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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

US have a bunch of weapons they can send, but one way or another, they decided not to transfer any of this.

The Official position for Biden is they want to leave room for negotiation and don't want to get the war hot, I mean if they pour these article in it and then turn around and as Russia for negotiation, it seems like not a genuine move.

About the M109A6, I have had a very serious discussion with @Oldman1 about the transfer of them, the Ukrainian need a lot M109 for offensive push, I think the Norwegian has transferred around 20 of them and was thinking of US will make a matching move and donate another 20 but then that was never materialised. I would say they will need around 200 to make a different across the board. But that most likely a dream number.

On the other hand, the way the Ukrainian operate, we are probably better off send them tank than offensive artillery, because offensive artillery softens up a position, that is the kind of war they are doing in buildup area down south. In the east tho, that is wide open country, the speedy counter offensive is an example how a shift and mobile force can exploit an unprepared enemy, which is what Russian Army is, if the Ukrainian had a couple of hundred of Western Tank at their disposal during that counter offensive, they would have made a bigger gain then they did

You can't chase your enemy away with SPG, but you can with tank. That is why Western Tank (Abrams and Leo) have remained on the top of their wish list since April.
The Ukrainians know what they need and are asking for that has made a big impact in their war effort from M777s to Harpoons to HIMARS. Not surprised that they want western tanks to help achieve their goals or objectives and you can see the same thing to what tools needed. Should transfer couple of hundred M109s that are in storage. Got hundreds of them sitting there gathering dust and sand.

not sure, but inwter is coming in 6 weeks, that's minimal time to get ready, if these 300,000 were US Army National Guard, then yeah, there are 4 weeks course just for that, but then National Guard have around 2 months of service every year they are in the reserve, those people probably haven't even touch a weapon or have any refresher in tactics ever since they were demobbed. that is if they have them when they serve that 1 year mandatory service to begin with.

That 300,000 troop are not going to do much, pretty much I can be sure the Russian is going to use them as replacement to give the soldier already in the frontline some breathing space and rotate them out, it would be quite stupid to put that 300,000 in any offensive capability. It will just be slaughter, But then you never know what Putin would do.

I don't think this will change much in Ukraine, probably strengthen the Russian line for a bit, well, they did get 300,000 worth of recruit. But those are mostly going to be light infantry, lightly trained and unlikely to be motivated. They would be even worse than the Iraqi troop we encountered in Desert Storm.
Probably send them in small groups instead of all at the same time to fill in the gaps immediately after few weeks of training. Hence the need to those who have experience and off they go.

Interesting discussion I had with my friend online, he was a retired LTC. He believes we are going to send American tank to Ukraine the next year.

As we discussed before, these options were held back because it doesn't give Russian excuse to escalate the war. Well, thanks to Putin mobilisation order, now gloves are off. Expect a lot heavier equipment to send. My friend also points to the M55S tank the Slovenia going to send to Ukraine. Notice that those M55S uses L7 105mm guns, the same guns being used by UK Challenger I, Centurion, M60 Patton (Both A1 and A3 uses US Licensed M68 guns) and co-incidentally M1128 Mobile Gun System that are going to be pull off the line this year. My friend hint at M1128 for Ukraine and then followed by American tanks (Not sure if he meant M60 Patton or Abrams, but judging from the L7 Guns on the M55S, we are most likely sending M60 Patton we still store in California Desert.
How many M60s do we have left? In my fantasy it should be modern Israeli or Turkish variant of the M60s but that's not possible. If they do send them in, should be with ERA blocks and other armor package against modern anti tank weaponry to save the crews. Course I would prefer the Abrams, maybe Egypt can license produce them since they don't have the classified DU armor package.
US have a bunch of weapons they can send, but one way or another, they decided not to transfer any of this.

The Official position for Biden is they want to leave room for negotiation and don't want to get the war hot, I mean if they pour these article in it and then turn around and as Russia for negotiation, it seems like not a genuine move.
Honestly the Biden administration is being reactive instead of pro active. Only when Ukraine is in trouble do they finally provide the tools but late to the party. And room for negotiations and avoid hot war? The escalation with mobilization and fast referendum happened because Ukraine is winning especially in Kharkiv. Not because of HIMARS or HARMS provided. Heck not even ATACMS or Abrams have been provided yet. Russia is not going to take on NATO, thats they last thing they want involved to help Ukrainians push the Russians out of Ukraine faster.
An Ukrainian friends of mine said most of these people in Kherson vote with the name "V. Zelenskyy"...........

That show you how "serious" these referendum were...
Best answer to 2 choices presented on the vote, leave Ukraine or join Russia.
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The problem why Western tank were not currently in Ukraine is because of logistic and support issue. Currently there are no US or NATO defence contractor in Kyiv providing support to fix these western equipment Ukraine were not equip to support when it breakdown, so say if a HIMARS or M270 MLRS engine has broken down, they have to tow it from wherever they are to Poland for them to fix it, this is not really economical. Which is why NATO has been sending unmodified ex-Soviet stock, Ukraine can fix them on the ground.

And the reason why there aren't US or NATO contractor in Ukraine is because it wasn't stable, but that was a few months ago, they probably need to look at places like Lviv and Kyiv or even further east near Sumy or Kharkiv are more or less stable enough to operate a maintenance center
Kharkiv used to be where they had a tank factory there until destroyed by the Russians. If they want to have a tank repair facilities, should be multiple hidden locations 1 or 2 for each area of operations. Most likely middle of Ukraine and can transport them from all directions with not too far distance.
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