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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

send the people who are approving these weapons deals and see how they do on the front line let them fight too

lets see them get bombed to pieces, like cowards hiding behind the poor Ukrainian women and children biggest cowards are Americans

sending weapon knowing they dont need to man them and the ones who will man them are poorly trained and most likely be killed

sooner the Ukrainians rise against this joker of a clown actor the better

because soon there will be no more man left in Ukraine

how's the counter offensive going ?

they never will even get close to Mariupol and even a small town like Bakhmut which was only taken few weeks ago and doesnt have the heavy defence the Southern regions does hasn't even been seen by Ukrainians let alone taken

they cant even get to the outskirts of the city where there is no heavy defence and its already been months into the "counter offensive "
Considering you live in the UK and have been repeating russian SoMe propaganda for 1.5 years, I think its safe to say you have no idea.
But then again an Israeli who begs America for $4 billion USD annually and who uses extortion racket called Holohoax when begging Germany bla bla bla

So you don"t exactly have a source condraducting the fact that in 2022 Somalia recieved 70% of its grian from Ukriane ?

First you tried to post a source that does not support your claim and now you try to change the subject,

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What about the time from 2014-today when the US official said that they build up, train and support Ukrain army and also gave them equipment?
So what about it? Why dont you tell us exactly what the US provided insted of implying some major “NATO build-up”, meant to please the anti-western basement-dwellers pretending to be pro Russia.
I still can't understand people still try to forget the fact that the unlimited Nato support is what kept ukraine afloat

Yes we all understand that, but what Hato is providing Ukraine is peanuts compared to what Russia's arsenal entails. Forget about the tanks & infantry and all that mumbo jumbo jive. Look what they did in Syria. Now granted Syria is no Ukraine nor did it get any help from the vaunted US or NATO but let's take a quick look at their aviation arsenal:

Equipment of the Russian Air Forces
  • Sukhoi Su-57 (fifth-generation fighter) 10 Units
    Sukhoi Su-57 (fifth-generation fighter) 10 Units
  • Sukhoi Su-35 110+ Units
    Sukhoi Su-35 110+ Units
  • Sukhoi Su-34 149 Units
    Sukhoi Su-34 149 Units
  • Sukhoi Su-30 110 Units
    Sukhoi Su-30 110 Units
  • Sukhoi Su-27 101 Units
    Sukhoi Su-27 101 Units
  • Sukhoi Su-24 273 Units
    Sukhoi Su-24 273 Units
  • Mikoyan MiG-35 6 Units
    Mikoyan MiG-35 6 Units
  • Mikoyan MiG-31 90 Units
    Mikoyan MiG-31 90 Units
  • Mikoyan MiG-29 87 Units
    Mikoyan MiG-29 87 Units
  • Beriev A-50 (AEW&C) 15 Units
    Beriev A-50 (AEW&C) 15 Unit

    Besides the hellos, the rest of the Rusky could have devastated the entire eastern portion of Ukraine and took over Kyiv and annexed that entire land. Instead they've suffered tremendous casualties, starvation, tank turrets blown 100 meters in the air and had to borrow UCAVs from Iran a the Expense of Egypt. Let me also remind you Russia is #2 on the list of the strongest military in the world with China approaching rapidly. Then the BIGGEST EMBARRASSMENT OF ALL is the WATCHING WAGNER walking into Moscow likea hero taking selfies.
    Equipment of the Russian Air Forces

    Sukhoi Su-34 149 Units
    Sukhoi Su-34 149 Units

  • Sukhoi Su-34 149 Units
  • Sukhoi Su-35 110+ Units
  • SU-35S 15 bunits

    Sukhoi Su-30 110 Units
    Sukhoi Su-30 110 Units
    • Sukhoi Su-27 101 UnitsSukhoi Su-24 273 UnitsMikoyan MiG-35 6 UnitsMikoyan MiG-31 90 UnitsMikoyan MiG-29 87 UnitsAntonov An-12 (Heavy military Transport) 57 unitsIlyushin Il-78 (Tanker) 15 UnitsBesides the hellos, and atrocious tanks, the rest of the Ruskey air warfare could have devastated the entire eastern portion of Ukraine and then sent their best tanks and trained infantry (3/4 of those guys hardly looked trained compared to Wagner forces who lost over 20,0000 soldiers and then took over Kyiv and annexed that entire land. Instead, they've suffered tremendous casualties, starvation, tank turrets blown embarrassingly 100 meters in the air and had to borrow UCAVs from Iran at the Expense of Egypt's Su-35SE. Not happy about that at allllllll!!! Let me also remind you my brother, Russia is #2 on the list of the strongest military in the world with China approaching rapidly. Then the BIGGEST EMBARRASSMENT OF ALL is the WATCHING WAGNER'S MUTINY walking into Moscow like hero taking selfies'I am a huge fan of Russia but so disappointed at the lackluster effort. I also ama huge fan of Ukraine believe it or not as we deal in military supplies forever and now it's all gone to shite. But Russia's war needs to be told like it is, awful and without nukes, should be dropped to 15th spot with this despicable lack of effort.

