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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Trump informing to Putin and other dictators on pro-democracy proponents informing to putinesque dictators around the globe.

Trump and Putin are the vanguard of authoritarian thugs of the criminal deepstate of united Russia-Washington-London redux-ed criminals. The criminals of the Bush years found their leaders - Trump and Putin.

Trump and Putin are neo-con PNACers. The enemy is the EU for Project for New American Century.

Could Washington focus on destroying the Putinites of China and Iran and Venezuela. And not NATO Europe.

President-Elect Trump Calls Alliance 'Obsolete' In Interview With London Newspaper​

Trump was planning to withdraw US from Nato and ditch South Korea alliance, according to new book​

Trumps still not president, boy are you dense
I don't know, it's like I sleep with your wife, and you punch me, I will not go to jail, you will. I mean, if you use the reason "Because I sleep with your wife" in court, it just wouldn't fly.

Problem is, NATO probably didn't think Russia will be stupid enough to actually invade Ukraine, if I am a betting man, I think NATO intentionally put this Infront of Ukraine and try to get some action from Russia, the action they are expecting is most likely a ramp up of the proxy war using the separatist force, you will have to say this, it would be pretty dumb for Russia to actually invade Ukraine to begin with, anyone with a sane mind would know the day they invade is the day they are losing the strategic game, because even if they rolled over Ukraine, which they didn't, Russia will most likely push Sweden and Finland toward NATO and alienate Russian own allies, because don't forget, Ukrainian are like "Brothers" to Russian, in fact, a lot of family connection between the two countries, it not hard to find some Ukrainian have family member living in Russia and vice versa, and if they can invade them, what won't they do??

But then Russian really did invade and then they failed. Instead of calling off this failure, they double down, I mean, sure, maybe there is a way for peace in March and hope that things will go back to normal one day, with who know how many thousand Ukrainian died defending their home now? That's really unlikely the two countries would mend their ties, it will more or less become Israel and Palestine, or India and Pakistan in term of relationship from now on.

On the other hand, there are really a lot of ways to solve the NATO issue, if that is really the problem here, but it wouldn't really take much to know NATO was not the issue with Ukrainian War, even before the leak of Ukrainian Okay on not joining NATO in turn of a Russian stand down, that's because Ukraine cannot join NATO unilaterally, they will need all 30 countries approve to be able to, so it wasn't just focus on Ukraine, if Russia don't ever want Ukraine to join? They can pressure France or Germany or Turkey or most easily Hungary to reject their application. And then they can try to insert influence on the Ukrainian government and hope to gain the government back with a pro-Russia regime.

On the other hand, NATO had already been enveloped Russia on three side, From Latvia and Estonia to the West to Turkey in the South, and Alaska in the East, NATO encroachment really wouldn't make any strategic balance to Russia, in fact now that Finland is joining, attacking Ukraine did the exact opposite to what Russia set out on, because it is about to gain 1200 km border with NATO when, not if, Finland join. And then NATO will really be completely enveloping Russian on all 4 side, and the only side of Russia is not facing NATO is in the North in the Arctics.

So yes, NATO is expecting something, but never would they expect Russia really go all in with this and invade Ukraine themselves. and when this happen, what can you do? Would you be allowing this to happen because Russia invaded? You won't, that's why there are fighting now. And this will not be ending anytime soon, and the more this drag on, the more it put both countries down, the only different is, the West is going to help Ukraine rebuild, I don't think China will do to Russia, Russia is going to be a hot pile of shit after this war where nobody want to touch, and if you ask me, they are their own making, and they asked for it. And you can't blame NATO on this.

China will increase support for Russia. A weaker Ukraine is a good thing for China. A weaker Ukraine means less American influence in Europe. A weaker Ukraine is more dependent on China for economy.
" In case of accession of Donbass and South Ukraine regions following referendum "

I am sure all here are holding their breath wondering what will be the results of this referendum.


I think it will be some years. In 2014 Donbas declared secession from Ukraine. It wasn't until 2022 Putin recognized their independence. First, they must destroy all Ukrainian army located in Kherson, Zaporezia, Donetsk, Luhansk. After that, parliament introduce bill of annexation, then president signs the bill, then parliament ratifies the bill. In the case of Crimea, there was no Ukrainian army left in Crimea when they did the referendum, so annexation was quick.
Putin draft just gone haywire.

Report suggested that Russian do not have all the information they needed for draft, stuff like drafting the wrong person with the same name with one case a person 63 years of ages were alleged being drafted on his son's notice. List that are not valid, there are report that Russian try to draft people who are already deceased. And also drafting people seemingly randomly whether or not they had served with the Armed force, like miner, mechanic, and builder that had not been in conscription system before.

Perhaps the most telling is the 70% of the current draft is on Minority in Dagestan, Khabarovsk and Far East region, with Russin metro only received 15% of the draft notice....

lol.......what kind of draft is this??,.
Putin is like a Mafia gangster that goes around the neighborhood.

You are right. That will take weeks, months to draft them. That will months further to make them fit. Those freshmen, women will be shifted like animals to front.

that however will not change anything fundamental on battlefield. Those unmotivated, unfit personals will slow Ukraine offensive a bit, but that’s all.

