or M270 and have longer ranger than DPICMs. M26s were specifically designed to destroy large Soviet armor formations.

The US is now considering sending Ukraine M26 ‘Steel Rain’ cluster rockets. Currently Ukraine only has DPICM artillery shells which dispense 72 submunitions per shell.

M26 cluster rockets dispense 644 submunitions per rocket and can be fired in a 6-12 rocket salvo from HIMARs or M270 and have longer ranger than DPICMs. M26s were specifically designed to destroy large Soviet armor formations.
Wow a full salvo will be horrifying.

Send them already….
Is it you, that guy a few Tweets below?

By the way…

yes but by your own twisted logic you support the invasion of Iraq which breeched UN resolutions

you also have a issue when a neighbour Iran supporting Iraq to fight the illegal invasion

and yet by your twisted logic you say its ok to support Ukraine against Russia because it breeches UN resolutions and also was illegal ?

how do you sleep at night ? or are you a devil worshipper ?

Screenshot 2023-08-27 at 19.03.43.png
yes but by your own twisted logic you support the invasion of Iraq which breeched UN resolutions

you also have a issue when a neighbour Iran supporting Iraq to fight the illegal invasion

and yet by your twisted logic you say its ok to support Ukraine against Russia because it breeches UN resolutions and also was illegal ?

how do you sleep at night ? or are you a devil worshipper ?

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@waz, @The Eagle, @WebMaster
... can anyone calm him down to end these plain ridiculous off-topic posts and insults. I think anyone with such an immoral behaviour is simply disgusting and a shame for this forum.

But, Ok my "friend", let me allow you one final reply by a summary:

You openly admit, Russia has any right to attack, conquer and in fact destroy Ukraine regardless any international contract and guarantees on Ukraine's borders, which were even given by Russia!

You just posted a few posts above, Russia has any right to attack anyone who is not on its side!Also a few pages back you admitted, all that counts for you is not ethics, moral, law, right and wrong but simply the might of the strongest

You seem to rate Iraq's aggression against Kuwait as a legitime action ... you seem to ignore the UN resolutions to stop this aggression and you seems to rate the US-led coalition's war against Iraq as unjustified, illegal or whatever ... you rate Iran's support to Iraq's aggression therefore as justified exactly like you rate Iran's support of Russia's aggression again Ukraine?
By you twisted logic and based on you final sentence I assume you refuse Israel's right of existence, seem to advocate the total annihilation of Israel and everything Jewish ?

So tell me, who's the true "devil worshipper"?
@waz, @The Eagle, @WebMaster
... can anyone calm him down to end these plain ridiculous off-topic posts and insults. I think anyone with such an immoral behaviour is simply disgusting and a shame for this forum.

But, Ok my "friend", let me allow you one final reply by a summary:

You openly admit, Russia has any right to attack, conquer and in fact destroy Ukraine regardless any international contract and guarantees on Ukraine's borders, which were even given by Russia!

You just posted a few posts above, Russia has any right to attack anyone who is not on its side!Also a few pages back you admitted, all that counts for you is not ethics, moral, law, right and wrong but simply the might of the strongest

You seem to rate Iraq's aggression against Kuwait as a legitime action ... you seem to ignore the UN resolutions to stop this aggression and you seems to rate the US-led coalition's war against Iraq as unjustified, illegal or whatever ... you rate Iran's support to Iraq's aggression therefore as justified exactly like you rate Iran's support of Russia's aggression again Ukraine?
By you twisted logic and based on you final sentence I assume you refuse Israel's right of existence, seem to advocate the total annihilation of Israel and everything Jewish ?

So tell me, who's the true "devil worshipper"?

