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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

That is the tribal reaction, where you do not care about right or wrong.
You only care about those that belong to your tribe and to hell with those that belong to other tribes.
The West has passed on that behaviour in its laws and ideals.
It's you the tribal.

Iraq and Lybia wars were Western pure evil.

But you're a tribal brainwashed cheerleader of Western crimes.

You're the tribal, you think the American backstabbing of Saddam Hussein can't happen to Europe because you're white.

We'll see. :lol:

West European states slaves are tribal and racists.

But American rulers are not, they dont give a sht if you are white or blue like an Avatar character.
They certainly "consider" prosecuting them, But they then don't prosecute them. And the president pardons any that have been prosecuted. Its good to see that you are comparing the US justice system with that of the Taliban. And you know, I think if the Taliban kill some civilians there is probably more of a chance they will be prosecuted than US Army. How many NATO soldiers were rotated in Iraq and Afghanistan in the last 20 years? How many war crimes prosecutors? How many convictions?
There was already links in this thread during the last two days about US soldiers being prosecuted and convicted to decades in prison.
What you ”think” is of no importance.
Show a single Taliban that has been prosecuted for a war crime committed against a US soldier.
There are plenty of examples where Talibans dressed in civilians clothes attacked US soldiers. This is perfidy, one of the worst war crimes, so there should be plenty of Talibans to prosecute.

Name ONE!
No one claims that there are no criminals in the West.
According to Western Values, criminals should be prosecuted.
According to tribal thinking, anyone that attacks the opposing tribe should be glorified, regardless if the commit a crime or not.

Shooting down an airliner is not a war crime, if there are reasons to believe that it is a threat. And neither stupidity, misunderstandings nor technical errors is criminal.
Damages should be paid, which was done.

Germany and Germans were prosecuted after WWII.

In both the remaining cases, there were court martials. One case that resulted in long time behind bars, and another where punishment were light.

If the US did not care about war crimes, noone would be prosecuted nor convicted.

Name one Muslim which has been court martial and convicted by a predominantly Muslim country for a war crime against a non-Muslim.
Name one Pakistani, which has been convicted hy Pakistan for a war crime against India.
Once You can show this, you have a case.
What a serie of hallucinations ideas.

Western powerful people are never punished.

Western slaves can be punished.

A American soldier means nothing for USA elite.

But you'll never see a Goldman Sachs banker punished.

Talibans soldiers means something for Taliban regime, due to that they are not punished even if they do some naughty thing.

The best of prove of how rotten from the core is the West are 911 USA terrorist attacks and another of same kind happened in Europe last 20 years.

There is no such thing as Western ideals, you're raving, Western ideals are money, bribes and suck USA elite cocks meanwhile betraying own common people interests.

And true Christian religion and ideals have been substituted by leftist social-sexual engineering, the same with true leftists workers ideals. That's Western current ideals: a lie of smart twisted people deceiving dumbfucks fools and using them against their own people.
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Red tape in a democracy takes a back seat when important national priorities are at stake: LNG terminal in 200 days....

LNG site eases German gas rationing fears​

Completion of facility in 200 days a crucial part of ending Russia dependence​


Germany has finished construction of its first import terminal for liquefied natural gas, a milestone in its efforts to end its energy dependency on Russia.
The completion of the terminal, at Wilhelmshaven on the North Sea, will ease fears Europe’s largest economy might face gas rationing this winter.
Germany has been striving to build new import infrastructure for gas since Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, which led to a sharp decline in Russian gas supplies.
Earlier this year, it chartered five floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs), one of which will be installed at Wilhelmshaven and the other at nearby Brunsbüttel by the end of the year. The first LNG tankers are due to dock at the two sites early next year.
German economy minister Robert Habeck pointed out that the Wilhelm-shaven terminal had taken just 200 days to build — a major achievement for a country where construction projects can drag on for years.
“Germany can be fast and advance infrastructure projects with great determination when the federal and regional governments, together with the project participants, all pull together,” he said.
Henning Gloystein, a consultant at Eurasia Group, said Wilhelmshaven’s completion marked a “significant” step in Europe’s attempts to “wean itself off Russian gas this winter, something that was deemed impossible at the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine”.
Earlier this year, Germany was haunted by fears of a looming winter gas shortage, especially after Russia drastically reduced flows through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline across the Baltic Sea.
Those fears have eased in recent weeks. Germany’s gas storage is 100 per cent full, partly because unusually mild temperatures meant private households consumed less gas. Industrial use of gas also dropped 27 per cent in October, while German gas imports from the Netherlands, Belgium and Norway have increased slightly over the past few weeks and France started to deliver gas to Germany in mid-October.
That has had a big impact on gas prices in Europe, which are about one-third the level in August. But prices remain almost three times the longterm average and have started to climb again this week, with Berlin forecast to see freezing temperatures by Friday.
The German government has had to spend tens of billions of euros to backstop gas purchases from alternative sources and to nationalise Uniper, the country’s biggest buyer of Russian gas. Uniper will operate the port infrastructure in Wilhelmshaven and has already started work on a connection between the FSRU and shore-based installations.
The economy ministry said three further FSRUs would be deployed in the coming months — one in Stade on the Elbe river near Hamburg and two in Lubmin on the Baltic Sea — and an additional one in Wilhelmshaven in the fourth quarter of 2023.
Economic strength about as important as military strength. Putin stepped into a NATO trap and has single handedly put Russia back at least 20 years industrialization.

