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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Pictures of the first UCAV in the world in action in Iran-Iraq war in 1980s:

Iranian drone hits the target. Whole movie is in Farsi. I am adding frames of the movie:







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Since you are here only to troll I am going to do the same. Thank you for the suggestion but I am not interested. I am would rather look at the pics of dead US soldiers from Afghanistan or Iraq. Gives me more pleasure and happiness for some reason.
That is the tribal reaction, where you do not care about right or wrong.
You only care about those that belong to your tribe and to hell with those that belong to other tribes.
The West has passed on that behaviour in its laws and ideals.
It just demonstrates the weakness of German and Japanese society at the time. A society that stood for ultranationalism and fascism.

Had the west stayed in Iraq and Afghanistan for 500 years they could not change the strong islamic undercurrent of the society. The islamic civilisation simply cant be tamed by the west. On the contrary, in the long run, chances are it will probably conquer or assimilate the west. Many Westerners realise this and thats why they are so rabidly anti-islamic.

What? The atheist Baath being Islamic? Since when? They were textbook Marxists, except they took few more extra doctrine positions from Mein Kampf.
Viet wasnt enough, now we got 2 bananas spamming more catholic then the pope western propaganda. Lol……………. “Untill there are donkeys, there will always be donkey riders”


In other shahed news

More ukie hard to replace soviet transformers destroyed

shaheds also took out a zionist diesel tanker in the gulf of oman and forced the zionists to agree to lebanese demands on the gas fields

This little drone is really punching above its geopolitical weight. I cannot wait to see Iranian fatehs and arash im action

Be afraid nato… be very afraid

Do you want me go on or not?

No one claims that there are no criminals in the West.
According to Western Values, criminals should be prosecuted.
According to tribal thinking, anyone that attacks the opposing tribe should be glorified, regardless if they commit a crime or not.

Shooting down an airliner is not a war crime, if there are reasons to believe that it is a threat. And neither stupidity, misunderstandings nor technical errors is criminal.
Damages should be paid, which was done.

Germany and Germans were prosecuted after WWII.

In both the remaining cases, there were court martials. One case that resulted in long time behind bars, and another where punishment were light.

If the US did not care about war crimes, noone would be prosecuted nor convicted.

Name one Muslim which has been court martial and convicted by a predominantly Muslim country for a war crime against a non-Muslim.
Name one Pakistani, which has been convicted by Pakistan for a war crime against India.
Once You can show this, you have a case.
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Yeah pretty much accurate. US and the west can pretty much do anything it wants with brown people and get away with it. Fact. How many Americans or westerners are in jail for war crimes last 20 years? Zero or close to zero.
How many Talibans have been even prosecuted for war crimes?
You will find that its is only the West that actually considers prosecuting their own for war crimes.
What? The atheist Baath being Islamic? Since when? They were textbook Marxists, except they took few more extra doctrine positions from Mein Kampf.
No, I'm not talking about them. they were very much in the minority in Iraq. Saddam and his people were a minority.
How many Talibans have been even prosecuted for war crimes?
You will find that its is only the West that actually considers prosecuting their own for war crimes.
They certainly "consider" prosecuting them, But they then don't prosecute them. And the president pardons any that have been prosecuted. Its good to see that you are comparing the US justice system with that of the Taliban. And you know, I think if the Taliban kill some civilians there is probably more of a chance they will be prosecuted than US Army. How many NATO soldiers were rotated in Iraq and Afghanistan in the last 20 years? How many war crimes prosecutors? How many convictions?
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