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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russians considered all of Ukraine as theirs, we saw what happened there.

They take what they can. Ukrainians were boasting they can take Moscow within a week because they are glorious descendants of the mighty Kievan Rus and look where they are now. Still unable to take a single Russian village.
You're giving the Russians too much leeway here. Lets look at a few things and dissect this issue:

1. Russians invaded Ukraine, Europe's second largest country with a population of 44 million with an Army of 200K. Russian leadership assumed that the Ukrainian leadership would fall and the country would fall like a house of cards. MISTAKE. Neither did the Russians deploy enough troops and neither had they told their troops that they will be fighting in Ukraine. Majority of the troops were told that they were going for an exercise.
2. Russian Army was slow to adapt. Ukrainians rightly so avoided fighting the Russian Army head on and instead fought them in smaller mobile battles where their smaller independent groups would attack Russian advancing columns with ATGM's and Small Fire. Russians were fighting the war like they were fighting a peer level enemy, with lots of Armor and Artillery. MISTAKE
3. Russian Air Force has been severely exposed and no where to be seen. It has been exposed as a force that has not modernized itself with Electronic Warfare, and neither has it exercised to fight as a cohesive force with the Army. MISTAKE
4. Russian Logistics have been severely exposed. When corruption runs deep in the country, its bound to infest the Armed Forces as well. Russian Logistics were not prepared, the tires used on their heavy vehicles were cheap Chinese ones. This a lesson for us Pakistanis, when corruption runs deep inside the country, its bound to manifest itself on the Armed Forces. MISTAKE
5. Ukraine didn't fully start receiving Western Weapons atleast 3 months into the war. The Russians have every weapon in the book to overwhelm the Ukrainians, but its their incompetence that's not allowing them to fully utilize their overwhelming firepower.
6. Russians still haven't learnt. While the Ukrainians delegated the decision making to its lower officers, the Russians still hold a rigid command where everything has to go through their commander meaning their lower level officers cannot make on the spot decisions. This is why so many Russian Generals have been lost because they are going to the front lines.

I could keep going on and on about the Russian failures, but the fact of the matter is Russian incompetence is here for everyone to see. This is what happens when an institution is corrupted from within, this is a lesson we Pakistanis should learn.
Very good...:enjoy:

But the point that most people missed is that all these mistakes are philosophical or conceptual or theoretical which inevitably bled down into the applications levels which inevitably dragged out the war when on paper, Russia should have had its own Desert Storm which I believe what Poutine wanted. Poutine wanted Ukraine and he wanted it conquered in spectacular fashion, instead, he got Afghanistan redux, but unlike Afghanistan where the news were generally slow to reach the public, news of the debacle are merely half a degree away from real time via social media, bypassing any filter. Any deeper than these six points you would tread into the applications levels and we already have plenty of evidence for Russia's incompetence in contrast to its image.

As an Air Force guy, I am understandably pro airpower, and with all due respects to the ground pounders of any country, there is no greater ally or terror on the battlefields than the presence of something flying overhead. You hear the jet engine roar and/or the characteristic cutting of the air, and you hope that the producers of the noise belongs to your side, and when you hear those noises move towards the other side, your morale rises. The Russian Air Force is a failed air force and a miserable one. Once this war is over, no matter the outcome, the VKS should be disbanded and reformed. All of its top leaders and their seconds should be fired. Let the third tier officers take over. They could not be any worse.
The Ukrainians should keep it up and the U.S. and the rest of the world keep supplying HARMs. Also need to beef up their EW and air defense against possible new drones provided by Iran if confirmed and what I have pointed out that Iran could supply them.

Ukraine needs both active and passive area denial weapon. They needed more SAM system rather than just the 2 NASAM promised but yet delivered by the US (Or Norwegian)

HARMs are going to hit limits by the sorties of UAF that fly them, which mean if you keep supplying them with HARM to do SEAD, you will most likely need to supply the Ukrainian with the aircraft that launch SEAD from. UAF lost around half of their inventory since the war begin.

Putin isn't going to mobilize since it would show weakness and as you said, would have turn the public against him. Ned Stark early death as you mentioned it. Its Catch 22 for Putin. Hence why the Russian government and military hasn't mention any casualty updates because it would scare the public even for pro-war. And it would definitely not swing to Putin's favor if more Russians are dying at a higher rate because of the GMLRS air burst being provided in that scenario. Why would the Russians want to be motivated to join the slaughterhouse? Hence Putin's refusal to mobilize. And he sure won't be going to war with NATO as well. I can think of many scenarios of helping Ukraine if Russia tries to do so, and it won't be pretty for Russia for sure. Especially air support for the Ukrainian forces where they do most of the fighting on the ground while NATO fights and bomb from the air. Russian troops won't have any vehicles left, repair bases, barracks, ammo dumps, transportation like the trains and convoys will be like Highway of Death 2.0.