I have said before that over 2 years, their planes won't have spare parts and oil equipment won't be serviced as most of the tech they use is imported.

The automotive industry collapse within a year is faster than I thought what it would be. As a paper tiger/counterbalance to NATO, Putin would have been smarter to continue to do what he was doing for the last 20 years. Sow discord, use other means to impact his adversaries (cyber attacks, manipulation) if economic strength was not there. That would have given the impression of strength.

Instead , even if Russia maintains the 15% of territory, it will do so so with its rich and smartest out of the country, its oil no longer relevant in a more renewable economy, and expended 50% of its fighting ability.... no clothes.

The height of irrationality

Putin calls for price controls as Russian car sales crash to record low​

MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin urged the Russian government on Wednesday to control car prices, as one industry head said Western sanctions could send annual sales crashing to below 1 million for the first time since records began.

Auto sales have fallen over 60% so far this year, and may end up being less than a quarter of what they were a decade ago, according to Maxim Sokolov, head of Russia's top carmaker Avtovaz.

Some of this year's drop is due to the pullout of foreign carmakers such as Renault and Mercedes-Benz and a collapse in demand due to a mass mobilisation for the Ukraine conflict.

But much is also due to falling living standards and higher prices, as well as the difficulty of securing foreign-made components after the imposition of a barrage of sanctions by Western countries in response to Russia's military campaign in Ukraine; the latest Lada model has had to be produced without airbags or anti-lock brakes.

Speaking with top officials, Putin acknowledged that the situation was "not easy", and asked the government to look at making cars more affordable, suggesting that prices were being raised unfairly.

"I would like to draw your attention to the need for constant control over pricing, so that under these difficulties, of which we are all aware, including logistics, no one abuses or unreasonably raises the prices of road vehicles," he said.

These are lame excuses. However which way you try to spin this, Iranian drones done a number on Patriot missiles. What was protecting US bases when those Iranian BMs smashed Ain Al Assad or where they misconfigured as well?!

Oh no, an investigation! Russia is running scared!
It was a secondary infantry base. I can guarantee you there was no Patriot battery there. If Iran wanted to make a point, it should have attacked Al Udaid or Aldhafra. Then we would have known for sure.

What’s coming wise one?
Can I screen shot this 😂
I remember prophecies like this when Russians first withdrew from Kiev. Equivalent of Baghdad Bob: every time there is territory lost, some futurustic announcement like this shows up. In the meantime RUssia auto industry is a fraction of what it was 8 months ago because it can't make cars
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What’s coming wise one?
Can I screen shot this 😂
I remember prophecies like this when Russians first withdrew from Kiev. Equivalent of Baghdad Bob: every time there is territory lost, some futurustic announcement like this shows up. In the meantime RUssia auto industry is a fraction of what it was 8 months ago because it can't make cars
I like how this thread goes back and forth between talking about the war and then talking about Islam and Muslim nations. 🙃
Don't forget slavery : Putin freed slaves and everybody else was involved in slavery. I don't know why we are not mature enough to realize that there is no moral right in any war. Morality is determined by who wins. The thread is not named 'Is NATO supremely humane and Putin is not' for these distractions to show up and delay getting to the actual useful content of the forum

Vietnam is a country that was napalmed by the Americans. Vietnamese women were mass raped by US soldiers. I don't think any neighbor of China has any love for the US or the West for that matter. Everyone is milking the opportunity. That is all. If you think that Chinese neighbor's are going anti-China you are mistaken. You people are a gullible bunch. You think that you can divide and conquer. That is not the case. I would also milk an ideal situation.

You should know how the Western powers have colonized and waged wars in foreign nations. I guess you already know that. Skulls are kept in museum's till this day of people that opposed subjugation from Western powers. Countries like Iraq and Afghanistan ravaged and bombed to the stone age. Innocent citizens killed for fun by sharpshooter as trophies. Their limbs collected as reminders.
Why do you think west is morally superior? It is one of the worst things that happen in war and many occupiers do this . But guess what, Iraqis did just this in Kuwait too. So based on that standard every muslim is a criminal too?

No moral high ground (either for Russia or NATO): what matters is how they are fighting and who is like to win. Not whining about moral superiority of one vs. the other.
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No matter what you say. Russia is winning. They have gained territory and are in the driving seat. The US/NATO are just talking. End of discussion.

No matter? If Russia was winning why did they go through so many commanders, and used every option (criminals, mercenaries). 15% of territory gained is not the intention behind this 'specail operation'... Russia is winning and its industry has started to collapse (see my earlier post on automative sales collapsing by 60% because of western equipment needed). And this is a start.

I am not rooting for Russia's collapse. The fake military arrogance did this to them

It's you the tribal.

Iraq and Lybia wars were Western pure evil.

But you're a tribal brainwashed cheerleader of Western crimes.

You're the tribal, you think the American backstabbing of Saddam Hussein can't happen to Europe because you're white.

We'll see. :lol:

West European states slaves are tribal and racists.

But American rulers are not, they dont give a sht if you are white or blue like an Avatar character.
Backstabbing occurred because Saddam was a below average IQ leader: he didn't have nuclear weapons, didn't realize that 9/11 changed the situation as it gave neo-cons the pretext and excuse to mobilize support to ATTEMPT to change the middle east.

Even when war was about to begin in 2003, he did not open up to inspectors and kept digging a hole. One thing if he had nukes, worthless if not.

So backtabbing of europe is harder because the leaders are on average smarter than Saddam to not set themselves for a self inflicted idiotic trap out of an exagerrated sense of importance
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