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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The fallacy of the Americans losing or NATO losing around 7000 in Afghanistan is the biggest lie ever told and the most intellectually bankrupt lie that has been bought and paraded including said over and over again.

I mean excuse me? Do you take the neutrals or the military enthusiasts to be retarded enough to buy this and for you to sell this figures to grown azz people with a straight face.

Listen this is really simple I understand the US also faked their deaths in Vietnam to avoid public uproar it is part of the gamesmanship and I have nothing against them trying to hustle but it is just not working.

The Afghan Emirate figures are closer to the truth then what the Americans are claiming the IEA claimed approx. 150k allied forces deaths and around 300.000 ANA and ANP casualities thru out the 20 years of conflict. including 500k IEA casualities.

If you understand what war really means and how conventional conflicts work especially when there was skirmish after skirmish on daily basis thru out every mountain hill-top, alley and river sides and villages to towns for almost a quarter of a century then you will get the gist of what I am saying. Pakistan itself lost around 50k and do you think war is wedding or some kind of fantasy party where people in a miraclous ways dodge bullets and turn into Rambo or where they exchange sweets. Casualities are the truth of war and nothing romantic about it.

What the Americans have been doing is pretty simple they have been listing their casualities as overseas accidents and they did this only for these serving within the army whereas the contractors are listed as civilian deaths overseas and we will get their data thru another means.

First lets start with the once in the US army hidden as accidental casualities, suicides etc etc.

the Number is almost around 27.000 casualities from 2001-2021 period. This result is only for these in the army that has been hidden under as something else because they won't admit to 27.000 casualities.

Add that with the US contractors casualities (By law it is not necessary for them to reveal this numbers) but note this numbers come in two groups 1. US contractors aka Mercenaries and 2. Foreign military contractors also Merc.

We start with the US one report claims around 20.000 US deaths overseas between 2001-2021 in weird filmsy scenarios and another report put that number at 100.000 which is on average 5000 us citizens died every year.

Now we get 127.000 American casualities and add that with NATO casualities mostly UK as they were the ones serving there mostly including the foreign contractors which is around 1/4 out of the American casualities which is around 32.000 = which gives us around a total of 159.000 deaths and approx 15% of that died in Iraq which is roughly around 23.000 which leaves us with the remaining 136.000 US forces, US contractors, foreign contractors and other allied contractors excluding the ANA and ANP.

Question is Why the Americans are willing or were willing to go into battles where the casulities is high? It is because they can endure such casualities and they have alot of cannon fodders whereas the Europeans can't endure the same casualities as the Americans because they have alot of filth within their borders in comparison with the Europeans who don't hence the Americans can endure it by getting rid of some of them as cannon fodders.
You’re crazy

Your link lists 26.636 total deaths out of total active duty personel in 2001-2021. These are the proven deaths, meaning all active duty personel have to have served in Afghanistan 20 years straight in order for those ~27.000 to count as Afghanistan casualties. That is clearly not the case.
Do you have any proof of the 100.000 US contractors and the 32.000 mostly UK casualties?
Edit: I spend some time doing some google search, and not a single website came up with a number anywhere near your claimed 100.000 US contractor casualties. Its just something like 2.000 to 5.000 in in Afghanistan and Iraq combined.
Edit: and less than 500 british casualties, armed forces and contractors in Afghanistan.
He’s an idiot and obviously has no idea what he’s talking about. Does he even know anyone that served in Afghanistan? Yeh I didn’t think so.

How is the NATO-Counteroffensive going?
How’s the Russia invasion going?
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I had a chance to see a Leopard 1 Tank recently - impressive considering its age.
For what its worth, a former Leopard 1 battalion leader now a researcher at institute for study of war regularly comments on the ukrainian war. He said he would prefere the Leopard 1A5DK over the Leopard 2A4, and that from 3 km away it could take out +90% of anything the russians drive inside Ukraine - while the Leopard was moving 30-40 km per hour. The russians should not underestimate this tank eventhough its not heavy armored and fields a smaller gun.
For what its worth, a former Leopard 1 battalion leader now a researcher at institute for study of war regularly comments on the ukrainian war. He said he would prefere the Leopard 1A5DK over the Leopard 2A4, and that from 3 km away it could take out +90% of anything the russians drive inside Ukraine - while the Leopard was moving 30-40 km per hour. The russians should not underestimate this tank eventhough its not heavy armored and fields a smaller gun.

Ukraine need both leopard 2a6 not 1A5. It’s a huge difference. They need both. Quantity has its value. The L1A5 can go toe to toe with T64 and older T72. It’s much more mobile than almost all Russian tanks and the weapon guidance system with thermal imaging is on par with older Leo2 variants including the L2A4. So it’s very much capable of shooting and hitting first even if it’s armour is nothing to write home about.

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Ukraine need both leopard 2a6 not 1A5. It’s a huge difference. They need both. Quantity has its value. The L1A5 can go toe to toe with T64 and older T72. It’s much more mobile than almost all Russian tanks and the weapon guidance system with thermal imaging is on par with older Leo2 variants including the L2A4. So it’s very much capable of shooting and hitting first even if it’s armour is nothing to write home about.
Yes of course however the issue with leopards 2 is availability and production rate.
Europe armies need leopards 2 for self defense they have given Ukraine some dozens away. more is not possible. Nobody knows if Putin runs amok and attacks Poland.
Germany can produce about 30 leopards 2 per month. to get enough tanks for battalions or tank divisions takes time.
Or this option. Germany buys back 25 leopards 2 from the Swiss. Then can give Ukraine 25 more pieces from the inventory.
The Germans do similar thing with Egypt and Qatar in buying back Iris and Gepards.


If he's willing to admit this much, the likely losses that Russia and Wagner suffered are likely quite a bit higher, which lends credibility to the 50k to 70k killed, and another 50k wounded (100k killed/wounded Russians was given by the US).
That’s too little. realistic is about 1:5 ratio. One dead, five wounded. Take Vietnam war. The US deployment to Vietnam totaled 9 million military and non military personnel. At peak 600,000 US soldiers in combat. At the end the US suffered 60,000 dead, 300,000 wounded. The US military has very modern rescue operations otherwise lots of those wounded wouldn’t survive.

Challenger 2, Leopard 2 and M1 Abrams all have design histories dating back to the 1970s, where SHAPE planners envisaged that tanks in NATO's northern army group (NORTHAG) would operate in a defensive role on a north-south axis - running roughly between Lueneburg and Kassel - to counter large Soviet armoured formations moving westwards over the north German plain, with the first of their two major river obstacles lying further to the west, which was the River Weser. Many of the bridges spanning the Weser were specifically strengthened to cope with Western main battle tanks weighing 60 tons or more. However, since all Soviet-built main battle tanks typically weigh no more than 45 tons, weight limits on bridges in former Warsaw Pact countries and perhaps especially former Soviet republics are going to be considerably less. This presents a potential problem for NATO tanks operating in Ukraine, where rivers will almost certainly need to be crossed in order to advance on the enemy.
German chinese italian origin Ukrainianians your father is sending 1400 next generation vb tanks of Afghan taliban bought from Pakistan armed services inc now enjoy happy hunting

Liberated ? Have you no shame ?

Here is the definition of liberated :



  1. (of a person) showing freedom from social conventions or traditional ideas, especially with regard to sexual roles.
    "the modern image of the independent, liberated woman"

  2. (of a place or people) freed from imprisonment, slavery, or enemy occupation.
    "liberated areas of the country"

Can you Honestly say this is what happened in Bahkmut ?
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