Then add all the other tanks and missiles and frigates and destroyers and subs etc. etc. and Ukraine shouldn't have lasted a week! Russia has failed MISERABLY,
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But then again an Israeli who begs America for $4 billion USD annually and who uses extortion racket called Holohoax when begging Germany and others wants to talk about "foreign aid". The whole IsraHell is based on extortion racket called Holohoax and taking billions of USD from US and Europeans.

If you truly look at this conflict that is raging in Europe, it is conflict engineered by these evil Zionists. Sadly, these Ukrainians have a president and a PM who are Israeli citizens. So how can Europe find peace when such people are in the driving seat?
Your racism does not mean more grain for Somalia.
You support those that kills your countrymen.
You simply do not get it.
Western nations value their citizens.
Russia does not value their citizens.

Maybe the Muslims should not have started a civil war killing 90-95% of all Iraqi civilians…

When was the last time a Muslim was prosecuted (by their own side) for the killing of 100s of thousands of Iraqis (Not millions)?
What civil war are you referring to? If you listen to Bush's speech before the war, it solely revolves around WMDs, and there is no mention of a civil war. The Western world often claims to value its citizens, but this seems to depend on factors like race and immigration status. Europeans cannot escape their own hypocrisy when they criticize others for embargoes, yet they become champions of human rights when engaging in similar actions. There is a lack of logical consistency in such behavior.
As for Russians, how can one claim they do not value their citizens without firsthand knowledge? While there are videos circulating depicting disturbing incidents in Ukraine, it is crucial to maintain a rational perspective rather than relying solely on media portrayals.
Regarding Western nations' claims of valuing lives, what actions have they taken to stop the ongoing madness? Instead of resolving issues, their interventions often exacerbate complications, leading to further unrest. They seem to be pursuing their own interests, using Ukrainians as a pawn to challenge Russia and taking credit for any outcomes, just as they did during the Soviet war. A rational approach is essential to understand the complex dynamics at play.

I see nothing in what you say that is relevant to this conflict.

Stop bringing examples from colonial times , support that which is right now.

Something wrong that happened in aonther place another time, does not jusitfy what Russia is doing today.


When Israel acts in such a manner towards the impoverished Palestinians, it is deemed acceptable, but when another country engages in similar actions, it is considered wrong. Why is that?
Russia killed millions in afghanistan vs tens of thousands under nato. Yet afghanistan is constantly abused as the prime example of “western inhumanity” in this discussion on russia…
You know life expectancy greatly increased in afghanistan under Nato?
Now check the population take an immense hit under soviet war….
My friend what you see on TV or some documentry are not always true. Have you ever visited Afghanistan? Did you know about the food shortage their? I have been trying to tell you media only portray such information which is often imcomplete or half truth. When US left it froze their accounts when Taliban took over , this tactics directly effected the lives of millions of Afghanis. Do you have any idea what would have happened to thousands of Afghanis who used to be employed by NATO and US for doing menials jobs?
NATO started two wars in recent years on the pretext of saving humanity and ended up further screwing those countries while committing many human right abuse.
What civil war are you referring to? If you listen to Bush's speech before the war, it solely revolves around WMDs, and there is no mention of a civil war.
The civil war that the Iraqis started after the invasion.
That was the cause of 90-95% of the 200-250,000 civilian deaths in Iraq from 2003 and onwards.
The US led coalition killed around 7,500 civilians during the invasion. Most got caught up in actions against the Iraqi military. After that their kills are insignificant compared to those killed by the Iraqis themselves.

The Western world often claims to value its citizens, but this seems to depend on factors like race and immigration status. Europeans cannot escape their own hypocrisy when they criticize others for embargoes, yet they become champions of human rights when engaging in similar actions. There is a lack of logical consistency in such behavior.
It is only illogical to those that believe that committing genocide is the same as trying to stop genocide.

