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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

NATO will not intervene unless Putin runs amok and nukes Ukraine.

Ukraine will win this war there is no doubt about it. The question is just will Ukraine win in 6 months or 6 years. How many more people will die, hundreds thousands or millions? The chance Russia wins is 0.01 percent. Every war has same logics, same endings. This war is no different.

Ukraine will eventually join EU and NATO. There is nothing Russia can stop it. Well, unless they nuke Ukraine to stop it.
well hope its 6 year , you knew its said lion share of humanity advancement was because of the war , the longer the war , the more advanced western civilization.
well hope its 6 year , you knew its said lion share of humanity advancement was because of the war , the longer the war , the more advanced western civilization.
For some the death may be the paradise they are looking for. Since invasion began Russia lost 250,000 men death and wounded. I do a quickly math, if this war continues for 5 years then Russia would lose 1.2 million men in total.

For some the death may be the paradise they are looking for. Since invasion began Russia lost 250,000 men death and wounded. I do a quickly math, if this war continues for 5 years then Russia would lose 1.2 million men in total.

The Russian army may collapse by the time they get to 400,000 casualties (kia/wounded).
Yes it is about joining NATO and the EU..
I'm against this war.. and according to how it is going ,,unless NATO intervenes, Ukraine has no chance of winning this conflict on its own despite the huge support..
NATO is already fully involved (covert) without NATO Ukraine would have collapsed a long time ago.
For some the death may be the paradise they are looking for. Since invasion began Russia lost 250,000 men death and wounded. I do a quickly math, if this war continues for 5 years then Russia would lose 1.2 million men in total.

probably , but a lot mercenaries and Ukrainian also die .
and more importantly the ideas that the European, American and their sphere preached so wonderfully for others but they themselves never abide by it also die .
the hipocrites would be shown to the world and many more wonderful things also happen

The Russian army may collapse by the time they get to 400,000 casualties (kia/wounded).
Don't underestimate the quantity of Russia raw material that wonderfully can be hammered into cannon fodder.
as i never understimate the same about Ukraine, just look at the amount of the raw material that can forcibly kidnapped from streets of Ukraine

Donbass Zugzwang | Belgorod Trap. Russian Advances. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.06.02


West should avoid ‘third world war’ with Russia, top adviser to Brazil’s Lula says​

The Brazilian president has made a series of controversial statements that have worried Kyiv’s Western allies.
Ukrainian paratroopers fire at Russian positions in the Luhansk region on April 20, 2023 | Anatolii Stepanov/AFP via Getty Images

JUNE 2, 2023 11:32 AM CET

Ukraine's Western allies, who have been helping Kyiv defend itself from Russia's full-scale invasion, risk escalating the war, the top foreign policy adviser to Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said.
"We don’t want a third world war. And even if we don’t have that, we don’t want a new cold war," said Celso Amorim, a former foreign and defense minister who is now the Brazilian president's chief adviser on international affairs, in an interview with the Financial Times released Friday.
Amorim's remarks come as Brazil has sought to position itself as an intermediary in talks to end Russia's war on Ukraine, with Lula's adviser visiting both Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow and Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv in the past few weeks.
But while Lula has condemned Russia's war, he has refused to provide military aid to Kyiv or to sanction Moscow. The Brazilian president has also made a series of controversial statements that have worried Kyiv's Western allies.

Ukraine’s ‘rightful place’ is in NATO, says Rishi Sunak

By Cristina Gallardo
In January, during a visit from German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Lula said Kyiv and Moscow shared blame for the war, and that the trigger for Russia's full-scale invasion of its neighbor was not clear.
In April, U.S. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby accused the Brazilian president of "parroting Russian and Chinese propaganda," after Lula said the U.S. should “stop encouraging” the war in Ukraine.
Lula's stance on the war has raised further questions about the fate of the EU’s long-stalled draft trade agreement with the Mercosur bloc of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, which has been under negotiation for almost 25 years.
In his interview published Friday, Amorim stressed that Ukraine was not responsible for the war, but added that Russia's security concerns should be taken into consideration.
“We cannot judge the situation by the last 1.5 years. This is a situation of decades," Amorim said. Russia has "concerns that have to be taken into account. That is not the fault of Ukraine. Ukraine is a victim, a victim of the remnants of the cold war.”
Is this the way potential victors interact with each other. None of us on PDF know the real military situation but this is blame game and open verbal hostility (first by Chef to the military, and then Chechens to Wagner) is a better indicator of the state of things than any thing else.

