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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

After a year we are seeing some sense and clear goal of what putins wants to do

He wants to annex 4 areas of ukraine.

With full mobilzation will he bring ruthless aerial campaign to the table..

If he does the war will be more destructive and devasting but i think we will see acheivements of goals within 2 months


Trump informing to Putin and other dictators on pro-democracy proponents informing to putinesque dictators around the globe.

Trump and Putin are the vanguard of authoritarian thugs of the criminal deepstate of united Russia-Washington-London redux-ed criminals. The criminals of the Bush years found their leaders - Trump and Putin.

Trump and Putin are neo-con PNACers. The enemy is the EU for Project for New American Century.

Could Washington focus on destroying the Putinites of China and Iran and Venezuela. And not NATO Europe.

President-Elect Trump Calls Alliance 'Obsolete' In Interview With London Newspaper​

Trump was planning to withdraw US from Nato and ditch South Korea alliance, according to new book​

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Kh-47M2 Kinzhal - Wikipedia​

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Kh-47M2_Kinzhal

The Kh-47M2 Kinzhal is a Russian nuclear-capable hypersonic aero-ballistic air-to-surface missile. It has a claimed range of more than 2,000 km (1,200 mi), ...
Maximum speed: Mach 10 – Mach 12 (12,300...
Warhead weight: up to 500 kg (1,100 lb)
Operational range: : More than 2,000 km (1,200 ...
Warhead: Nuclear (100–500 kT) or HE fragme...‎
Air-launched ballistic missile · ‎Plasma stealth · ‎Deliatyn
Putin draft just gone haywire.

Report suggested that Russian do not have all the information they needed for draft, stuff like drafting the wrong person with the same name with one case a person 63 years of ages were alleged being drafted on his son's notice. List that are not valid, there are report that Russian try to draft people who are already deceased. And also drafting people seemingly randomly whether or not they had served with the Armed force, like miner, mechanic, and builder that had not been in conscription system before.

Perhaps the most telling is the 70% of the current draft is on Minority in Dagestan, Khabarovsk and Far East region, with Russin metro only received 15% of the draft notice....

lol.......what kind of draft is this??,.
After a year we are seeing some sense and clear goal of what putins wants to do

He wants to annex 4 areas of ukraine.

With full mobilzation will he bring ruthless aerial campaign to the table..

If he does the war will be more destructive and devasting but i think we will see acheivements of goals within 2 months

Europe is in trouble and not only dependent on Russia for fuel but is also dependent on US for security and neither is cheap. The more Russia threatens the Europoodles the more money the US makes. Any Europoodles who step out of line could end up in a proxy war with calamitous results. As for Putin not sure which side he is on, either he is playing the fool and fu(king Russian people up or he is an evil man readying for Armageddon. His grandeur Soviet Union style invasion with the monetary fund of a pauper has caused a well planned quagmire andthe key question is what will he do if his mass mobilised force fails? Yes, that N-world flies to the mind, the all or nothing of a deranged gambler.
I agree with this part wholeheartedly. The West is hanging a carrot in front of the Ukraine horse while riding next to the Russian horse. Either feed it or not and not pussyfoot to get extra mileage.

The Russians were not getting a response, and saying do not invade doesn’t solve the issue either.

The blame goes to both sides, the West and Russia. Playing devil's advocate, maybe the West wanted this to neutralize Russia in its game against China? Wouldn’t you want to take out some of your enemy's allies before the showdown?
I don't know, it's like I sleep with your wife, and you punch me, I will not go to jail, you will. I mean, if you use the reason "Because I sleep with your wife" in court, it just wouldn't fly.

Problem is, NATO probably didn't think Russia will be stupid enough to actually invade Ukraine, if I am a betting man, I think NATO intentionally put this Infront of Ukraine and try to get some action from Russia, the action they are expecting is most likely a ramp up of the proxy war using the separatist force, you will have to say this, it would be pretty dumb for Russia to actually invade Ukraine to begin with, anyone with a sane mind would know the day they invade is the day they are losing the strategic game, because even if they rolled over Ukraine, which they didn't, Russia will most likely push Sweden and Finland toward NATO and alienate Russian own allies, because don't forget, Ukrainian are like "Brothers" to Russian, in fact, a lot of family connection between the two countries, it not hard to find some Ukrainian have family member living in Russia and vice versa, and if they can invade them, what won't they do??

But then Russian really did invade and then they failed. Instead of calling off this failure, they double down, I mean, sure, maybe there is a way for peace in March and hope that things will go back to normal one day, with who know how many thousand Ukrainian died defending their home now? That's really unlikely the two countries would mend their ties, it will more or less become Israel and Palestine, or India and Pakistan in term of relationship from now on.

On the other hand, there are really a lot of ways to solve the NATO issue, if that is really the problem here, but it wouldn't really take much to know NATO was not the issue with Ukrainian War, even before the leak of Ukrainian Okay on not joining NATO in turn of a Russian stand down, that's because Ukraine cannot join NATO unilaterally, they will need all 30 countries approve to be able to, so it wasn't just focus on Ukraine, if Russia don't ever want Ukraine to join? They can pressure France or Germany or Turkey or most easily Hungary to reject their application. And then they can try to insert influence on the Ukrainian government and hope to gain the government back with a pro-Russia regime.

On the other hand, NATO had already been enveloped Russia on three side, From Latvia and Estonia to the West to Turkey in the South, and Alaska in the East, NATO encroachment really wouldn't make any strategic balance to Russia, in fact now that Finland is joining, attacking Ukraine did the exact opposite to what Russia set out on, because it is about to gain 1200 km border with NATO when, not if, Finland join. And then NATO will really be completely enveloping Russian on all 4 side, and the only side of Russia is not facing NATO is in the North in the Arctics.

So yes, NATO is expecting something, but never would they expect Russia really go all in with this and invade Ukraine themselves. and when this happen, what can you do? Would you be allowing this to happen because Russia invaded? You won't, that's why there are fighting now. And this will not be ending anytime soon, and the more this drag on, the more it put both countries down, the only different is, the West is going to help Ukraine rebuild, I don't think China will do to Russia, Russia is going to be a hot pile of shit after this war where nobody want to touch, and if you ask me, they are their own making, and they asked for it. And you can't blame NATO on this.
Ukraine was created by the Soviet Communist Party in 1920. Putin denounces the Communists. Therefore, Putin does not recognize Ukraine as a country. Therefore, Putin considers Ukraine as temporarily occupied land.
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