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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

US have a bunch of weapons they can send, but one way or another, they decided not to transfer any of this.

The Official position for Biden is they want to leave room for negotiation and don't want to get the war hot, I mean if they pour these article in it and then turn around and as Russia for negotiation, it seems like not a genuine move.

I can understand main will here is to see this war end as soon as possible.

The question is what will be the fastest way to do it ? Will more arms for arming Ukraine end the war sooner or not.

There are two things that have changed in recent weeks that now need to be considered.

First Ukraine has proven it can take a lot of land back , and might actually win this war.

The other thing is Putin mobilization , that demonstrate he has no intention of ending this war any time soon , by some sort of a compromise.

As much as this mobilization exposed Russia weaknesses and was subject for jokes , still US can't just ignore this move. It will need to match the Russians mobilization by strengthening and resupplying Ukraine . At least to the level where they can fend of any Russians new attacks

Putin n should really just deploy nukes over Ukraine. There is no way the rest of the world will confront Russia for a total nuclear war. It's just the same as the Americans did to Japan. For world peace you need to drop a few. It's a necessary burden.

Nuke Ukraine for World peace. ☮️
Just like Japan in WWII
Wargaming shows that the best route after Russia is using a single nuke is an all-in attack with nuclear weapons, because the single nuke is going to be followed by others. While at it, I suspect that the US is going to call in a few debts.
I can understand main will here is to see this war end as soon as possible.

The question is what will be the fastest way to do it ? Will more arms for arming Ukraine end the war sooner or not.

There are two things that have changed in recent weeks that now need to be considered.

First Ukraine has proven it can take a lot of land back , and might actually win this war.

The other thing is Putin mobilization , that demonstrate he has no intention of ending this war any time soon , by some sort of a compromise.

As much as this mobilization exposed Russia weaknesses and was subject for jokes , still US can't just ignore this move. It will need to match the Russians mobilization by strengthening and resupplying Ukraine . At least to the level where they can fend of any Russians new attacks

It depends. This war will NOT end with Ukraine took back all their territories, be it pre-2022 or pre-2014. This war can only end when Russia ambition in Ukraine is quashed, once and for all, otherwise even if Ukraine expelled the Russian completely on the ground, as long as Putin is still in charge or whoever take over still have ambition in Ukraine, that will follow a low-high-low intensity conflict between the 2 countries.

The only way to end this war is when we get Ukraine NATO membership or security guarantee to that level, before we didn't do that because again, we don't want to be antagonising Russia, but now Russia had invaded, all bets are off, I think all cards should be on the table, and what this counter offensive show Ukraine is worthy of NATO membership, I think they probably fought better than most country in NATO. So until NATO membership or some sort of legally binding security pact is secured for Ukraine, this war will not end.

For this war to end, it also depends on how or what Ukraine want, do they want to take back all of Ukraine? Or do they just want to get back to Pre-2022 line. That was said by Zelenskyy many times, it depends on what the Ukrainian people want, they would have to vote for any cease fire agreement. And Ukraine have demonstrated that they have the requirement to retake their land, Crimea included.

In fact, what my friend said to me this morning is very funny, but true, what if NATO offer Ukraine membership for NATO now that Russia escalated to annex those part of Ukraine? I think we should call Russian bluff, and see how it goes on the other hand, and let them taste their own medicine, I mean if Russia is allowed to do that, why not the west cannot offer Ukraine NATO Membership? That would solve 2 things. 1.) It will stop Russian from further attacking Ukraine, any missile landed in Lviv, Kyiv, Odessa or Kharkiv would be considered an act of war on NATO, article 5 applies, and we rollback Pre-2022 for Ukraine. If Russia decided not to attack, then there will be peace for what left of Ukraine. The downside is, Ukraine would have to accept the loss of their territories for the NATO membership, not sure how Ukrainian People will take that.

But other than that, I don't see a way this war is going to end soon, or quickly, even after Ukrainian repel all Russian advance.
I can understand main will here is to see this war end as soon as possible.

The question is what will be the fastest way to do it ? Will more arms for arming Ukraine end the war sooner or not.

There are two things that have changed in recent weeks that now need to be considered.