Anyways, as I have pointed out previously, there will be no escalation using airburst GLMRS. Whether Russian troops die slowly or faster to the point that Putin would mobilize.
I too would not think Putin is bolt enough to escalate the thing. However, seeing how NATO refused basic Ukrainian request based on it "would' or "might" seen as an escalation (I mean, NATO got pussyfooted to even supply Polish Mig to Ukraine...) NATO top brass seems unwilling to commit claiming it will escalate, not sure whether or not they really do believe it will escalate the whole thing or just unwilling to help Ukraine with that.

I don't make decision at NATO......but if it was up to me, I would have set up No Fly Zone over Ukraine already, let Russia worry about getting into Nuclear War and call their bluff. But well, I don't make decision there, and they do, and they seems to think this is not a good idea.....

I say they should kill as many Russian troops as possible. I know its cliché. But they have that capability and can be provided.
Well, Ukrainian need at least 60 HIMARS or M270, we gave them 16.....(4 with the last aid package) We should have transferred 100 or 50 M270 that was retired from USMC when they switch to HIMARS.

I don't really think the current administration has the stomach to kill as many Russian troop as possible. Either that or Biden is really senile and can't read the situation right......I dont know
I don't think I will reply to you anymore.

Right now, you are just ranting, if Russia is doing what you think they are doing, you wouldn't be ranting here, there isn't really a point of discussion here, I will do both of us a favor and save some bandwidth on this forum.

I mean, I could have gone into a name calling match with you, but then why bother??

Also, come back to me when this exact forum appreciates your input and give you some title before you challenge mine, it's made you look foolish, not smart.
I am going to take somebody elses advice on this forum and block this NotSure loser. He is adding nothing to the discussion. Hurling abuses because his side is getting its butt kicked and has gone from a image of a superpower to a worthless one whose best hope of relevance is to be sub-serviant to China, its arch enemy since the 60s.

He can't make Putin win so he is directing his anger on everybody here with his keystrokes to maintain is negative reaction score status. On any other forum he would be blocked.

They take what they can. Ukrainians were boasting they can take Moscow within a week because they are glorious descendants of the mighty Kievan Rus and look where they are now. Still unable to take a single Russian village.
Mr. Forever war: can you pls show me where they have said they can take this in a week. I don't think any leader sets goals that cannot be achieved

Well, Ukrainian need at least 60 HIMARS or M270, we gave them 16.....(4 with the last aid package) We should have transferred 100 or 50 M270 that was retired from USMC when they switch to HIMARS.

I don't really think the current administration has the stomach to kill as many Russian troop as possible. Either that or Biden is really senile and can't read the situation right......I dont know

Probably careful not to give too much advantage to Ukrainians. The goal of the US is stalemate. If Ukrainians push into Russian soil and take a village or city China may get involved directly with arms supply to even the field. The last thing the US want is another arms race with China. China has much more powerful industrial base than the US. China out manufactures the US the way the US out manufactured Japan in WW2.
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I am going to take somebody elses advice on this forum and block this NotSure loser. He is adding nothing to the discussion. Hurling abuses because his side is getting its butt kicked and has gone from a image of a superpower to a worthless one whose best hope of relevance is to be sub-serviant to China, its arch enemy since the 60s.

He can't make Putin win so he is directing his anger on everybody here with his keystrokes to maintain is negative reaction score status. On any other forum he would be blocked.
Stopped taking him seriously when he claims the entire Northern front is a feign, that Russia was not at all trying to take Kyiv and that is a fake.......It stop being fake the moment you move your troop into Ukraine and reach 30 mile from Kyiv. Let alone trying to reinforce that front by piping troop thru a second line bypassing Chernihiv.



He has offered no technical aspect on the discussion even Tho he claims he is a nerd and a technical person. All he say here is Ukraine lose x amount of men and Russia is going to take Ukraine, he has been saying this from day 1 without even explaining how.
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Build up of a NATO brigade with 4,000 men in Litauen with German armor infantry.

Ein Schützenpanzer steht auf einem Übungsplatz vor einem Wald, hinter ihm drei weitere.

Ein Panzer fährt durch das Gelände. Aus der Luke am Turm schaut ein Soldat.

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