As for Russians, how can one claim they do not value their citizens without firsthand knowledge? While there are videos circulating depicting disturbing incidents in Ukraine, it is crucial to maintain a rational perspective rather than relying solely on media portrayals.

Russia treats their citizens as cannon fodder.
They refuse to acknowledge their dead, and instead burn them and now they are ”missing”.

Regarding Western nations' claims of valuing lives, what actions have they taken to stop the ongoing madness? Instead of resolving issues, their interventions often exacerbate complications, leading to further unrest.

The only one that can stop the madness is the mad hatter himself in Kreml.
Putin knows what is needed.
* Evacuate Ukraine to be restored to 1991 borders.
* Pay damages
* Hand over war criminals.
That are the reasonable demands.

They seem to be pursuing their own interests, using Ukrainians as a pawn to challenge Russia and taking credit for any outcomes, just as they did during the Soviet war. A rational approach is essential to understand the complex dynamics at play.
I suspect that your ”rational approach” is Ukraine surrendering.
Ukraine is no pawn. They have made the decision to resist Russia that want to reduce them to a pawn. The West is supporting them.
Noone is challenging Russia. Russia simply have zero respect for the sovereignity of others.

When Israel acts in such a manner towards the impoverished Palestinians, it is deemed acceptable, but when another country engages in similar actions, it is considered wrong. Why is that?

Arabs in the Middle East share a lot of the blame for the conflict.
That is hardly the case here, where Russia has 100% of the blame.
My friend what you see on TV or some documentry are not always true. Have you ever visited Afghanistan?
I am scientifically educated. A personal anecdote holds not as much weight as some propose here.
Did you know about the food shortage their? I have been trying to tell you media only portray such information which is often imcomplete or half truth.
Yes. And although a matter of concern it has not reached famine levels.

One sounding the alarm…and one of the largest food aid caretakers is the un world food program.

Guess who are the largest donors…???
The west.

So we have afghan life expectancy greatly increasing under Nato. And plummeting under russia.

Now under taliban they are having a harder time…yet the west is one of the big aid donors…like always…even for palestine aid for instance (EU).
When US left it froze their accounts when Taliban took over , this tactics directly effected the lives of millions of Afghanis.
Should they give handouts to their enemies who breached the terms of the pullback of troops???
You apply impossible standards selectively on the west…due to your bias.
Do you have any idea what would have happened to thousands of Afghanis who used to be employed by NATO and US for doing menials jobs?
Hence why we geberously take in afghan refugees. The horror picture that everyone would be killed also has not happened.

And again. We left ANA with more military support and much longer training then we gave ukraine….let that sink in…
Afghans lacking the backbone/motivation to fight and truly oppose taliban is somehow West fault?

Due to your bias you blame the west for just about everything. Taking away all agency and responsibility from other parties involved.
My friend what you see on TV or some documentry are not always true. Have you ever visited Afghanistan? Did you know about the food shortage their? I have been trying to tell you media only portray such information which is often imcomplete or half truth. When US left it froze their accounts when Taliban took over

You mean that the US stopped subsidizing Afghanistan…
The Taliban had no legal right to the money.

this tactics directly effected the lives of millions of Afghanis. Do you have any idea what would have happened to thousands of Afghanis who used to be employed by NATO and US for doing menials jobs?
Yes, stopping helping people certainly affects their situation.
I guess the Afghanis shot themselves in the foot.
If the Talibans feel that they cannot govern Afghanistan, maybe they should resign and leave government to someone competent to govern.

NATO started two wars in recent years on the pretext of saving humanity and ended up further screwing those countries while committing many human right abuse.
Saddam started the war in Iraq by invading Quwait. The US terminated the ceasefire in 2003. It was not a NATO operation.

Al- Qaeda declared war on the United States, and Afghanistan decided to support them, thus voiding any neutrality. Afghanistan was legally an ally to Al-Qaeda giving active support by having training camps. NATO was fighting a war of self-defense here.

So neither were started by NATO, but you try to blame the West for things originating in the Middle East.

The West is blaming Russia for what Russia is doing.

Big difference.
That’s not a secret.
China supports Russia war of aggression against Ukraine and the West.
Just surprisingly, the chief of an intel says it in public.

the most spectacular trail of blood

(1) the Wall Street wars (1846-1930)
(2) the Adolph 2 war (1947-1991)
(3) the Ziocon wars (1991-2021)
(4) the Decadent delusion wars
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