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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

See this is exactly why the war started NATO is not a defensive pact, it is an offensive part, the henchmen of America.
Nonsence. During cold war and well into after cold war Nato undertook no offensive actions.
Any non-defensive actions were severely limited and under UN sanction to stop ethnic cleansing and the like (bosnia/no fly zone).

take Poland for instance.
Invaded by soviet union start ww2
Then the soviets watched and let the warsaw massacre happen
Katyn massacre
No liberation afterwards but oppression and persecution killing hundreds of thousands poles.
As soon as they could Poles voted independance and as a sovereign nation it decided to seek security in west

They came running to the defensive pact.
rightfully so.

But You would be there screaming that the Poles should just accept being a russian buffer state Forever.
As to not upset their russian imperial masters.

Just ridiculous. And hypocritical as well cause when its China…then you do not have this opinion vs the “british empire security guarantees”.

If you were neutral, you don't need to expand, why do you need to expand? And you wonder why there is a conflict. Contrary to peaceful development, NATO had invaded many sovereign countries in the name of freedom.

Some say there was a written memo regarding NATO expansion and US verbally agreed to not expand NATO as a precondition of German reunification. That's why never trust the West they are just an American poodl3.
Again. Soviets had agreed to dozen written down vows by the leaders.
Yet them using it as toilet paper is ok.
But diplomats making a vague off the record oral statement should “forever be upheld”
Mr. ZEGERMAN, see typical libertard attack, what has Ukraine got to do with NK returnees? That is our policy, and our borders, we expel them back to their country unlike you guys who just love Latinos. Demographics changing man, Democrats are winning due to this influx.
I am explaining to another poster why he should not bother using moral arguments cause you have very little morality.

You are an inch away of being a pure fascist.
States and people are mere pawns and buffers for the great powers.
Might makes right
Korean civilians, sometimes pregnant with babies from chinese partners are mere cattle to get rid off if that suits the states interest.
I have been listening to propaganda on both sides for 1.5 years, one thing I noticed is NATO never ever gave the signal they are giving now unless it is really shitty. You have NATO top leadership openly talking about ceding territory, that shows the real situation instead of the slava ukraini shit spewing around. I still remember bakhmut this and that, in the end it was just another giant meat grinder. You should listen to Macgregor, he has really good analysis. Ukraine is at the last drop of reserves, that's why the F16s are coming in.

Fact is you were portraying this as a “smart russian tactic, slaughtering ukranians” while the russians are losing similar if not more with their defence of every meter.

Colonel douglas macgregor is a joke predicting the collapse of ukraine every week and as such has made a fool of himself for 70 weeks in a row now.

f16 donation and biden statement show that this will go on well into 2024.
in meantime ukraine is slowly gaining artillery advantage. Lets see Putins regime endurance…He already looked awfully shaky during the Wagner mutiny.

Even if ukraine minsk 3 crimea and donbass. We are talking about a former “little brother” being firmly anti-russian while russias army and soviet stock got shredded. That alone will be a relief for eastern europe

The Second Confirmation Of The Capture Of The Robotyne Settlement. Military Summary For 2023.08.28


The US is now considering sending Ukraine M26 ‘Steel Rain’ cluster rockets. Currently Ukraine only has DPICM artillery shells which dispense 72 submunitions per shell.

M26 cluster rockets dispense 644 submunitions per rocket and can be fired in a 6-12 rocket salvo from HIMARs or M270 and have longer ranger than DPICMs. M26s were specifically designed to destroy large Soviet armor formations.

