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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


With the Russians escalating, and gloves off, the U.S. should provide them with ATACMs and long range loitering munitions with a big punch. Not the short range less collateral damage front line versions. Heck the Iranians provided the newest loitering munition that came out last year and doing damage, which I have warned and mentioned that the Ukrainians needed more air defense and EW. The U.S. and other countries or maybe through a third party should provide those type of munitions way earlier on but with the escalation going on, should provide them now. Wouldn't worry about the proliferation of the loitering munition since many countries have them even Russia now. Heck Hezbollah has them as well. Either the U.S. helps provide it, or the Ukrainians will find a way, maybe even get ahold of the Iranian version and start using them on Russian soil since its not an American weapon. Long range weapon with about 2000km range from what I'm seeing.
What parts of ukraine to be annexed exactly ? Can someone show in map ?
Look at the frontline. Its not like Ukraine is going to accept any kremlin decree. Makes you wonder how Putin is going to explain loosing territory the next comming weeks and months.
What parts of ukraine to be annexed exactly ? Can someone show in map ?

All of Kherson, Zaporizhia, Donetsk, Luhanks, and Kharkiv. Kharkiv was suppose to be part of it but you saw what happened. So they have to speed up the other 4 regions.

Russias plans for November "referendum" in Kharkiv region revealed: 75% were supposed to vote to join Russia​

Kharkiv used to be where they had a tank factory there until destroyed by the Russians. If they want to have a tank repair facilities, should be multiple hidden locations 1 or 2 for each area of operations. Most likely middle of Ukraine and can transport them from all directions with not too far distance.
Ukraine shouldve moved military productions to the Carpathian area years ago. Theyve been warning us this was going to happen, yet they still didnt really prepare for it.
Ukraine shouldve moved military productions to the Carpathian area years ago. Theyve been warning us this was going to happen, yet they still didnt really prepare for it.
Kind of far, but not to bad. Good place to put nukes there as well as protection with distance and hardened bunkers.
The Ukrainians know what they need and are asking for that has made a big impact in their war effort from M777s to Harpoons to HIMARS. Not surprised that they want western tanks to help achieve their goals or objectives and you can see the same thing to what tools needed. Should transfer couple of hundred M109s that are in storage. Got hundreds of them sitting there gathering dust and sand.

Probably send them in small groups instead of all at the same time to fill in the gaps immediately after few weeks of training. Hence the need to those who have experience and off they go.
Well, I think the point for hold back is gone, Biden probably realise that by now, now that Russian is escalating, we should also be.

If this was me, I will send Ukraine Abrams, MGS, M109s and the MLRS in our stock, make one final push and see how it goes. No point try to care about what the Russian is feeling about it.

As fo the recruit, there are literally no way to send them in, the Russian line is currently fragmented, if you send them piece by piece it's just going to get them killed before they can reach the front line. Better for the Russian to try to consolidate the front and then move in the reinforcement, but then that would take god knows how long.
How many M60s do we have left? In my fantasy it should be modern Israeli or Turkish variant of the M60s but that's not possible. If they do send them in, should be with ERA blocks and other armor package against modern anti tank weaponry to save the crews. Course I would prefer the Abrams, maybe Egypt can license produce them since they don't have the classified DU armor package.
We have around 200 left, mostly those were configurated for drone and target. What we can do is we can contract the Egyptian or the Turks to applies the same modification to their M60 upgrade and send them to Ukraine. If we do this before winter, we can have a substantial amount (~100) for them to use next year.

That may not be a lot but if other NATO country also start giving them reserve stock (Like Challenger 1 or Leo 1) that would make a formidable armour force, those things are better than the T-72 or T-64 they are using.
My dear this didn't start due to Ukraine...this started more than 25 years ago. The agreement at the demise of the Berlin Wall was that nato will not expand east. Nato expanded east and the red line was Ukraine. Russia has warned for years. Also the Russian speakers in the eat were under stress. So it's not simple
Ukraine as well as any country has the right to resist. However, Russia also has the right to protect its borders so when Russia was saying no nato in Ukraine why didn't Ukraine just build its own military strong. Why was there a need to join nato.
Now Ukraine will take a 30 years to recover and 100+ years to repay its debt
You lying about history does not make it true.
All former Warsaw Pact countries and former members of the Soviet Union that are now sovereign states have the right to select their own means of security.
Russia acknowledged that in 1997 by signing the Foundation Act with NATO.
That means that Russia acknowledged that Ukraines membership in NATO is none of their business.
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We have around 200 left, mostly those were configurated for drone and target. What we can do is we can contract the Egyptian or the Turks to applies the same modification to their M60 upgrade and send them to Ukraine. If we do this before winter, we can have a substantial amount (~100) for them to use next year.

That may not be a lot but if other NATO country also start giving them reserve stock (Like Challenger 1 or Leo 1) that would make a formidable armour force, those things are better than the T-72 or T-64 they are using.
Could be that the Europeans are waiting for the U.S. to take the plunge before sending their own tanks. Hopefully the Biden administration make up their mind quick before the winter for next year.
Honestly the Biden administration is being reactive instead of pro active. Only when Ukraine is in trouble do they finally provide the tools but late to the party. And room for negotiations and avoid hot war? The escalation with mobilization and fast referendum happened because Ukraine is winning especially in Kharkiv. Not because of HIMARS or HARMS provided. Heck not even ATACMS or Abrams have been provided yet. Russia is not going to take on NATO, thats they last thing they want involved to help Ukrainians push the Russians out of Ukraine faster.
That's political point, I can tell you why that is the way to go but I cannot necessarily explain why that is the case.

All I can say is Biden was weak, if we have people like Bush (not going to use Trump, because we would not have done anything if he is in power), we would have sent in the cavalry a long time ago. You want to crush the offensive, you don't muck around and try to look good in front of the camera, but then that was what our politician has been doing since Iraq and Afghanistan.

And to some degree, I think Biden was weak because people criticize how he handle the Afghanistan drawn down.
Kharkiv used to be where they had a tank factory there until destroyed by the Russians. If they want to have a tank repair facilities, should be multiple hidden locations 1 or 2 for each area of operations. Most likely middle of Ukraine and can transport them from all directions with not too far distance.
Well, they will need a site close to all the highway, which mean they can be transport back and fix when they had broken down.

But then it's a moot point because NATO did not seem to okay with their Contractor on the ground, this was not mentioned since maybe April and unless they solve this, there are not going to be serious/major heavy equipment movement to Ukraine.

Hopefully they are going to look back at it soon.
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