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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


New $1.3B weapons package for Ukraine. It’s under USAI, so not immediate drawdown.
The process of colonization involved the arrival of traders who eventually used advanced weaponry to conquer and dominate the native populations, leading to the rule and exploitation of those countries while causing immense suffering, including violence, rape, and death affecting thousands, if not millions.
Which is not very different from how the native groups behaved towards other native groups. The whole slave trade was based on Arabs and Africans enslaving Africans.
The Aztek religion used human sacrifices.
Mongols killed a large part of the humanity.
And Muslims invaders in India have a poor reputation.


History tends to be written from the perspective of the winners, and if I were to follow your argument, it would imply that the Holocaust is a fabrication, and the Jews inflicted it upon themselves. The hypocrisy of the Western world is evident when they block and impose embargoes on countries, and it is considered acceptable, but when others, like Russia or different nations, do the same, it is seen as a grave injustice against humanity.

Anyone that thinks that sanctioning someone for committing genocide on their population is equivalent to invading a neighbouring country to grab some land needs to have their head examined.
I still can't understand people still try to forget the fact that the unlimited Nato support is what kept ukraine afloat
Ukraine proved itself willing to fight against the russian invasion, and they did stop the russians, before recieving any serious support - and it is by no means unlimited.
The notion that only Western lives, particularly those of white individuals, hold value while the rest of the world's lives do not matter is prevalent. This sentiment is not reflected when Western powers, under false pretexts such as the presence of Weapons of Mass Destruction, invade countries, resulting in the deaths of millions of innocent Iraqis. The lack of accountability and punishment for these actions is evident. Similarly, the mistreatment and killings of Afghan civilians by Australian special forces as a form of sport raises questions about the selective application of humanity. It is intriguing how Western nations conveniently invoke humanity as an excuse when it aligns with their interests.
You simply do not get it.
Western nations value their citizens.
Russia does not value their citizens.

Maybe the Muslims should not have started a civil war killing 90-95% of all Iraqi civilians…

When was the last time a Muslim was prosecuted (by their own side) for the killing of 100s of thousands of Iraqis (Not millions)?
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New $1.3B weapons package for Ukraine. It’s under USAI, so not immediate drawdown.

send the people who are approving these weapons deals and see how they do on the front line let them fight too

lets see them get bombed to pieces, like cowards hiding behind the poor Ukrainian women and children biggest cowards are Americans

sending weapon knowing they dont need to man them and the ones who will man them are poorly trained and most likely be killed

sooner the Ukrainians rise against this joker of a clown actor the better

because soon there will be no more man left in Ukraine

Ukraine proved itself willing to fight against the russian invasion, and they did stop the russians, before recieving any serious support - and it is by no means unlimited.

how's the counter offensive going ?

they never will even get close to Mariupol and even a small town like Bakhmut which was only taken few weeks ago and doesnt have the heavy defence the Southern regions does hasn't even been seen by Ukrainians let alone taken

they cant even get to the outskirts of the city where there is no heavy defence and its already been months into the "counter offensive "
Ukraine proved itself willing to fight against the russian invasion, and they did stop the russians, before recieving any serious support - and it is by no means unlimited.

What about the time from 2014-today when the US official said that they build up, train and support Ukrain army and also gave them equipment?
send the people who are approving these weapons deals and see how they do on the front line let them fight too

lets see them get bombed to pieces, like cowards hiding behind the poor Ukrainian women and children biggest cowards are Americans

sending weapon knowing they dont need to man them and the ones who will man them are poorly trained and most likely be killed

sooner the Ukrainians rise against this joker of a clown actor the better

because soon there will be no more man left in Ukraine

how's the counter offensive going ?

they never will even get close to Mariupol and even a small town like Bakhmut which was only taken few weeks ago and doesnt have the heavy defence the Southern regions does hasn't even been seen by Ukrainians let alone taken

they cant even get to the outskirts of the city where there is no heavy defence and its already been months into the "counter offensive "

The vast majority of Ukraines offensive capacity hasn’t been committed yet. That’s confirmed by Gen Milley.
send the people Putin who approved the weapons deals special military operation and see how they he does on the front line let them him fight too

lets see them him get bombed to pieces, like a coward hiding behind the poor Ukrainian Russian women and children biggest cowards are Americans Irainians

sending weapon knowing they dont need to man them and the ones who will man them are poorly trained and most likely be killed

sooner the Ukrainians Russians rise against this joker of a clown actor with a Napoleon complex the better
There fixed it for you - you’re welcome :enjoy:
Sure the UN is " lying ". Evertone is lying but you.

Your source has ZERO data on grain supply.

As it satands Somalia imports most of its grain from Ukriane,

But then again an Israeli who begs America for $4 billion USD annually and who uses extortion racket called Holohoax when begging Germany and others wants to talk about "foreign aid". The whole IsraHell is based on extortion racket called Holohoax and taking billions of USD from US and Europeans.

If you truly look at this conflict that is raging in Europe, it is conflict engineered by these evil Zionists. Sadly, these Ukrainians have a president and a PM who are Israeli citizens. So how can Europe find peace when such people are in the driving seat?
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