Russia army has lost the initiative and will never regain it.
Where are the 450 M1 Abrams that the Marine just gave up? Where are the 142 M1128 Mobile Guns Platform the Army just retired this year? How about the M270 the Marine replaced with HIMARS?

On another issue ,

I looked again today at the US weapons list to see what they can easily spare that would still make a difference.

And the most obvious candidate is the M109A6 "Paladin".

US has 1000 of those , and can easily spare 100 or more.

With an inertial navigation system, sensors detecting the weapons' lay, automation, and an encrypted digital communication system. I am sure they are more advanced than most of what the Russians have.

Your thoughts on this ?


M109A6 "Paladin".


On another issue ,

I looked again today at the US weapons list to see what they can easily spare that would still make a difference.

And the most obvious candidate is the M109A6 "Paladin".

US has 1000 of those , and can easily spare 100 or more.

With an inertial navigation system, sensors detecting the weapons' lay, automation, and an encrypted digital communication system. I am sure they are more advanced than most of what the Russians have.

Your thoughts on this ?


M109A6 "Paladin".


Americans have lost spirit. They do not think Ukraine can win out numbered 1 to 4 and with no military hardware infrastructure.
On another issue ,

I looked again today at the US weapons list to see what they can easily spare that would still make a difference.

And the most obvious candidate is the M109A6 "Paladin".

US has 1000 of those , and can easily spare 100 or more.

With an inertial navigation system, sensors detecting the weapons' lay, automation, and an encrypted digital communication system. I am sure they are more advanced than most of what the Russians have.

Your thoughts on this ?


M109A6 "Paladin".


US have a bunch of weapons they can send, but one way or another, they decided not to transfer any of this.

The Official position for Biden is they want to leave room for negotiation and don't want to get the war hot, I mean if they pour these article in it and then turn around and as Russia for negotiation, it seems like not a genuine move.

About the M109A6, I have had a very serious discussion with @Oldman1 about the transfer of them, the Ukrainian need a lot M109 for offensive push, I think the Norwegian has transferred around 20 of them and was thinking of US will make a matching move and donate another 20 but then that was never materialised. I would say they will need around 200 to make a different across the board. But that most likely a dream number.

On the other hand, the way the Ukrainian operate, we are probably better off send them tank than offensive artillery, because offensive artillery softens up a position, that is the kind of war they are doing in buildup area down south. In the east tho, that is wide open country, the speedy counter offensive is an example how a shift and mobile force can exploit an unprepared enemy, which is what Russian Army is, if the Ukrainian had a couple of hundred of Western Tank at their disposal during that counter offensive, they would have made a bigger gain then they did

You can't chase your enemy away with SPG, but you can with tank. That is why Western Tank (Abrams and Leo) have remained on the top of their wish list since April.
Americans have lost spirit. They do not think Ukraine can win out numbered 1 to 4 and with no military hardware infrastructure.
Keep trolling
The US is the biggest winner from this disaster.
Meanwhile in Russia industrial paradise, two biggest Germany’s industrial giants, Thyssen and Bosch unwind activity and close factories.

Putin is like a Mafia gangster that goes around the neighborhood.

You are right. That will take weeks, months to draft them. That will months further to make them fit. Those freshmen, women will be shifted like animals to front.

that however will not change anything fundamental on battlefield. Those unmotivated, unfit personals will slow Ukraine offensive a bit, but that’s all.

Russia army has lost the initiative and will never regain it.
The thing about Russian initiative is, they are maintained by a small group of motivated troops

The problem? Those troop has been on the frontline since the start of the war, experienced all the ups and downs of this war. It's one thing if they encounter victories after victories, that way their status is still fresh and their morale high. But that is not the case here, since the initial sucess in March, it all went downhill for more of the Russian unit, the frontline has been static since July (it's nearly October) and then they are beaten back, got tossed around and bombarded every day since. They are what we called "Worn Out" troop, there are no fight in them anymore, you need to pull them back, have them gone thru R&R and regroup and more importantly reconstitute. Get them away from the battlefield a few days or weeks and then come back to a sustained tempo. You can't keep them up and up without break.

That was what these 300,000 troops comes in, they are designed to give this force a break, but then these 300,000 are untrained, and equally unmotivated, if the original troop were lost fighting this war, these fresh conscripts are probably even more lost and wondering what are they doing here? When the Kremlin told them everything is alright and every time there are these pressers, they always say, "The Operation is going according to plan" Yet there they are, dropped off in the front line regardless of whether or not Putin will use them for a push. You can image what kind of through going thru these people's mind when they are being processed at depot.

They are never going to win war with soldier like that, there are way too many lies for the Russian to see and to find their true position in this war. In a normal, logical sense, I will pull everything off and just restart the whole thing, but then that's not Putin was doing, he is trying to reinforce a failure, believing referendum would means cessation of hostility is stupid, Ukrainian are already fighting the Russian Army, in and out of Russian land, what make you think now calling these lands are mind now would make any different? If it would be so, they would have stopped fighting the moment they know it was the Russian who is attacking them.

So yes, the longer it drag out, the more it hurt Russia, Putin is running the country down to a shithole, I am seriously surprised there are no one in Russia making a move yet to dispose of him. There was news that there was an attempt on his life but, well, I would not want to be a Russian in the next 30 years
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