Ok you know what I do believe Ukraine can beat Russia’s INSIDE Ukraine this is what it will take

1,000 tanks + 300 fighter jets

The tanks needs 100 attack helicopter AH-64D longbow for top cover

They need 3,000 artillery pieces of 155mm

They need HIMAR long range missiles

And over lapping air defense with Patriot III

They also need 500,000 strong men

And this needs at bare minimum 12-18 months of heavy training in combined arms and warfare

That this is around 20% of entire NATO strength and requires Turkey on board not possible without Turkish agreement

Only then can Ukraine take back lost land no attack on Russia

But instead what do we see , 31 x Abrams and 14 x Challengers tanks

The Swiss refused the 96 x leopards stored in Italy

EU has zero appetite for this war and the US is basically playing devils advocate

No one is serious

Which is why I am against this war

Regarding F16s there can be two major uses in my opinion. SEAD missions to target Russian air defenses which will take long time and will result in casualties in F16s as well which are piloted by possibly many experienced non-Ukranian pilots unofficially. Russia can produce and replace its sam systems as well. It will take a long time and high risk option as the opposing side has high quality air defense systems prepared for harm attacks which are already used by modernized Mig 29s without much effect.

Another more possible option is for F16s to fly low averting Russian sams and give direct support to future Ukranian Zaporijia ground counter offensives. Last time Russian Ka-50 helicopters flying in Russian controlled zones without manpad risk fired from 8-10km horizontal distance taking out Leopard tanks and similar that lacked air cover. F16s taking off from safe airbases from Poland or Romania can fly low and fire amraams from 20km fire and forget mode taking out the Ka-50s effectively opening way for Ukranian tanks and wedge operation to Zaporijia. F16s need highly prepared runways so Ukranian modification on potential airbases would be seen from satellites and would make them potential cm targets.

For an effective counter strategy Russia needs detect low flying f16s and send their own fighters to hunt them down from much higher altitudes. Russia needs to adapt its airforce doctrine to a more awacs oriented one. Russia has about 9 A-50 all purpose awacs aircraft but I think it will be an overkill for this mission and high risk as these will be targeted by Ukraine as well. Chinese approach of smaller propeller awacs planes like KJ-500 KJ-600 can do the job effectively looping over Azov sea and Crimea continiously with several fighter escorts. After incoming low flying F16s are detected even modernized older Mig planes that can launch bvr like R77 can have chance on low flying aircraft. It would be like a sam shot for F16s to take down a target flying almost 10km higher than itself reducing the range of amraam considerably.

Russia can modify some of its propeller planes and come up with KJ-600 E2-Hawkeye like early warning aircraft to put into patrol in Crimea Azov area. Maybe some parts can be taken from China as China modernises their own older awacs(KJ-500 maybe) and scrapped parts can be installed to Russian planes unofficially for short term quick needs and in longer term Russia needs to produce the parts themselves.

What wealth besides some uranium and gold?
News flash Russia and China have already stollen it but keep begging the west ie America for food because you can’t feed your people.
Ah yes the strong continent of Africa can’t even feed their people without it being donated.
lol. @The SC

Luxurious Villa owned by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Family Discovered On Egyptian Coast​

22nd August 2023

Egyptian investigative journalist Mohammed Al-Alawi provided exclusive materials concerning the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. According to the documents, Zelenskyy’s family has acquired a luxury villa in “the city of millioners” El Gouna. According to investigation, Olga Kiyashko, whose name matches the name of Zelenskyy’s mother-in-law, owns a VIP estate worth $5 million. Political scientist Abdulrahman Alabbassy draws a conclusion that the president’s relative purchased the estate with the humanitarian aid funds allocated to Ukraine by the West to repel Russian military aggression.


There is a magnificent estate in the VIP resort El Gouna, often referred to as the Venice of Egypt, on the coast of the Red Sea. The estate is a luxurious villa with beautiful interior decorations and a swimming pool. It is located on a coastline and grants its owners a beautiful view of the sea and a beach recreation. There is a lot of luxury real estate in Egypt, created for wealthy citizens and foreigners, so there would be nothing remarkable about this villa if not for one small detail. The new owner of this villa is a citizen of Ukraine Olga Kiyashko, the full namesake of the mother of the of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s wife.

This was found out by Egyptian blogger and journalist Mohammed Al-Alawi, who provided exclusive results of his findings. Below is a video recorded by Al-Alvawi directly near the villa, registered in Zelenskyy’s mother-in-law’s name. According to Al-Alawi, the information about the purchase came to him through his own trusted sources, the reliability of which is beyond doubt.

