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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Rather a modest support comapre to what the Russian have,

And most of it they got only after they proved themselves and pushed the Russians out of kiev.
that modest support is a little more than Russia annual military budget.

Equipment of the Russian Air Forces
don't make joke about MIA section of Russian army in this war
That’s not a secret.
China supports Russia war of aggression against Ukraine and the West.
Just surprisingly, the chief of an intel says it in public.

famous USA & Co. mentality of you are with us or against us
that modest support is a little more than Russia annual military budget.

don't make joke about MIA section of Russian army in this war
Lets pretend we actually know the russian defence budget.
The support this entire war in terms of security assistance, training and weapons is still smaller than the official russian annual military budget.
that modest support is a little more than Russia annual military budget.

I think you underate the credit Ukroane deserve.

There is no copmparasing what the Russian had to that of Ukraine. We are talking about a decades of acumalation of a super power. Thousands of Tanks and Artilary pieces . And what did Ukraine get ? a few hundreds tanks and Howitzers ?

Russia was firing 10 times more artilary shells and still the Ukranian artilary was able to get the uper hand.

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Why Adolfo is now 'kosher'

For several reasons

(1) you use the tools and instruments that are available on the ground, e.g. you can't entrust the destruction of Syria to the Austrian Ornithological Society, and the same in this case

(2) the inertia of the past, for let us not forget that Adolfo threw in the towel; but Washington picked up his baton and continued its war of extermination

(3) In the time of Adolf the Slavs, the Russians and the Lithuanian Polish Ukrainian Yiddish People were the same in the eyes of "the blond beast", and today where the Yiddish people were, their place is taken by people of Islamic culture and/or true Semites.

(4) "Our colonial project" (Jabotinsky) founded (1917-) by very violent Ukrainian and Polish emigrants is the quintessence of European fascism. Now it is not German fascism the most influential as a century ago but 'kosher' fascism, and on top of that the fascists of Mizrahim origin curse the fascists of Ashkenazim origin.

So you don"t exactly have a source condraducting the fact that in 2022 Somalia recieved 70% of its grian from Ukriane ?

First you tried to post a source that does not support your claim and now you try to change the subject,


Why does the rich country Israel get so much grain from this grain deal? And why does Israel do not give some of the grain to the really poor in Gaza and Palestin? Cause Israel shit on poor? Like you shit on poor?

So what about it? Why dont you tell us exactly what the US provided insted of implying some major “NATO build-up”, meant to please the anti-western basement-dwellers pretending to be pro Russia.

Easy task. US itself gave the numbers. In this link you can see a part of the military support from 2014 on.

Why does the rich country Israel get so much grain from this grain deal? And why does Israel do not give some of the grain to the really poor in Gaza and Palestin? Cause Israel shit on poor? Like you shit on poor?
Come on russian bot.

1:Your claim was ukraine did not or hardly export grain/wheat to africa/sudan.

These demonizing claims were proven wrong with sources given.

2: You guys then either lied (source unrelated to grain), or hollowly claim the source (UN) as fake news.

More sources were given.

3: you guys then deflect the issue to israel not providing enough grain to palestinians (why would they even?)

Stop acting like a toddler afraid to admit their mistake?

This happens time and time again with russian cheerleaders.
1. Lie
2. When challenged…accuse the other of that which you are guilty off
3. Lie some more
4. When all fails..deflect issue to other subject…usually a logical fallacy like “whataboutism”

Just spamming away on the internet.
All to defend this russian war of agression.
Leo2 A6 use exactly the same armor as the A5.... the main different was the gun moved from 120L44 to 120L55

the first real armor upgrade on german used Leo2 (since Leo2A5) happen with the Leo2 A6M (mine protection) and with the A7V updated frontal proection + mine protection (same as danish Leo2 A7M DK)

the Strv 122, Leo2 A6 S, Leo2 A6 GR have armor upgrades over the normal A5/6 too

The new ordered (Germany and Finnland) Leo2 A8 gets completely new build chassis

Whereas the Leo2A7 and succsessor is a Lachplatte cause of the total shitty transmission and changes at the Antriebsstrang (powertrain?). There are vids in internet where you can see an 2A7 trying to drive up a flat rising hill and you can hear the engine at limit so that the engine is shortly before stalling. Together with that the tank itself is much heavier and if one look at the 2A4/5/6 in Ukraine what have much problems with the mudd so all together is just a waste of money.

Sometimes (i often look these videos) i believe to hear the driver, crying loud, insulting all what had to do with this tank and insulting all who gave him the order to drive it up these flat rising hill. Sure, he managed not to stall the engine, so he know his things. But such a tank in combat anywhere....no.
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