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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

No joke, a Taliban trench is better build than this......

Did Russian Officer even check their fortification?? That would not have allowed in the US, your senior sergeant would make you redo the trench until it's to his liking...
What’s worse?
Terrible trench against Ukraine frontal assault or terrible tank protection against Ukraine top attack?

Russian T-72B3M tank in Crimea with top slatted cage armor.
T-72B3M tanks of 126th Coastal Brigade in[+]PHOTO FROM RUSSIAN SOCIAL MEDIA.

Ukrainian servicemen are seen holding Javelin anti-tank...

Russia annexed parts of ukraine BECAUSE Ukraine had been oppressing and suppressing Russian speakers in Ukraine...Russia stepped in to protect those Russian speakers- your order of understanding has dyslexia.
Keep believing that bs. Oh Putin the humanitarian 🤣
What’s worse?
Terrible trench against Ukraine frontal assault or terrible tank protection against Ukraine top attack?

Russian T-72B3M tank in Crimea with top slatted cage armor.
T-72B3M tanks of 126th Coastal Brigade in[+]PHOTO FROM RUSSIAN SOCIAL MEDIA.

Ukrainian servicemen are seen holding Javelin anti-tank...

Cope cage is just desperation, but the trench thing is bad soldiering. I mean, as an infantrymen fought in frontline. You do your trench like you do your home, because that's your home for whenever long you are online. Would you renovate your home in shamble and stuff everywhere and put garbage everywhere?? You don't. Unless you are saying Russian position had been shelled continuously for the last 6 months, this type of shoddy building work cannot and should not be forgiven...
1.French citizens AREN't being oppressed in UK as a matter of fact. so this a fake hypothetical, which cant work, or be considered seriously, because in the real world, Russian speakers in Ukraine were and are getting abused and shelled and killed.
2. False equivalence logic - Russia is the regional hegemon in its region, but France nor England is, so NO, that logic doesnt apply. Bettter logic is Iran stepping in in its region to protect Shiites. Next point?
That’s your logic? Hum explains a lot
Keep believing that bs. Oh Putin the humanitarian 🤣
Lol, he didn't even know Ukrainian are forced to teach Russian in UKRAINIAN school after Ukraine become a separate country. Talk about oppressing Russian speaker.....There should NOT HAVE BEEN RUSSIAN SPEAKER in Ukraine to begin with, you are in Ukraine, speak Ukrainian......
Russia didn't annex donbas , Donetsk and luhansk declared independence after their language declared illegal
Russia annexed Crimea , and the problem with crimea come back to some Stalin bad policy .
Declare independence? That’s like California declaring independence because they don’t agree with Washington. That logic has more holes than Swiss cheese

why did lower Poland start getting angry with Germany because of the Ukraine war? y'all got some form of renewed PTSD from WW 2 or something?

They didnt have to be citizens....Russia can write the rules in its backyard, JUST LIKE AMERICA DOES. you're the one who needs to try harder.

its obvious ur in denial, and i understand and ac cept these issues better than u do, stop competing where ur not good enuf on the subject.

ALLSOOO, u need to really should keep quiet on this subject tbh, why? FOR ALL YOUR TOUGH TALK, all you nato cowards have done is supply weapons and money - AFHANISTAN LOSERS MOVIE PART II happening in Ukraine now fopr you guys, just soon after Afghanistan war ended...y'all just cant stop losing wars. lmao

ACtion speaks louder than your pathetic PDF words- on the battlefield, NATO is a toothless octogenarian.
America doesn’t write the rule smarty, when was the last time they took over Mexico, Canada, Cuba? I’ll wait

Russians are also fighting for their homeland. Kherson was founded by Catherine the Great. Russians consider Kherson Russian land, not Ukrainian land. Also, Kherson dam is vital to Crimea water. So Russians fight tooth and nail for Kherson dam.
Man you just keep changing your reasoning
Iran is far from third rate country. When Iran was super power Russians were living in mud huts. BTW, Americans cooperate closely with British in military hardware too. Nothing wrong with cooperation with close allies.
Iran was never a super power in modern times, open a history book and get off this forum

Yanks do not want to escalate. If Yanks send Abrams tanks to Ukraine than China send Type 99A2 tanks to Russia. Type 99A2 is better than Abrams.
Same crap over and over, once again China isn’t sending squad.
Please go back to school, I’m still trying to determine what grade you’re in 🤷🏿‍♂️
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