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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley says Russia has failed "every single" objective in its war against Ukraine.

“Russians have failed every single time. They’ve lost strategically, they’ve lost operationally and, I repeat, they lost tactically. What they’ve tried to do, they failed at,” Milley said Wednesday at a press conference with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin after a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group. “The strategic reframing of their objectives, of their illegal invasion, have all failed, every single one of them.”

Milley listed Russia’s failure to “overrun all of Ukraine” at the start of the war as well as after their refocus on the Donbas region and the capture of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson.

“Across the entire frontline trace of some 900 or so kilometers, the Ukrainians have achieved success after success after success, and the Russians have failed every single time,” said Milley.

So after the Ukies tried to false flag a russian attack on Poland and invoke article 5 to destroy the Russians and launch WW3, the Americans chickened out? :) This was a great opportunity for the Americans to use this as an excuse to launch an all out attack on the Russians in Ukraine, but they didn't, I wonder why? :)
yes the Americans chickened out. Right now, Sri Lanka could beat Russia in a conventional war. May be that's not a bad plan, conquer Russia put it on Airbnb and solve the Sri Lanka debt problem.
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yes the Americans chickened out. Right now, Sri Lanka could beat Russia in a conventional war. May be that's not a bad plan, conquer Russia put it on Airbnb and solve the Sri Lanka debt problem.

You've invaded and overtaken countries like Iraq on made up pretexts, but didn't on this occasion. Why not? Why not go and destroy the Russians in Ukraine and put an end to this pointless war? Instead over 200,000 Russians and Ukrainians killed and wounded. But hey, who cares, let the slavs slaughter each other, they're just as bad as each other, and makes for good spectator sport seeing "civilised" cultures play out natural selection, rather than dark skinned people in third world countries no one cares about.
You've invaded and overtaken countries like Iraq on made up pretexts, but didn't on this occasion. Why not? Why not go and destroy the Russians in Ukraine and put an end to this pointless war? Instead over 200,000 Russians and Ukrainians killed and wounded. But hey, who cares, let the slavs slaughter each other, they're just as bad as each other, and makes for good spectator sport seeing "civilised" cultures play out natural selection, rather than dark skinned people in third world countries no one cares about.
well I already said we is chickin ..😨

but you know what we're damned if we do and damned if we don't
If it were up to me I'd want us to go back to pre-world war isolationism. But military conflict is the grindstone that keeps the military sharp. It's a conundrum, the fear is if the US intervenes in Ukraine the Russian will lose so fast so hard that the entire Russian state will descend into anarchy. No one wants to see an out of control nation with 5,000 nukes. I guess we've learnt our lesson from Saddam and Gaddafi - Putin may be unhinged, but the alternative may be far worse.
I made the assumption that you were not a false flagger.
But if You rather be called Ivan, to avoid being blamed for slavery, I am sure we can accomodate that.
but again the ancestor of the people with my flag was never called Mesopotamian or Sumerian.
wonder how you assumed I'm false flagger , did i accidentally used flag of a country in Mesopotamia?

darker green. in short Babylon, Assyria and Sumeria and some Semitic city states ,
This is going to be fun.

Even British source confirmed Ukrainian force is in Kinburn, if Russia don't get it right, they might have their entire left flank rolled by the Ukrainian, that would not be good,
Ukraine army trying two flank attack, from the north towards Nova, the south towards Haroska. That’s confirmed. Momentum is on Ukraine side they will use it to annihilate the retreating 20k to 30k Russian troops at Kherson. Ukraine army probably carrying out the operations thru the winter they getting winter clothings and everything else for the winter war from the Nato.
Seems like NATO don't have appetite for war yet.

No-fly zone over Ukraine not on the table – Germany

Nobody will support you directly in a war against Russia. Dont be a fool. Why would any country put its citizens at risk from nuclear strike? Because of Sweden? Lol... You are at your own your goverment knows this.

Let’s not act like the Swedish military has ever directly challenged the Russian military in any meaningful way. Russia would wipe the floor with Sweden without breaking a sweat.