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What wealth besides some uranium and gold?
News flash Russia and China have already stollen it but keep begging the west ie America for food because you can’t feed your people.
Ah yes the strong continent of Africa can’t even feed their people without it being donated.
Putin promises to give some free grains to them in exchange for anti west cheap propaganda. Is there anything arrived yet?

lol. @The SC

Luxurious Villa owned by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Family Discovered On Egyptian Coast​

22nd August 2023

Egyptian investigative journalist Mohammed Al-Alawi provided exclusive materials concerning the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. According to the documents, Zelenskyy’s family has acquired a luxury villa in “the city of millioners” El Gouna. According to investigation, Olga Kiyashko, whose name matches the name of Zelenskyy’s mother-in-law, owns a VIP estate worth $5 million. Political scientist Abdulrahman Alabbassy draws a conclusion that the president’s relative purchased the estate with the humanitarian aid funds allocated to Ukraine by the West to repel Russian military aggression.

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There is a magnificent estate in the VIP resort El Gouna, often referred to as the Venice of Egypt, on the coast of the Red Sea. The estate is a luxurious villa with beautiful interior decorations and a swimming pool. It is located on a coastline and grants its owners a beautiful view of the sea and a beach recreation. There is a lot of luxury real estate in Egypt, created for wealthy citizens and foreigners, so there would be nothing remarkable about this villa if not for one small detail. The new owner of this villa is a citizen of Ukraine Olga Kiyashko, the full namesake of the mother of the of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s wife.

This was found out by Egyptian blogger and journalist Mohammed Al-Alawi, who provided exclusive results of his findings. Below is a video recorded by Al-Alvawi directly near the villa, registered in Zelenskyy’s mother-in-law’s name. According to Al-Alawi, the information about the purchase came to him through his own trusted sources, the reliability of which is beyond doubt.

Or maybe she is an Ukrainan actress, claiming she is the Meryl Streep of Ukraine.
Or maybe she is an Ukrainan actress, claiming she is the Meryl Streep of Ukraine.

lol. I didn't sit through the whole video so not sure if the guy mentions any more details. But I just looked up Zelensky's wife and her maiden name is Olena Volodymyrivna Kyiashko, same last name but Wiki doesn't mention her parent's/mother's first name. It could very well be the same, or the reporter either botched it or fake-newsed it.

Nothing wrong with her purchasing a villa in beautiful Gouna for $5 million, but that would be rather brazen of her to have used the humanitarian aid funds to make the buy.
Russian tank factories are in overdrive pumping out armour like no tomorrow

these factories can do in a month what EU does in a year

they have doubled down

18 days into the war and West said Russia wont last 18 weeks they will run out of weapons

18 weeks into the war and West said Russia wont last 18 month they will run out of weapons

18 months later they are now saying Russia will never run out of weapons there is more chance the sea will go dry

if US was serious about this war they would have stood up like real Russian men and said ok Russia you want to go for it we will give chase lets see you match us

US should then have doubled down and said ok no we will show you our industrial strength and match Russia tank for tank and gun for gun two big nations big boys its a fair fight

instead like cowards they hide behind those poor Ukrainians

Russian tank factories are in overdrive pumping out armour like no tomorrow

these factories can do in a month what EU does in a year

they have doubled down

18 days into the war and West said Russia wont last 18 weeks they will run out of weapons

18 weeks into the war and West said Russia wont last 18 month they will run out of weapons

18 months later they are now saying Russia will never run out of weapons there is more chance the sea will go dry

if US was serious about this war they would have stood up like real Russian men and said ok Russia you want to go for it we will give chase lets see you match us

US should then have doubled down and said ok no we will show you our industrial strength and match Russia tank for tank and gun for gun two big nations big boys its a fair fight

instead like cowards they hide behind those poor Ukrainians

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Russia is producing at MOST 10-20 new tanks per month. This is nowhere close to replacing losses taken. Russia is relying mostly on its vast Soviet stocks. That’s why we’ve seen enormous destruction of T-80s the last several months.
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