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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russian tank factories are in overdrive pumping out armour like no tomorrow

these factories can do in a month what EU does in a year

they have doubled down

18 days into the war and West said Russia wont last 18 weeks they will run out of weapons

18 weeks into the war and West said Russia wont last 18 month they will run out of weapons

18 months later they are now saying Russia will never run out of weapons there is more chance the sea will go dry

if US was serious about this war they would have stood up like real Russian men and said ok Russia you want to go for it we will give chase lets see you match us

US should then have doubled down and said ok no we will show you our industrial strength and match Russia tank for tank and gun for gun two big nations big boys its a fair fight

instead like cowards they hide behind those poor Ukrainians

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Baseless claims and a straw man fallacy. Russia is “pumping out” sovjet stocks, and the West didnt say Russia would run out of weapons in a short period of time.
Fact is most believed the hype of russian equipment based on numbers from the likes of Global firepower and exaggerated specs shared by nationalistic armchair generals.

Zelensky wants $5 billion to hold elections o_O

Now, is that what he actually said?
. .
50% of that will be to fund additional villas in Tel Aviv, Italy, Spain for himself and his Cronies..To the last Ukrainian of course!
The clown is clowning everyone and will run to Tel Aviv when the time is right.
You guys simply have no shame. He was arguing against using +5 billion during wartime holding an election, simply because Ukraine doesnt have the capabilities to do it.
lol. I didn't sit through the whole video so not sure if the guy mentions any more details. But I just looked up Zelensky's wife and her maiden name is Olena Volodymyrivna Kyiashko, same last name but Wiki doesn't mention her parent's/mother's first name. It could very well be the same, or the reporter either botched it or fake-newsed it.

Nothing wrong with her purchasing a villa in beautiful Gouna for $5 million, but that would be rather brazen of her to have used the humanitarian aid funds to make the buy.

My friend

From what I have seen from the start of the war. Zelensky's behavior was impeccable.

He stayed in Kiev while his citizens where making molotov coctails and Russians convows where approaching. At that time no one gave Ukraine more than two weeks to survive.

I also got the impression that he put in tremendous effort to help his people by advancing his country cause in the world .

I imagine the Russians would like to tarnish his image by curption accusation. Talk about curruption , their own leader just ordered the murder of 10 of his own people.

As I see it , on one side we have a ruthless dictator that condemed hundreds of thousands of people to die , in a war he could have easilly avoided.

On the other side we have a demcraticly elected leader who found himslef at war with a super power and somehow managed to stop it from running all over his country,

Really dont see an option to be neutral here .

This war reminds me of the atmosphere that exisisted in the world in the 1950's. Dont know why we have to be dragged to norms that existed 70 years ago.

Hoped that the world would be smarter than that .

Well , but i also hoped that after the corona virus , the world would somehow be a better place.

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My friend

From what I have seen from the start of the war. Zelensky's behavior was impeccable.

He stayed in Kiev while his citizens where making molotov coctails and Russians convows where approaching. At that time no one gave Ukraine more than two weeks to survive.

I also got the impression that he put in tremendous effort to help his people by advancing his country cause in the world .

I imagine the Russians would like to tarnish his image by curption accusation. Talk about curruption their own leader just ordered the murder of 10 of his own people.

As I see it , on one side we have a ruthless dictator that condemed hundreds of thousands of people to die , in a war he could have easilly avoided.

On the other side we have a demcraticly elected leader who found himslef at war with a super power and somehow managed to stop it from running all over his country,

Really dont see an option to be neutral here .

This war reminds me of the atmosphere that exisisted in the world in the 1950's. Dont know why we have to be dragged to norms that existed 70 years ago.

Hoped that the world would be smarter than that .

Well , but i also hoped that after the corona virus , the world would somehow be a better place.


if you love him so much why not support him?

only Jewish president under attack and only Jewish state refused to give Iron Dome

Zelenskyy ‘shocked’ by Israel’s failure to give Ukraine weapons​


Summer Operations| Despair And Cemeteries Are Growing, Offensive stalled. Military Summary 2023.8.28

. .
My friend

From what I have seen from the start of the war. Zelensky's behavior was impeccable.

He stayed in Kiev while his citizens where making molotov coctails and Russians convows where approaching. At that time no one gave Ukraine more than two weeks to survive.

I also got the impression that he put in tremendous effort to help his people by advancing his country cause in the world .

I imagine the Russians would like to tarnish his image by curption accusation. Talk about curruption their own leader just ordered the murder of 10 of his own people.

As I see it , on one side we have a ruthless dictator that condemed hundreds of thousands of people to die , in a war he could have easilly avoided.