Russia is hardly in a position to attack Sweden lacking amphibious capability.
Even when Trump was attacking NATO, by threatening to remove support, he never attacked Sweden and the US confirm ed that they would send troops.

Since Sweden has not fought a war for over 200 years, you have to go back in history. There you find the battle of Narva 1700 where the Swedish Army beat Russia even though they outnumbered the Swedish Army with ridiculous numbers.

Notable losses is Poltava when the Swedish Army, out of supply and with deficient gun powder attacked a Russian Army 3 times its number.

Finland was lost when the commander of the fortress Sveaborg surrendered without a fight. That could have ended very different.

There is no clear superiority on the Russian part.
LOL I just reported you. Turns out you just a hypocrite ain't cha? 😁

Nice to see you go apeshit.

That are several cases, very few %tage and very barbaric, + consequences followed.

I could bet you would liking it to sit in a prison in Netherland, you even get your religious food.

Israeli prisons = inmates got fat, can read, can work.

Arabic prisons torture, rap (gay-culture, I mean Bacha Bazi is ok too, undercover gays?) etc.

Why you don't live then in Pakistan?

I guess, big mouth in libturd western world is easier to maintain.

As usual, some ordinary truths (1-2 western crimes) but big hypocritical.


Thanks god, this world is shaped by western values.
Surely, many hypocritical thing but as a whole MUCH better than these "values".
Allows you to talk shit the whole day, you couldn't when the situation was reverse.
Maybe we should orientate on Pakistan, at least what to do with cheeky minorites... ;)

You deserve what is coming at you. 100%. Stop crying and begging for sympathy. You won't get any. The amount of suffering and hate that you have spread is known to every person. From Iraq to Afghanistan.

LOL is that all you got German fool? LOL You cannot win an argument on Ukraine war and you resort to Pakistan and my place of residence? LOL Dude, I was born here and I will stay here. This is my country. So will my children stay here and also their children. Do something about it if you can. All you can do is fume with anger and act like a little racist that you are.

LOL Ohhhh he is going to concentrate on Pakistan now the little Hitler fanatic. We are so scared now. Hold on a minute, what did you do in the last two decades in Afghanistan? Wasn't that project aimed at Pakistan? Haven't you killed enough Pakistanis through killer drone strikes? Haven't you burdened Pakistan with Afghan refugees? Haven't you accused Pakistan whilst spilling innocent blood? Yet you left red faced. We know you inside out. We won't fall for your pathetic lies.

Stupid moron. Bacha bazi is practiced in Afghanistan. He didn't even read his own link that he posted LOL

Bacha bāzī (Persian: بچه بازی, lit. "boy play"; from بچه bacheh, "boy", and بازی bazi "play, game") is a slang term used in Afghanistan for a custom in Afghanistan involving child sexual abuse by older men of young adolescent males or boys, called dancing boys, often involving sexual slavery and child prostitution.

LOL which world is shaped by Western values? The Western world or the entire world? You are so stupid and intoxicated, yet you live in a pond where you think that Western values rule the entire universe. They don't stupid villager. You are what we call a typical tokkie in Dutch language. All you know about the world is what happens in your little white village.

This is your country Germany where Muslim women get harrassed and stabbed to death by a racist German in the court of law. Refugees are scolded.

The same Ukrainians that you defend are actually hated by your racist countrymen.

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No one wants to see an out of control nation with 5,000 nukes. I guess we've learnt our lesson from Saddam and Gaddafi - Putin may be unhinged, but the alternative may be far worse.

All you should've learned is that you didn't go hard enough on Saddam, and Gaddafi.

US spent 20 years in both Japan, and Germany with boots on the ground to keep them in line for long enough to suppress their barbaric tendencies

If US did the same in Iraq, they would've been jailing tens of thousands of Baathists, and kept the rest pacified with an iron fist to this day.

It's a conundrum, the fear is if the US intervenes in Ukraine the Russian will lose so fast so hard that the entire Russian state will descend into anarchy.

If Washington doesn't want an anarchy in what will be left from Russia, then they need American tanks on the Red Square.

That's simple
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