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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

They are in fact on a picnic ride in Ukraine when compared to what the US did to Iraq.
Russian conduct of war in Ukraine is brutal just like in other countries including in Syria. Do you want me to post pictures and videos? Difference is that Ukranians are able to fight back and make it impossible for Russians to carpet bomb Ukranian cities like in Syria. This was conveyed to you before.
Russia is hardly in a position to attack Sweden lacking amphibious capability.
Even when Trump was attacking NATO, by threatening to remove support, he never attacked Sweden and the US confirm ed that they would send troops.

Since Sweden has not fought a war for over 200 years, you have to go back in history. There you find the battle of Narva 1700 where the Swedish Army beat Russia even though they outnumbered the Swedish Army with ridiculous numbers.

Notable losses is Poltava when the Swedish Army, out of supply and with deficient gun powder attacked a Russian Army 3 times its number.

Finland was lost when the commander of the fortress Sveaborg surrendered without a fight. That could have ended very different.

There is no clear superiority on the Russian part.
How and historically, Russia never stood much of chance against Sweden. Losing Finland was tragic. Such a shame
Maybe they should not hate people that are different to them in the 1st place... You know just saying. There's a reason why all their neighbors hate them in the 1st place. Even Vietnam hate China so much they willing to discuss alliance with the US.

Vietnam is a country that was napalmed by the Americans. Vietnamese women were mass raped by US soldiers. I don't think any neighbor of China has any love for the US or the West for that matter. Everyone is milking the opportunity. That is all. If you think that Chinese neighbor's are going anti-China you are mistaken. You people are a gullible bunch. You think that you can divide and conquer. That is not the case. I would also milk an ideal situation.

Russian conduct of war in Ukraine is brutal just like in other countries including in Syria. Do you want me to post pictures and videos? Difference is that Ukranians are able to fight back and make it impossible for Russians to carpet bomb Ukranian cities like in Syria. This was conveyed to you before.

You should know how the Western powers have colonized and waged wars in foreign nations. I guess you already know that. Skulls are kept in museum's till this day of people that opposed subjugation from Western powers. Countries like Iraq and Afghanistan ravaged and bombed to the stone age. Innocent citizens killed for fun by sharpshooter as trophies. Their limbs collected as reminders.
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US spent 20 years in both Japan, and Germany with boots on the ground to keep them in line for long enough to suppress their barbaric tendencies

If US did the same in Iraq, they would've been jailing tens of thousands of Baathists, and kept the rest pacified with an iron fist to this day.
It just demonstrates the weakness of German and Japanese society at the time. A society that stood for ultranationalism and fascism.

Had the west stayed in Iraq and Afghanistan for 500 years they could not change the strong islamic undercurrent of the society. The islamic civilisation simply cant be tamed by the west. On the contrary, in the long run, chances are it will probably conquer or assimilate the west. Many Westerners realise this and thats why they are so rabidly anti-islamic.
Vietnam is a country that was napalmed by the Americans. Vietnamese women were mass raped by US soldiers. I don't think any neighbor of China has any love for the US or the West for that matter. Everyone is milking the opportunity. That is all. If you think that Chinese neighbor's are going anti-China you are mistaken. You people are a gullible bunch. You think that you can divide and conquer. That is not the case. I would also milk an ideal situation.
And that should tell you something about China's treatment of their perceived lesser country.

Also this apply Russia. Why do you think every country east of Berlin all wanted to join NATO?
You should know how the Western powers have colonized and waged wars in foreign nations. I guess you already know that. Skulls are kept in museum's till this day of people that opposed subjugation from Western powers.
Yes, I know.
Yes, that museum is in France. Horrific.

Russians are not clean either. They also colonize and wage wars in Foreign nations.

Western powers (and Soviets) banded together to split Ottoman Empire. Then Western powers and Soviets attempted to undermine each other in times of the Cold War and ruined multiple countries in the process. War in Afghanistan gave rise to jihadi mindset and militancy in particular and its cascading effects are being felt to this day. I hope that Pakistan has learned its lesson.

The pan-Islamic bloc has its own problems and history of terrible miscalculations. Some Islamic countries produced extremely bad leaders and suffered due to their egotistical politics which opened the gates to foreign exploitation.

This is a lengthy debate on the whole.

WE should get back to topic in this thread, therefore.
Nice to see you go apeshit.

You deserve what is coming at you. 100%. Stop crying and begging for sympathy. You won't get any. The amount of suffering and hate that you have spread is known to every person. From Iraq to Afghanistan.

LOL is that all you got German fool? LOL You cannot win an argument on Ukraine war and you resort to Pakistan and my place of residence? LOL Dude, I was born here and I will stay here. This is my country. So will my children stay here and also their children. Do something about it if you can. All you can do is fume with anger and act like a little racist that you are.

LOL Ohhhh he is going to concentrate on Pakistan now the little Hitler fanatic. We are so scared now. Hold on a minute, what did you do in the last two decades in Afghanistan? Wasn't that project aimed at Pakistan? Haven't you killed enough Pakistanis through killer drone strikes? Haven't you burdened Pakistan with Afghan refugees? Haven't you accused Pakistan whilst spilling innocent blood? Yet you left red faced. We know you inside out. We won't fall for your pathetic lies.

Stupid moron. Bacha bazi is practiced in Afghanistan. He didn't even read his own link that he posted LOL

Bacha bāzī (Persian: بچه بازی, lit. "boy play"; from بچه bacheh, "boy", and بازی bazi "play, game") is a slang term used in Afghanistan for a custom in Afghanistan involving child sexual abuse by older men of young adolescent males or boys, called dancing boys, often involving sexual slavery and child prostitution.

