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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Chances of NATO and US succeeding in Ukraine in-spite of close to $120 billion military hardware to Ukraine at best are nil.

Yes, the US weaponry will inflict huge damage on Russia but in return damage to Ukraine and rest of Europe will be great rather insurmountable. Remember, it is Russia which turned Nazi Germany away from the gates of Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad. They instead destroyed Germany/Berlin before allies got there to claim victory.

Yes, there is a merit in seeking peace. Ukraine should give up its obsession on joining NATO and Russia should withdraw. None is likely to happen hence, war will contune.
It must be hard to watch your beloved Soviet Union disintegrate and then see its remnant again at the brink of oblivion in your lifetime.
Chances of NATO and US succeeding in Ukraine in-spite of close to $120 billion military hardware to Ukraine at best are nil.

Yes, the US weaponry will inflict huge damage on Russia but in return damage to Ukraine and rest of Europe will be great rather insurmountable. Remember, it is Russia which turned Nazi Germany away from the gates of Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad. They instead destroyed Germany/Berlin before allies got there to claim victory.

Yes, there is a merit in seeking peace. Ukraine should give up its obsession on joining NATO and Russia should withdraw. None is likely to happen hence, war will contune.
First of all. It's Soviet Union, which included Ukraine, not just Russia.

Secondly, it would never have been able to do that had the allied not started another 3 fronts (Northern France, Southern France, North Africa/Italy) on Germany. You put it like Soviet Union alone were able to push the German back on the brink of defeat. Soviet Union have their share of glory, but it probably unwise to ignore the rest of the allies. In fact, I would go ahead and say if US did not fight the Japanese virtually alone in the Pacific, Japan may fancy to go around and attack Russia with Germany. It's that homeland pressure the US gave the Japanese stop them from enveloping the Soviet Union.

And finally, back then Soviet Union is being attacked, this time around it is the Russian who attacked Ukraine. The reason to fight is not the same back in the days in WW2. In fact, I would say the entire experience cannot be compared as WW2 happened 80 years ago....you can't compare the situation now than a war happened 80 years ago.
It must be hard to watch your beloved Soviet Union disintegrate and then see its remnant again at the brink of oblivion in your lifetime.

Russia becoming a failed state is a massive issue. All those nuclear missiles and armed forces becoming hollowed out with loss of experienced leaders. Assuming that peace is reached in the future after yet more loss of life, it wouldn't be surprising to see Putin kept in power. The West will need some stability to stop anarchy and Russia from total break up.?

That is about 120 self propeled artilary that Ukriane have recieved in recent weeks :

60 M109 from Italy.

30 AS -90 from UK

19 Ceazars from france

8 Archers from Sweeden ( due shortly.)

That is a big incerease considering what they have,

Since the bigginning of the wat Ukraine has prefurmed supprisingly well with their relativlly limited amount of artilary . In short time they managed to absorb into their army and operate succesfully an imprasive amount of new and modern artilary.

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I am astonished to see the sorry state of russian military. Its as if they didnt develop in past 20 years at all and it was only PR and showoff. I guess this is something that happens in authoritarian states because there is no one that can question the military or its development and work. From Egypt to iraq, syria and now russia, every authoritarian military have been just hot air.

The russian military was not that corrupt as compared to say Pakistan, and yet they performed miserably. Makes me wonder what will be the real state of Pakistan army lolz. Every military that scares and coerces its own population are usually worthless on battlefield.
Well, that’s the backlash of one man rule. Putin sees every critic as criminal offense. That’s why Russia’s gulags are full like under Stalin.
NATO is the only life insurance for Europe.
the NATO will expand to Far east as well. Win win. As seen in the statement by NATO general sec Stoltenberg. That will deter Chinese imperialism.

Russia becoming a failed state is a massive issue. All those nuclear missiles and armed forces becoming hollowed out with loss of experienced leaders. Assuming that peace is reached in the future after yet more loss of life, it wouldn't be surprising to see Putin kept in power. The West will need some stability to stop anarchy and Russia from total break up.?
Russia has capable leaders but the Russian public is unlikely to force the issue. Centuries of obsequiousness has taken the fight out of the Russian population at this stage they're just passengers along for the ride. Whoever emerges from the infighting in Putin's inner circle is unlikely to be any better. At this stage we can only hope that Putin or whoever comes after him has an instinct for self preservation OR Russia is going to doom us all.
it is Russia which turned Nazi Germany away from the gates of Moscow,

It must be hard to watch your beloved Soviet Union disintegrate and then see its remnant again at the brink of oblivion in your lifetime.

Yes , and on the way to Berlin they stopprd at Poland , parked on the the river next to Warssaw , and watched as the Germans crush the Warssaw uprising , without lifting a finger to help them , only so they can come in and enter an already deafeated poland , who had no power left to rise up again , against the Russians.

And the same story repeated itself in diffrent verssion all over Eastern Europe , where Russians Inslaved those counries under their dictatorship.

It is of little wonder that with all of Germany past , the day the Berlin wall fell was a day of celebration all over the world.

We must consider ouselfs lucky that this whole soviet union , fell off ,without a fire being shot.

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Russia has capable leaders but the Russian public is unlikely to force the issue. Centuries of obsequiousness has taken the fight out of the Russian population at this stage they're just passengers along for the ride. Whoever emerges from the infighting in Putin's inner circle is unlikely to be any better. At this stage we can only hope that Putin or whoever comes after him has an instinct for self preservation OR Russia is going to doom us all.

MUCH OF THE CURRENT RUSSIAN SOCIETY is heavily brain-washed and indoctrinated...They have never lived in a democratic country respecting personal freedoms and the rule of law. Whatever happens, it might be catastrophic....and a much worse tyrant could arise.

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I do wonder if Azerbaijan sold its old stock of Su24's + spares to Ukraine? They recently decomissioned in 2021 and they would help Ukraine get some Su24s back into the air( they had a fleet of 120 from which they managed to keep 23 of them operational )
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