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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Why does the rich country Israel bla bla

Easy task. US itself gave the numbers. In this link you can see a part of the military support from 2014 on.

Come on russian bot.

1:Your claim was ukraine did not or hardly export grain/wheat to africa/sudan.

These demonizing claims were proven wrong with sources given.

2: You guys then either lied (source unrelated to grain), or hollowly claim the source (UN) as fake news.

More sources were given.

3: you guys then deflect the issue to israel not providing enough grain to palestinians (why would they even?)

Stop acting like a toddler afraid to admit their mistake?

This happens time and time again with russian cheerleaders.
1. Lie
2. When challenged…accuse the other of that which you are guilty off
3. Lie some more
4. When all fails..deflect issue to other subject…usually a logical fallacy like “whataboutism”

Just spamming away on the internet.
All to defend this russian war of agression.

thanks , this sums it up :

1:Your claim was ukraine did not or hardly export grain/wheat to africa/sudan.

These demonizing claims were proven wrong with sources given.

2: You guys then either lied (source unrelated to grain), or hollowly claim the source (UN) as fake news.

More sources were given.

3: you guys then deflect the issue to israel not providing enough grain to palestinians (why would they even?)

Stop acting like a toddler afraid to admit their mistake?

This happens time and time again with russian cheerleaders.
1. Lie
2. When challenged…accuse the other of that which you are guilty off
3. Lie some more
4. When all fails..deflect issue to other subject…usually a logical fallacy like “whataboutism”

Just spamming away on the internet.
All to defend this russian war of agression.

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I still can't get over how Russia, a much more powerful nation than Ukraine is getting it handed to them by the ever so determined Ukrainians. Just goes to show that they either haven't brought out the big guns or relied too much during the decades to competing in the nuclear arsenal and prop bombers aside the Tu-160 and nuclear submarines and never knew the importance of UCAVs until it was too late. incredible since they should've blitzkrieg Ukraine in one week according to their military standing.

Calling it a "military operation" is laughable, to say the least.
Fighting a war is a very complicated issue, it's not just who is more powerful and who have the biggest stick.

Most people would think Russia should have roll over Ukraine by the neck day 1 on the offensive, the problem is, this is NEVER going to happen as long as Ukrainian decided to fight, because Ukraine is too big for the Russian invasion force to be able to conquer

This video outline what the situation in Ukraine is like, and this was made 5 days BEFORE the war begin.

Most people, including me, speculated that Russia is NOT going to invade because that force they gather is not enough to take on the entire Ukraine. And then they split them into 3 axis's, and then they pick spring for the incoming attack. That's probably the worse combo on any open warfare as you can get.

In a traditional sense, you need 3 to 1 for any general invasion if you had all the advantages, given the Ukrainian military had around 210k men, Russia need at least 500k to be able to overcome the Ukrainian, it's never going to happen with just 200k men alone. IMO, this is what get the Russian stuck. Because lack of men = lack of progress = demand more men which they do not have = time given to the defender to raise their army. = situation now
Come on russian bot.

Moment please, i just have to recharge and adjust my circuits and programs......beep....

1:Your claim was ukraine did not or hardly export grain/wheat to africa/sudan.

BBC said so....whereas it was not Sudan what was mentioned, but Somalia

Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-07-17 13-48-48.png

2: You guys then either lied (source unrelated to grain), or hollowly claim the source (UN) as fake news.

Hm? I extra posted a source you prefer, the BBC. Also UN caught lying hundreds times.

3: you guys then deflect the issue to israel not providing enough grain to palestinians (why would they even?)

Cause Isreal is rich and steal the grain of the poor people in Gaza and Palestin cause Isreal hinder ANY ship to cargo ANYTHING to Gaza or Palestin.

Stop acting like a toddler afraid to admit their mistake?

This happens time and time again with russian cheerleaders.
1. Lie
2. When challenged…accuse the other of that which you are guilty off
3. Lie some more
4. When all fails..deflect issue to other subject…usually a logical fallacy like “whataboutism”

Just spamming away on the internet.
All to defend this russian war of agression.

If you read this post of mine, then you have to admit that a lot of nonsense is coming from you.

thanks , this sums it up :

1:Your claim was ukraine did not or hardly export grain/wheat to africa/sudan.

These demonizing claims were proven wrong with sources given.

2: You guys then either lied (source unrelated to grain), or hollowly claim the source (UN) as fake news.

