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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

That is a lot of dead russians for one mans ego. Time for Russians to "take care" of Putin before they lose more of their people.

Love this picture on the reply thread !!


U.K. payback … for Salisbury poisoning
Chances of NATO and US succeeding in Ukraine in-spite of close to $120 billion military hardware to Ukraine at best are nil.

Yes, the US weaponry will inflict huge damage on Russia but in return damage to Ukraine and rest of Europe will be great rather insurmountable. Remember, it is Russia which turned Nazi Germany away from the gates of Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad. They instead destroyed Germany/Berlin before allies got there to claim victory.

Yes, there is a merit in seeking peace. Ukraine should give up its obsession on joining NATO and Russia should withdraw. None is likely to happen hence, war will contune.
The following is a transcription of John’s (profesor John Mearsheimer) comments:

“No, I don’t think he had any options. I do believe that Putin was deeply committed to finding a negotiated settlement to the problem. As I said to you in my formal comments, he was deeply committed to the Minsk agreement because what he wanted to do was to shut down the conflict in the Donbas so he would not have to invade.

And, with regard to NATO expansion, EU expansion, and the efforts to make Ukraine a Western bulwark on Russia’s border, he went to great lengths to explain to the West why that was unacceptable. And on December 17, 2021, he sent a letter to Biden and to NATO saying that you have to do x y and z, so we can find a solution to this problem. And we refused to go along. And I think that Putin was left in a position where he felt he had no choice, because, to answer your question, there was no other way to deal with the problem. So I think that he, with great reluctance, invaded Ukraine.”
I am not pro-Russian, my war is lies and disregard for human life.

The idea, 2008-, of sacrificing Ukrainian pawns out of hatred for Russia has been a scoundrel.
Chances of NATO and US succeeding in Ukraine in-spite of close to $120 billion military hardware to Ukraine at best are nil.

Yes, the US weaponry will inflict huge damage on Russia but in return damage to Ukraine and rest of Europe will be great rather insurmountable. Remember, it is Russia which turned Nazi Germany away from the gates of Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad. They instead destroyed Germany/Berlin before allies got there to claim victory.

Yes, there is a merit in seeking peace. Ukraine should give up its obsession on joining NATO and Russia should withdraw. None is likely to happen hence, war will contune.

All good points. Russia is using a model that was successful during Second World War when the USSR was populated by supine, grovelling peasants, which is no longer the case. Even then, it took them four years to beat an army that was smaller than theirs and that was being pounded day and night by British and American bombs.
Chances of NATO and US succeeding in Ukraine in-spite of close to $120 billion military hardware to Ukraine at best are nil.

Yes, the US weaponry will inflict huge damage on Russia but in return damage to Ukraine and rest of Europe will be great rather insurmountable. Remember, it is Russia which turned Nazi Germany away from the gates of Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad. They instead destroyed Germany/Berlin before allies got there to claim victory.

Yes, there is a merit in seeking peace. Ukraine should give up its obsession on joining NATO and Russia should withdraw. None is likely to happen hence, war will contune.
We that study history knows that Germany was fighting the Soviet Union, and Russia was only a part of the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union managed to defeat Germany only because they got help from the West. This is the claim of Zjukov, and he should know. Now another part of the former Soviet Union is getting the help from the West and Russia is more or less in a stalemate.

There is no peace with an oathbreaker. The peace agreement would not be worth the paper it is signed on. Peace can only be had when Russia mends their way.
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I don't know if "scoundrel" is an adjective or a noun

I am not sure if I have expressed myself correctly in English.
Chances of NATO and US succeeding in Ukraine in-spite of close to $120 billion military hardware to Ukraine at best are nil.

Yes, the US weaponry will inflict huge damage on Russia but in return damage to Ukraine and rest of Europe will be great rather insurmountable. Remember, it is Russia which turned Nazi Germany away from the gates of Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad. They instead destroyed Germany/Berlin before allies got there to claim victory.

Yes, there is a merit in seeking peace. Ukraine should give up its obsession on joining NATO and Russia should withdraw. None is likely to happen hence, war will contune.
You dont give much credit to the ukrainians and other former USSR countries taking part in WW2. Not that it matters. Its ancient history now, and doesnt tell us anything about modern day russian capabilities.
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