On the other side we have a demcraticly elected leader who found himslef at war with a super power and somehow managed to stop it from running all over his country,

Really dont see an option to be neutral here .

This war reminds me of the atmosphere that exisisted in the world in the 1950's. Dont know why we have to be dragged to norms that existed 70 years ago.

Hoped that the world would be smarter than that .

Well , but i also hoped that after the corona virus , the world would somehow be a better place.

Not only that, but russian special forces were driving around inside Kiev, and his name was on a kill list.
USA offered him a helicopter to safety but he chose to stay and fight. Immensely important for national morale at those early stages.

The guy is a proper war hero.

Quite a different with fascist dictator Putin. Who fled Moscow during Wagners mutiny.
if you love him so much why not support him?

only Jewish president under attack and only Jewish state refused to give Iron Dome

Zelenskyy ‘shocked’ by Israel’s failure to give Ukraine weapons​

It may come as a surprise to you , but i am not usually consulted on the issues of what weapons systems to sell who . . .

The article you provided does stress my point , that Zelensky put in tremendous effort to help his people by advancing his country cause in the world . Something that that desreves respect.

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lol. I didn't sit through the whole video so not sure if the guy mentions any more details. But I just looked up Zelensky's wife and her maiden name is Olena Volodymyrivna Kyiashko, same last name but Wiki doesn't mention her parent's/mother's first name. It could very well be the same, or the reporter either botched it or fake-newsed it.

Nothing wrong with her purchasing a villa in beautiful Gouna for $5 million, but that would be rather brazen of her to have used the humanitarian aid funds to make the buy.
I don’t know about other countries, but we ship stuff, and not money.
It may come as a surprise to you , but i am not usually consulted on the issues of what weaons systems to sell who . . .

The article you provided does stress my point , that Zelensky put in tremendous effort to help his people by advancing his country cause in the world . Something that that desreves respect.


He destroyed his country

Now praise him more
lol. I didn't sit through the whole video so not sure if the guy mentions any more details. But I just looked up Zelensky's wife and her maiden name is Olena Volodymyrivna Kyiashko, same last name but Wiki doesn't mention her parent's/mother's first name. It could very well be the same, or the reporter either botched it or fake-newsed it.

Nothing wrong with her purchasing a villa in beautiful Gouna for $5 million, but that would be rather brazen of her to have used the humanitarian aid funds to make the buy.
The lady in the Youtube clip is not Zelenskyjs wife.
His wife is born in 1978, and the lady in the clip was born 1984.
Olena Kyiashko is not Olga Kiyashko. the family name is slightly different.

Seems fake news to me…
. .
It's more likely a SAM brought down the plane than a bomb.

With bomb attack, that's explosion is going to cause explosive decompression within the cabin at 25k AGL. The plane will not come down in one giant piece (with only the wing detached) it will be blown outward and collapse inward and stressed the airframe and it will shatter into million little pieces, this is not how we saw in the video (assume the video is actually that plane gone down). On the other hand, a tactically deployed explosive device in the area if it is small enough, it could also detach the wing but run without blasting off the entire plane.

If it was missile, the missile will either go after a radar lock or IR lock, Embraer Legacy 600 have the engine right next to the wing, which is presumed missing in the downing. It would most likely where the missile is heading if it was a heat seeking missile. On the other hand, evidence that does not support this is, there are no missile vapour trail before/after the incident and there are no wreckage of missile found, missile don't ram their target, they use proximity fuze and explode next to their target, so the remaining of a missile would be found or at least seen if it was indeed a missile attack.

But all in all, I would put my money on a missile. Unless some new evidence came up,
Why would they have a missile battery capable of shooting at medium altitude (non-manpad) between two major cities in Russia, and how would they have assumed that the flight path was within range.

yes but by your own twisted logic you support the invasion of Iraq which breeched UN resolutions

you also have a issue when a neighbour Iran supporting Iraq to fight the illegal invasion

and yet by your twisted logic you say its ok to support Ukraine against Russia because it breeches UN resolutions and also was illegal ?

how do you sleep at night ? or are you a devil worshipper ?

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That invasion was an unjustified action prompted by neo-cons (Rumsfeld and gang). The difference is , the initial military action was not targeted at civilians and cities. The incompetent decision to disband the Republican guards led to complete breakdown of system and racial strife that killed tens of thousands. It was bloody as hell but more out of mismanagement then deliberate desire to kill civilians.

Nonetheless those decisions getting US into illegitimate wars paved the way for a change and the first Black President to be elected. Bush did not stay on after making those wretched misjudgments.
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