LOL which world is shaped by Western values? The Western world or the entire world? You are so stupid and intoxicated, yet you live in a pond where you think that Western values rule the entire universe. They don't stupid villager. You are what we call a typical tokkie in Dutch language. All you know about the world is what happens in your little white village.

This is your country Germany where Muslim women get harrassed and stabbed to death by a racist German in the court of law. Refugees are scolded.

The same Ukrainians that you defend are actually hated by your racist countrymen.

The Egyptian woman was killed by a Russian who has German passport.
Lone case, tragic but shit happens.
5-10% Muslims but 30-50% fill ranks in jail.
Nearly in every European country.
Reminds me of Blacks in the US.
13.5% of the population but comitting 50% of all murder, 80-90% murdered Blacks were killed by fellow Blacks.
Muh Black lies matter.
How many Germans got stabbed by imported brown people?
How many got raped, grouped raped?
Don't play the victim cart, hypocrite.
I know that Bacha Bazi is an "Afghan" practice.
You support them, right?
The real racists are big mouth, cheeky minorities who are playing the cheeky breeky card as long as the Whites show tolerance.
Hating but living in Western world.

Have you been to a concentration camp in Germany/Poland? I have, the toilet facilities I saw when I was there are better than many in the third world today. It does not not mean it was a nice place to be. By many accounts, there was enormous hardship there.
Yeah I was.
And until they got gassed they had it often better than common inmates in non-western styled prisons.
In the end you get gassed fast, not tortured, anally raped or head chopped.
More civilized Barbarism.
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It just demonstrates the weakness of German and Japanese society at the time. A society that stood for ultranationalism and fascism.

Had the west stayed in Iraq and Afghanistan for 500 years they could not change the strong islamic undercurrent of the society. The islamic civilisation simply cant be tamed by the west. On the contrary, in the long run, chances are it will probably conquer or assimilate the west. Many Westerners realise this and thats why they are so rabidly anti-islamic.

Hm, Americans told Germans 1945 that every attack on a GI will be answered with 100 male Germans aged 16-60 killed.
Intelligent people who got bombed in 3 years much harder than Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia together, understand this.
The problem is, (good for these people) that Murricans don't wage war as understood in their own world (IF they would have the ability to do war) and they aren't anymore as they were in WW2, Korea and even Vietnam.

Showing much restraint.
Imagine, killing 100 males aged 16-60 for every attack.
The Egyptian woman was killed by a Russian who has German passport.
Lone case, tragic but shit happens.
5-10% Muslims but 30-50% fill ranks in jail.
Nearly in every European country.
Reminds me of Blacks in the US.
13.5% of the population but comitting 50% of all murder, 80-90% murdered Blacks were killed by fellow Blacks.
Muh Black lies matter.
How many Germans got stabbed by imported brown people?
How many got raped, grouped raped?
Don't play the victim cart, hypocrite.
I know that Bacha Bazi is an "Afghan" practice.
You support them, right?
The real racists are big mouth, cheeky minorities who are playing the cheeky breeky card as long as the Whites show tolerance.
Hating but living in Western world.

Yeah I was.
And until they got gassed they had it often better than common inmates in non-western styled prisons.
In the end you get gassed fast, not tortured, anally raped or head chopped.
More civilized Barbarism.

No matter what you say. Russia is winning. They have gained territory and are in the driving seat. The US/NATO are just talking. End of discussion.

Yes, I know.
Yes, that museum is in France. Horrific.

Russians are not clean either. They also colonize and wage wars in Foreign nations.

Western powers (and Soviets) banded together to split Ottoman Empire. Then Western powers and Soviets attempted to undermine each other in times of the Cold War and ruined multiple countries in the process. War in Afghanistan gave rise to jihadi mindset and militancy in particular and its cascading effects are being felt to this day. I hope that Pakistan has learned its lesson.

The pan-Islamic bloc has its own problems and history of terrible miscalculations. Some Islamic countries produced extremely bad leaders and suffered due to their egotistical politics which opened the gates to foreign exploitation.

This is a lengthy debate on the whole.

WE should get back to topic in this thread, therefore.

It is not only in France. It is across many European countries. Google up Britain. They have collected skulls from all over their colonies.

Absolutely agree. I have never claimed that Russia is clean. Every country has dirt and crimes. For the European and American members in this topic to claim that Russia is the only evil barbarian out there is obviously misleading. There is no harm in showing them a mirror. The point that I am trying to make here is that all wars and bloodshed should be condemned across the board. Every life lost is one too many. One life isn't worth more than the other. Unfortunately, according to Americans and Europeans their lives are more meaningful than others. People with blue eyes and blonde hair don't deserve war. Brown barbarians in deserts deserve war.
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No matter what you say. Russia is winning. They have gained territory and are in the driving seat. The US/NATO are just talking. End of discussion.

It is not only in France. It is across many European countries.

Absolutely agree. I have never claimed that Russia is clean. Every country has dirt and crimes. For the European and American members in this topic to claim that Russia is the only evil barbarian out there is obviously misleading. There is no harm in showing them a mirror. The point that I am trying to make here is that all wars and bloodshed should be condemned across the board. One life isn't worth more than the other. Unfortunately, according to Americans and Europeans their lives are more meaningful than others.
The Russian weaklings just ran away from Kherson I would not say they won. Stalin would never allow such a humiliating retreat.
The Russian weaklings just ran away from Kherson I would not say they won. I had participated they would fight to the deaths.

That is what you think. The Russians obviously have plans that they won't share with you.

Russia still holds significant amount of Ukrainian territory that they have annexed.

When are you guys going to help Ukraine on the battlefield? You are sitting here typing stuff on your keyboard. That don't impress me much.
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