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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Genius, i live 30 years in germany and have german roots going back to 1778. Don't talk about things you don't understand. The only reason to leave this country permanently is, because you angloids have turned it into a shithole in the nearly 80 years of occupation.

And i don't need to go and fight myself, the Russian military is doing pretty fine. With a smaller force they destroyed an army in the size of the british armed forces, supported by the whole Nato.
Haha blaming someone else, got to say I was just in stuttgart and I won’t be going back. You’ve done a great job ruining your country yourselves. Who’d you vote for last time, let me guess the Green Party

The China Meteorological Administration has 14000 anti-aircraft guns and 16000 rocket launchers for artificial rainfall.

More than the artillery and rocket launchers of the Russian army and the Ukrainian army combined.
Russia vs Ukraine thread, who cares 🤦🏿‍♂️

**** = t dot me


According to Ukrop Legitimny channel this was the setup for Kherson offensive, wave 1-2 got completely destroyed.

- the first wave: strike groups of special forces.
Approximate 5.000 people

- the second wave: immediately after the first, regular units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which went through the spring campaign and have good combat experience.
Approximate participation 10.000 people

- the third and fourth wave: it is underway now, and consists of additional special forces and Armed Forces of Ukraine with combat experience of at least four months.
Approximate number of participants: 10.000

- the fifth wave, now being brought from the rear: it consists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the territorial defense. Approximate number: 20.000 😆😆😆and all heading to suicide assisted by NATO
**** = t dot me


The bloody failure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Kherson: the girl of the Armed Forces of Ukraine spoke about the horrific losses in the Odessa group

“My loved one was thrown 2 days ago without anything on tanks and artillery, then their unit was taken back, giving 1 day to rest (before death). What he himself says: “They were going to send us back yesterday, they promised support and a bunch of everything, everyone refused. This is straight f*ck, I can’t find another word, another cauldron in which thousands of people died over these months. It’s the same in other units, one of ours was sent to the 18th battalion, then we saw his video on Facebook, where he tells in tears that out of his company (about 100 people) 7 survived, and out of the entire battalion (about 800 people .) there are no more than 150 left. The corpses of those who manage to be taken out of the battlefield disappear - while they were transporting back and forth the body was lost, and now it is listed as missing.
All these actions of our "high commanders" seem strange and I have only 2 assumptions why this happens - either working for the enemy, or stupidly stealing the dough allocated to us in the form of assistance. Now all the fighters are sitting and thinking how to make all this tin publicity."

**** = t dot me


According to Ukrop Legitimny channel this was the setup for Kherson offensive, wave 1-2 got completely destroyed.

- the first wave: strike groups of special forces.
Approximate 5.000 people

- the second wave: immediately after the first, regular units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which went through the spring campaign and have good combat experience.
Approximate participation 10.000 people

- the third and fourth wave: it is underway now, and consists of additional special forces and Armed Forces of Ukraine with combat experience of at least four months.
Approximate number of participants: 10.000

- the fifth wave, now being brought from the rear: it consists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the territorial defense. Approximate number: 20.000 😆😆😆and all heading to suicide assisted by NATO
So you’re saying a min of 25k Ukraine troops are Kia? And you believe that?

They take what they can. Ukrainians were boasting they can take Moscow within a week because they are glorious descendants of the mighty Kievan Rus and look where they are now. Still unable to take a single Russian village.
They never said they could take Moscow
Did you forget they’re fighting in Ukraine for their land they have no desire to take Russia’s empty shit hole
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Cope cage is just desperation, but the trench thing is bad soldiering. I mean, as an infantrymen fought in frontline. You do your trench like you do your home, because that's your home for whenever long you are online. Would you renovate your home in shamble and stuff everywhere and put garbage everywhere?? You don't. Unless you are saying Russian position had been shelled continuously for the last 6 months, this type of shoddy building work cannot and should not be forgiven...
Russia is not South Korea. Russia is low tech. They luckily inherited much of Soviet Union. If not then Putin’s Russia is worse off. No, I won’t let my house be renovated by idiots.

Putin is disappointed by drones delivered by Iran. Most are garbage. How possible? Meanwhile the faked referendum for Cherson is postponed.
Seems the separatists, Russian troops, traitors are afraid of Ukraine artillery.

Hier sollen iranische Drohnen als Teil eines Militärmanövers in dem Land zu sehen sein

Bild vergrößern
Hier sollen iranische Drohnen als Teil eines Militärmanövers in dem Land zu sehen sein

Foto: AFP

Probably careful not to give too much advantage to Ukrainians. The goal of the US is stalemate. If Ukrainians push into Russian soil and take a village or city China may get involved directly with arms supply to even the field. The last thing the US want is another arms race with China. China has much more powerful industrial base than the US. China out manufactures the US the way the US out manufactured Japan in WW2.
Are they going be able to churn out all that equipment during covid lock downs 🤣
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