This is the sorry state of affairs to run a military in an authoratarian regime. Blame, blame, blame.

When the US withdrew (in the chaos) there was a Marine Colonel that went to social media to hold his Marine leadership accountable for the disaster. That I thought was the what happens in a democracy. He was court martialed and then released from service.

These factions fighting for Russia set a new low bar.

Btw, most of the dialogue from pro-Putin side (that claimed Bakhmut was just the beginning of the onslaught) have stopped posting as Moscow is attacked and taking over Bakhmut after all the losses is a relative non-event

Feud Between Top Putin Allies Spills Out Into Open​

By Isabel van Brugen On 6/2/23 at 11:46 AM EDT

Current Time 0:56
Duration 1:20

A feud between two of Russian President Vladimir Putin's top allies—Wagner Group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin and Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov—has spilled out into the open.
Adam Delimkhanov, a close ally of Kadyrov, attacked Prigozhin on his Telegram channel after the Wagner Group boss suggested the Chechen Akhmat battalion likely lacks the capability to occupy the self-proclaimed "Donetsk Republic" region of Ukraine.
Prigozhin, who earned the nickname "Putin's chef" thanks to his catering contracts with the Kremlin, had been pouring his mercenary fighters into the city of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine alongside conventional troops as part of a push by Moscow to secure its first major battlefield victory in the the war since the summer of 2022. He announced the withdrawal of his troops from the city on May 25, after repeatedly accusing Russia's Defense Minstry of intentionally depriving his fighters of ammunition.
Prigozhin made the remarks about Akhmat—the Chechen combat units under the command of Kadyrov—via the press service of his company Concord on May 31, saying that the battalion may be able to occupy certain locales, but not the whole region. In response, Delimkhanov addressed Prigozhin in a heated video using informal language, declaring that Akhmat is "meeting the goals set by the commander-in-chief," referring to Putin.
Composite Yevgeny Prigozhin and Ramzan Kadyrov

This combined image shows Yevgeny Prigozhin, left, in 2016, and Chechen Republic head Ramzan Kadyrov, right, in 2018. A feud between the pair has spilled out into the open. Mikhail Svetlov/Getty Images
"If you don't understand, then you can contact us and tell us the place and the time. We will explain to you what you don't understand," Delimkhanov said. "You have become a blogger who screams and shouts off to the whole world about all the problems. Stop shouting, yelling and screaming."
"You needn't know, Yevgeny, about our capabilities and our goals," he said. "This is something that our command and commander-in-chief, who determines those goals, know about, together with the republic's head, Hero of Russia Ramzan Kadyrov."
Speaker of the Chechen Parliament, Magomed Daudov, another close ally of Kadyrov, also lashed out at Prigozhin for his "daily statements" that "sow a mood of panic among our country's population."
"Our fighters also had problems, but this does not mean that a warrior should shout about it. In your statements you hint that someone should be shot. For such words during the Second World War, they would have been immediately put up against the wall," said Daudov.

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Prigozhin responded to the pair by saying that he believes he did no wrong by commenting on what he believes are Akhmat's capabilities.
"In regard to my location, all those involved in this discussion know my confidential phone numbers very well and are able to connect with me," he said.
One of Wagners founding members, Dmitry Utkin, a former special forces officer who served in Russian military intelligence, also weighed in on the feud, rebuking the use of informal language in addressing Prigozhin.
"Where did such familiarity come from?" Utkin said in a message posted on Telegram by Prigozhin. "Certain citizens should be put against a wall for the SHAME that we have."
Utkin also said that he's ready to talk "man to man," and that he has known Delimkhanov and Daudov since the first and second Chechen Wars.
Russia last week celebrated the capture of Bakhmut, but Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has rejected claims the industrial city is entirely under Russian control.

Iraq started the war. The US simply terminated the ceasefire agreement.
It gave three reasons for doing so. One is enough to start a war.

It was the Falangists that committed the massacre. Sharon was forced to resign over the issue.

Many tweak the facts, like You do.
If you were around 20 years ago (pre-twitter) were you following the same events the rest of us or his this version of history a special book you read. US went to Iraq in 2003 under false pretext of WMD that were never found. Wtf termination of ceasefire agreement are you talking about?

You as a pro-NATO supporter are unique in the sense you are the only one that makes facts and history. Normally that privilege on this forum have been of the pro-Russia camp.
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