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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Composite Yevgeny Prigozhin and Ramzan Kadyrov

Soldiers !

Don't give yourselves to brutes - men who despise you - enslave you - who regiment your lives - tell you what to do - what to think and what to feel !

Who drill you - diet you - treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder
Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men - machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!

You are not machines
You are not cattle
You are men
You have the love of humanity in your hearts
You don't hate

Only the unloved hate - the unloved and the unnatural

Soldiers !

Don't fight for slavery !
Fight for liberty !

Charilie Chaplin , The great dictataor .


If you were around 20 years ago (pre-twitter) were you following the same events the rest of us or his this version of history a special book you read. US went to Iraq in 2003 under false pretext of WMD that were never found. Wtf termination of ceasefire agreement are you talking about?
As I were around 20 years ago, I know that three Casus Belli were presented before the 2003 invasion. You only mention one. Do your research.
Were any of the three Casus Belli met? If so, that is enough for a war.

Then again, a war was not started in 2003.

Saddam Hussein started the war by invading Quwait. Please provide the date when the war ended (with a peace agreement) if you want to argue otherwise. (Tip: You can’t, since there were no peace agreement).

There was continuous low-intensity conflict between the coalition and Iraq during the ceasefire.
The Russian army may collapse by the time they get to 400,000 casualties (kia/wounded).
That’s too little for the Russians to give up. Russians are hardcore. By this pace, Russia loses 500-1,000 men per day, Russia will suffer 400,000 casualties by next year. Should Ukraine offensives succeed Russia casualties rate would be much higher.

Putin has ordered to increase the size of Russia army to 1.5 million men. Then we see more than 2 million men when adding the irregular troops as the wagners, the Kadyrov, the patriots, multiple private nationalists, facist groups,

I would think by one million casualties Putin would think withdraw and negotiation.
probably , but a lot mercenaries and Ukrainian also die .
and more importantly the ideas that the European, American and their sphere preached so wonderfully for others but they themselves never abide by it also die .
the hipocrites would be shown to the world and many more wonderful things also happen

Don't underestimate the quantity of Russia raw material that wonderfully can be hammered into cannon fodder.
as i never understimate the same about Ukraine, just look at the amount of the raw material that can forcibly kidnapped from streets of Ukraine
Ukraine has seen this war coming they have prepared it for years. Thus Ukraine’s casualty rate is lower by Ukraine sources as well as US, EU intel sources.

Putin’s invasion army casualties are ugly because they invade Ukraine with too few soldiers. Russia began invading Ukraine with 150,000 men that is ridiculous low. Required is 500,000 men minimum. Ukraine territory is bigger than Germany. Ukraine army has mobilized to one million men when the war began. Russia’s army don’t have clear orders, they don’t have motivation, they don’t have modern military gears, they are in wrong place, wrong time. When they are hungry because foods running out they go on looting.

All of this because that is a special military ops shit. War is a serious matter, but Putin and Russia military top brass apparently see it as kindergarten. Chinese will not help. China’s special envoy Li Hui just repeats Russia propaganda he calls western allies to stop weapons delivery to Ukraine before any negotiation. Sorry to say, what people can expect from this Ccp cheap shit? Nothing.
I am astonished to see the sorry state of russian military. Its as if they didnt develop in past 20 years at all and it was only PR and showoff. I guess this is something that happens in authoritarian states because there is no one that can question the military or its development and work. From Egypt to iraq, syria and now russia, every authoritarian military have been just hot air.

The russian military was not that corrupt as compared to say Pakistan, and yet they performed miserably. Makes me wonder what will be the real state of Pakistan army lolz. Every military that scares and coerces its own population are usually worthless on battlefield.
probably , but a lot mercenaries and Ukrainian also die .
and more importantly the ideas that the European, American and their sphere preached so wonderfully for others but they themselves never abide by it also die .
the hipocrites would be shown to the world and many more wonderful things also happen

Don't underestimate the quantity of Russia raw material that wonderfully can be hammered into cannon fodder.
as i never understimate the same about Ukraine, just look at the amount of the raw material that can forcibly kidnapped from streets of Ukraine

Russia is using troops from ethnic regions in the Far East and not from western areas of Russia. Don’t want the Muscovites to know there’s a real war going on . One of the main reasons Russia had to surrender in Afghanistan was because the mother of dead soldiers in Moscow protested. Putin learned a lesson.
That is a lot of dead russians for one mans ego. Time for Russians to "take care" of Putin before they lose more of their people.

Love this picture on the reply thread !!

There is literally no way to explain Russian casual disregard for human lives without sounding like complete Racist. Except in this case the Racist is completely in the right.

But yeah the only way for peace is to kill as many Russians as they can until they just say uncle.
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