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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

**** = t dot me

🤣🤣🤣 One without both legs🤣🤣🤣

The battle for Kherson: the situation in the Posad-Pokrovsky and Aleksandrovsky sections
as of 19.00 September 5, 2022

Having concentrated to the north of Posad-Pokrovsky to the battalion tactical group formed from 24, 28 and 59 brigades, the Armed Forces of Ukraine today made another attempt to attack at the turn of Ternovye Pody - Zeleny Gai - Blagodatnoye (Petrovskoye).

The BTGr of the Armed Forces of Ukraine went on the offensive after active artillery preparation by a group of eight tanks: the main load fell on the sector of the 20th Motor Rifle Division of the RF Armed Forces.

With the support of special forces reconnaissance groups that carried out target designation, fire support for artillery and equipment of the 7th airborne division of the RF Armed Forces, Russian troops managed to destroy five tanks, three infantry fighting vehicles, four pickup trucks and a Hammer. Two commanders of the Yavorovskaya company of the 59th ombr of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were taken prisoner - one without both legs.

Units of 108 airborne infantry regiments of the RF Armed Forces successfully worked on two Ukrainian Su-25s: one plane was shot down, the second was at least seriously shot down.

The offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Posad-Pokrovskoye is currently fizzling out.

At the Aleksandrovsky section of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, no active actions have been taken since August 30-31: everything is limited to occasional shelling.

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Video message to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vladimir Oleksandrovich Zelensky: we are servicemen of the 2nd platoon of the 2nd company of the 59th separate rifle battalion filmed this video in memory of the dead brothers and also with the aim of informing the Ukrainian society about the situation that has developed in the 53rd separate brigade to which we were seconded by chance or even malicious intent.
In the event that we go missing, we ask that all the blame be placed on the command of the 53rd Motorized Brigade and the 59th OSB: the command of the 53rd brigade, having no full-fledged technical means for conducting combat operations, uses seconded rifle companies as cannon fodder, giving orders to equip positions in the areas already targeted to the enemy (This is to us, that is). At the same time, leaving the wounded to the mercy of fate and refusing to take out the bodies of the dead. Motivating this by the fact that it is impossible to evacuate without the loss of their combat units. Knowing the place of death, they assign the status of "missing" and those who were forced to retreat under fire from enemy artillery are credited with criminal unauthorized abandonment of positions. The deceased commander of the 3rd platoon of the 2nd company of the 59th OSB, senior lieutenant Sergey Boby, as well as his subordinates, are charged with entering positions while intoxicated, which is an absolute lie and slander. We, the 2nd platoon of the 2nd company, express our distrust of the command of the 53rd brigade and the 59th separate rifle battalion. At the same time, we do not refuse combat orders, but not as part of the 53rd OMB and 59th OSB. Since they do not have the correct planning of combat orders, defense and technical support, and transmit false information about the dead and wounded.
Talked to a friend of mine recently (like 2 weeks ago) he is a Colonel now but we served together back when we were junior officer.

He put a very good point to me, he said, "I wonder how much preparation Russia had put into this war, because it does not seem very much" When you put together all the logistic issue, all the resupply issue, the under-performing military front, all that point to a war they got into without knowing what will happen, like they are going in blind.

A lot of those stuff are not just shoddy work, but it goes way back to training and indoctrination period. You look at the "Base" they made, that's not soldiering at all. Either they are sending troop that weren't at all trained to the frontline, which in itself is a problem, or that is a much deeper problem goes all the way to their Training Doctrine and Command, and with the first half of this war seems like a headless assault, it points to basic and fundamental problem with Russian Training Doctrine and Command issue.
Recently watching a video German army commenting on Ukraine offensive

They made estimates how much fuel an army division (15,000 men, 10,000 verhicles) needs per day: 1.5 million liter. The Russians have about 30,000 men west of the river bank, 2 divisions, so they will need 3 million liter fuel per day. Not to mention tons of foods, waters are certainly needed as well.

If Ukraine artillery continue to destroy bridges, supplies That will be difficult to impossible for the Russians to sustain a long fight against Ukraine assaults.
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UST IN - Hakle, the German toilet paper manufacturer and largest importer in Europe, is insolvent.

@disclosetv 🚽🚽🚽D:
Welcome to the dirty *** Germany period

Jake Matthews:
Aww shit here we go again

Raphael Z:
That’s shine big shit 😂

Rex Butt:
That’s Shitty 🥁

Caroline Sebastiau:
Take that, Putin!

Samuel Tamayo G:

׺ℜ𝔢𝔟𝔢𝔩º× #ც૦੮ՆฯԲ:
So, Hakle went to shit

Iron Ardito:
Let them use bidets

Erik A.G. Hanon:
The era of toilet paper has ended. The time of poop has begun.

no gas, no heat, no water, no food, no toilet paper. enjoy your winter

Jeremy Marcus:
Shit is about to hit the fan in Germany

Unsilenced Patriot:
The shits really hitting the fan now

Geraldine von Fintel:
Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates must be so happy!

Good, time to clean *** with bills.

gun gun:
Time for the planet to stand up and make it clear we dont give a crap about ukraine. Who cares if it exists or doesnt. Its not our problem.

🤍 🤍:
Europeans ought to be scared shitless

Daz Machine:
No electricity to keep the skid marks at bay.

C J:
They can wash their asses with a cold shower

As they are gathering their fire wood they can grab some leaves too

Toilet paper panic hoarding like its early 2020 again

they gonna be using corn husks like back in the day 🤡
Recently watching a video German army commenting on Ukraine offensive

They made estimates how much fuel an army division (15,000 men, 10,000 verhicles) needs per day: 1.5 million liter. The Russians have about 30,000 men west of the river bank, 2 divisions, so they will need 3 million liter fuel per day.

If Ukraine artillery continue to destroy bridges, supplies That will be difficult to impossible for the Russians to sustain a long fight against Ukraine assaults.

Dnipr river is only about 400 meters wide. Russian artillery on the east side of the river has enough range to cover Kherson oblast west of the Dnipr river. Tornado-S MRLS using GLONASS guided rockets have max range 120 km. Also, Mi-17 / Mi-26 air lift helicopters, BTR-82A / BMP-3 / BMD-4 amphibious light tanks, Zubr hovercraft can transport fuel and ammo across Dnipr back and forth.
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Gazprom has published a video with an epic soundtrack "And winter will be big"

Judging by the comments in various channels, the Europeans did not like this video very much.

P.S. It is worth reminding commentators that it was the European Union that imposed sanction
Dnipr river is only about 400 meters wide. Russian artillery on the east side of the river has enough range to cover Kherson oblast west of the Dnipr river. Tornado-S MRLS using GLONASS guided rockets have max range 120 km. Also, Mi-17 / 26 air lift helicopters, BTR-82A / BMP-3 / BMD-4 amphibious light tanks, hovercraft can transport fuel and ammo across Dnipr back and forth.
Post pictures with hovercraft
The Gas storage in EU is at 81,5% with a daily increase of 0.4%:

With North Stream turn off, The TTF Gas futures increased today by 12%:

**** = t dot me


Gazprom has published a video with an epic soundtrack "And winter will be big"

Judging by the comments in various channels, the Europeans did not like this video very much.

P.S. It is worth reminding commentators that it was the European Union that imposed sanction
Gas is not sanctioned. These are counter Sanctions by Russia.
We will see, who has more economic leverage.
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