First Ukraine has proven it can take a lot of land back , and might actually win this war.

The other thing is Putin mobilization , that demonstrate he has no intention of ending this war any time soon , by some sort of a compromise.

As much as this mobilization exposed Russia weaknesses and was subject for jokes , still US can't just ignore this move. It will need to match the Russians mobilization by strengthening and resupplying Ukraine . At least to the level where they can fend of any Russians new attacks

There's a reason the US doesn't send all their big guns to Ukraine to quickly end the war, One major reason is that a quick war will just left Putin still in charge, Russian military still mostly intact and their populations more bitter & resentful of the west.

But if the war are prolonged like you see now. Russia will be weakened in the long run. Their population will be angry more at their own government than the west. I say we just watch & see if the situation demanded that the US sends more weapons.
Love Ukrain but not Zioneltsky ,,

Here western girls dancing to Katyucha

Some civilization!!!
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You have no idea man,, they do control a lot of things here,, beyond your imagination..
If they engage in anti Canada activities they will be rounded up very quick and chipped off back to where they came from or interned.
If they engage in anti Canada activities they will be rounded up very quick and chipped off back to where they came from or interned.
Not at all..they were the first to build the all over Canada's railways.. they are extremely entranched in the Canadian society.. told you ..you have no idea..
Ukraine fights with 1 to 4 deficiency in man power. Think Confederates versus Unions. It is not sustainable.
Did confederates have HIMARS? or satellites?

My dear this didn't start due to Ukraine...this started more than 25 years ago. The agreement at the demise of the Berlin Wall was that nato will not expand east. Nato expanded east and the red line was Ukraine. Russia has warned for years. Also the Russian speakers in the eat were under stress. So it's not simple
Ukraine as well as any country has the right to resist. However, Russia also has the right to protect its borders so when Russia was saying no nato in Ukraine why didn't Ukraine just build its own military strong. Why was there a need to join nato.
Now Ukraine will take a 30 years to recover and 100+ years to repay its debt
Ukraine didnt join NATO, so all is well. NATO had to expand because the people in Eastern Europe had enough of Russian rule and waiting in line for toilet paper. They said no more.
With an inertial navigation system, sensors detecting the weapons' lay, automation, and an encrypted digital communication system. I am sure they are more advanced than most of what the Russians have.
You are sure they are more advanced? you wold be right!
The question is what will be the fastest way to do it ? Will more arms for arming Ukraine end the war sooner or not.
The fastest way to end the war is to stop arming Ukraine and Arm Russia with HIAMRS and military intelligence. If your aim is to end the wart quickly.
Wargaming shows that the best route after Russia is using a single nuke is an all-in attack with nuclear weapons, because the single nuke is going to be followed by others. While at it, I suspect that the US is going to call in a few debts.
A full nuclear first strike by USA, will probably be successful, I am sure it can be won without Russia being able to retaliate in a meaningful way. I think this has always been the case. in the last 20 years americas ability to do this is increased may times over. It would be all over in 45 minutes if a decision is made. US has classified tech that we odnt know much about., but I know for a fact they can sink every Russian submarine almost simultaneously. They know where the silos are, and nuke armed butler busters can take them out, they show where the airfields and bombers are and they track mobile launchers with those micro satlltelites.

I think US will not do this as they are saving this capability for China. Once the Chinese see what US can do, the element of surprise is gone in the future. So they wont be striking russia with nukes.

I think they will just isolate russia it if uses nukes and maybe sink their navy and say the ukrnaians did it.
If Russia decided not to attack, then there will be peace for what left of Ukraine. The downside is, Ukraine would have to accept the loss of their territories for the NATO membership, not sure how Ukrainian People will take that.
The issue probably wont be solved in our lifetime. It will require a regime change in Russia. West will need to win a second Cold War. It will be a frozen conflict.

Not at all..they were the first to build the all over Canada's railways.. they are extremely entranched in the Canadian society.. told you ..you have no idea..
Canada will defend itself against any hostile foreign population that has received Canadian passports recently. Have no worry about that.

Australia can already take their citizzneship away if they act for a foreign power. And if people have to be rounded up, trust me the local population can't wait.
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