@The Eagle,
... can anyone calm him down to end these plain ridiculous off-topic posts and insults. I think anyone with such an immoral behaviour is simply disgusting and a shame for this forum.
But, Ok my "friend", let me allow you one final reply by a summary:
You openly admit, Russia has any right to attack, conquer and in fact destroy Ukraine regardless any international contract and guarantees on Ukraine's borders, which were even given by Russia!
You just posted a few posts above, Russia has any right to attack anyone who is not on its side!Also a few pages back you admitted, all that counts for you is not ethics, moral, law, right and wrong but simply the might of the strongest
You seem to rate Iraq's aggression against Kuwait as a legitime action ... you seem to ignore the UN resolutions to stop this aggression and you seems to rate the US-led coalition's war against Iraq as unjustified, illegal or whatever ... you rate Iran's support to Iraq's aggression therefore as justified exactly like you rate Iran's support of Russia's aggression again Ukraine?
By you twisted logic and based on you final sentence I assume you refuse Israel's right of existence, seem to advocate the total annihilation of Israel and everything Jewish ?
So tell me, who's the true "devil worshipper"?