@waz @The Eagle @WebMaster @LeGenD

Deino has repeatedly supported the invasion of Iraq and openly supports Israel now that I have his screenshots he seems be running away from it and calling on mods for help before he is exposed even more

he admits hes a atheist and yet says to be people hope God has mercy on your soul when you meet him face to face

btw that isn't even a saying in our religion that is christianity so keep it to yourself

and for some reason now he is has become a Priest and preaching his twisted religion to others

as a moderator on this forum you are not allowed to take sides and preach religion this is outwith the forum rules

also as a moderator he should not be allowed to force his way into topics when no one was speaking to him

a moderator should not fall so low with no digitally and morals

Screenshot 2023-08-27 at 21.15.22.png
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Another seemingly big thing in Ukrainian media space is a stinging critique of Ukrainian defence minister. If everything I read is correct, the guy is as useful as a piece of furniture.

Ammo was procured around the MOD through the Ministry of Strategic Industries exactly to work around Reznikov's office. Military production is largely taken upon enthusiasm of volunteers, and services (UA military intel) contacting manufacturers directly (with drones.)

The people who work on drones in Poland tell me the sole thing the guy did in the last 18 months was to fly around giving talkshops. Ukraine, despite still having huge industrial resources has not started a single weapon or military infra project under him.

Summer operations | Ukrainian Attack In Robotyne May End In Cauldron. Military Summary For 2023.8.27

Missiles don't explode inside targets
You were talking about finding shrapnel inside the plane...

I think you meant the direction of damage. Either outside in or inside out......
Good points.

But its also how crocodiles such as @Han Patriot think.

Lesser countries within the geopolitical sphere of the great powers are pure pawns and buffers.

Take north korea for instance. Sided with the chinese block
And It turned into a dystopian hellhole on earth. What a difference between those south korean “western slaves”….
But it doesnt matter cause its a good buffer for China.

Thats why even now it regularly drags back poor korean civilians to be tortured, raped and killed.

Even half chinese children do not matter

North korea…good buffer state…all is well…all is well….

Ethnic cleansing is justified if others try to limit the imperial “red lines” of control.

Ridiculous land grab claims such as the nine dash lines are fair game cause “whatabout the british empire back in 1600?!”.

Just dangerous fascist and imperial/colonial mindsets.
Yet they believe only westerners can be colonialists.

Its a very concerning development of China. Growing ever more nationalist and aggressive, under Xi having more and more unlimited power.

See this is exactly why the war started NATO is not a defensive pact, it is an offensive part, the henchmen of America. If you were neutral, you don't need to expand, why do you need to expand? And you wonder why there is a conflict. Contrary to peaceful development, NATO had invaded many sovereign countries in the name of freedom.

Some say there was a written memo regarding NATO expansion and US verbally agreed to not expand NATO as a precondition of German reunification. That's why never trust the West they are just an American poodl3.

Mr. ZEGERMAN, see typical libertard attack, what has Ukraine got to do with NK returnees? That is our policy, and our borders, we expel them back to their country unlike you guys who just love Latinos. Demographics changing man, Democrats are winning due to this influx.

Oh you mean tactics like this:

The village was done for weeks ago. Yet russians kept defending every meter and adding reserves, only to eventually having to retreat back in the open during daytime while under cluster munition artillery fire.

The ukranians then did not overcommit or try a breakthrough push into prepared secondary defenses either.

russia did not show a lot of maneuver or defence in depth at all. Instead it has fought hard to defend the forward lines and the first line of defence.
And conducted localised counterattacks on north front.

This is why it has been bleeding losses at an elevated rate. This thread is full of videos/pictures of russian losses and oryx neatly compiled these.

Its a grind on both sides.

I have been listening to propaganda on both sides for 1.5 years, one thing I noticed is NATO never ever gave the signal they are giving now unless it is really shitty. You have NATO top leadership openly talking about ceding territory, that shows the real situation instead of the slava ukraini shit spewing around. I still remember bakhmut this and that, in the end it was just another giant meat grinder. You should listen to Macgregor, he has really good analysis. Ukraine is at the last drop of reserves, that's why the F16s are coming in.
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