More sources were given.

3: you guys then deflect the issue to israel not providing enough grain to palestinians (why would they even?)

Stop acting like a toddler afraid to admit their mistake?

This happens time and time again with russian cheerleaders.
1. Lie
2. When challenged…accuse the other of that which you are guilty off
3. Lie some more
4. When all fails..deflect issue to other subject…usually a logical fallacy like “whataboutism”

Just spamming away on the internet.
All to defend this russian war of agression.


I make it short:

cause Isreal is rich and steal the grain of the poor people in Gaza and Palestin cause Isreal hinder ANY ship to cargo ANYTHING to Gaza or Palestin.


Meanwhile over the years some of you noticed that i do not like any religion. I respect persons who believe in God. These are true people. But i dont care about religions.

But what really annoys me of all the religions is the jew religion. All other religions have a social background what was implemented cause thousands of years ago religion is also used for to live together, do some social standards ect.. Except the jewish religion, what is based on lies, e.g. "oohh, we poor jews, the egypts hold us as slaves!" - what is proven a lie. Cause meanwhile archaeologists found out that Egyptians knew iron and use it with varius technics to build their pyramids - and so only needed a 1/20 of the people as asummed all the time. And so there were no thousends and thousand of jewish slaves. The egyptians didnt need them to build the pyramides. And so all what the jews say about their past....is a lie.
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. Except the jewish religion, what is based on lies, e.g. "oohh, we poor jews, the egypts hold us as slaves!" - what is proven a lie.

So you only have a problem with Christianity , Islam , and the Jewish religion . Cause all the three monotheistic religions emrace this story.

And this has to do what exactly with the topic ?

" And remember the time when We saved you from Pharaoh’s people, who afflicted you with cruel suffering, slaughtering your sons and sparing only your women — which was an awesome trial from your Sustainer; and when We cleft the sea before you, and thus saved you and caused Pharaoh’s people to drown before your very eyes.”

(Quran 2:47-50)
Putin threatens to target all foreign ships in the Black Sea. Ukraine can target Russia naval fleet in return.
Win win.


Der russischen Schwarzmeerflotte könnte nun eine aktivere Rolle zukommen.Quelle: picture alliance/dpa/Ulf Mauder
So you only have a problem with Christianity , Islam , and the Jewish religion . Cause all the three monotheistic religions emrace this story.

And this has to do what exactly with the topic ?

" And remember the time when We saved you from Pharaoh’s people, who afflicted you with cruel suffering, slaughtering your sons and sparing only your women — which was an awesome trial from your Sustainer; and when We cleft the sea before you, and thus saved you and caused Pharaoh’s people to drown before your very eyes.”

(Quran 2:47-50)


First lets take a look at Islam. Mohammed itself wasnt an idiot. One of his main goals was to set social standards. You have to imagine in what enviroment he started his religion: Mostly dessert, a lot of tribes each with differend territorial claims, not enough water for all herds and thus often war about water, and cause of not enough water mostly bad hygiene, every tribe had its own laws and rules and so on. And Mohammed managed to bring all together into a society with the same minimum social standards and law, bring it to them in form of a religion. Ok, he had to use the fear for to have succsess. But fear is used by all religions. But he managed to bring a lot people to a higher step of civilisation.

And now christianity. Here we have the new Testament, the story of Jesus and what he did and said. And even that NT was in parts distorded. Only that is christianity. The old Testament is only full of Jews lies. Has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. If you are interessted, you can make a search about the original christianity what spread across mediteran sea to even Rom in the first centuries after Jesus death. Later this original christianity get hunted and killed till it split up into a "jewish christianity" (this is why the old Testament is in the Bible) with base in Jerusalem and a into Europe and west Asia spreaded original Christianity. Through the centuries the "jewish christianity" take over more and more original christianity centers as e.g. in Rome and Byzanz and other greater cities at that time. So most of what you see today as Christianity is just jew version, has only a few to do with original Chritianity.

And now Jews: All just based on lies.
Putin threatens to target all foreign ships in the Black Sea. Ukraine can target Russia naval fleet in return.
Win win.

View attachment 939919
Der russischen Schwarzmeerflotte könnte nun eine aktivere Rolle zukommen.Quelle: picture alliance/dpa/Ulf Mauder

I do think Ukraine has constrained naval operations to preserve this deal, but the gloves will come off now for sure since the deal is over ..
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