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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

South Korean Artillery Supply Allows U.S. to Delay Decision on Cluster Munitions for Ukraine​

WASHINGTON—South Korea is proceeding with the transfer of hundreds of thousands of artillery rounds for Ukraine, a move that U.S. officials said would make Kyiv’s planned offensive against Russian forces effective and allow the White House to delay a fraught decision about whether to supply cluster munitions banned by many countries.

"Can someone please explain to me the sheer brilliance of her decision to choose "the rotting west" over the undeniable charm of Bakhmut's liberating aura?"
The West™ should maybe lean over to methodes of 3rd world countries. (Nah, not thaaat barbaric but borrow some more peaceful practices like throwing people out)
At least, kick west HATERS out and send them to the holes they really feel for.
Imagine my shock for their smelly tears when they can't rant about anything but get a iron bar to their head for behaviour they do daily in (too) peaceful western societies. 8-)

Massive Drone Attack. WAGNER Left Bakhmut. Nuclear Gambit. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.05.25

"Can someone please explain to me the sheer brilliance of her decision to choose "the rotting west" over the undeniable charm of Bakhmut's liberating aura?"
The West™ should maybe lean over to methodes of 3rd world countries. (Nah, not thaaat barbaric but borrow some more peaceful practices like throwing people out)
At least, kick west HATERS out and send them to the holes they really feel for.
Imagine my shock for their smelly tears when they can't rant about anything but get a iron bar to their head for behaviour they do daily in (too) peaceful western societies. 8-)
Wish we could, we can’t even stop the ones coming in illegally.
Yet another reason people love Trump, because he’s against this stupidity
3 Such ships were sent, where is the footage of the other two?

Never mind, here is the footage I've been looking for

Lol, Russian copium is at critical level
Russian propaganda is so easy to dismantle.

I know they know this as well, and are only doing it for domestic consumption, as well as continuing to feed their blind supporters overseas. Still, they should have a little bit of shame.

The ship is likely damaged enough now that it's probably gonna be out of commission for at least a year or more.

Ukrainian water-drones are doing work.

Seriously, this war is like 50% revolutionary precision artillery, and 40% drone warfare, and 10% everything else.
Wish we could, we can’t even stop the ones coming in illegally.
Yet another reason people love Trump, because he’s against this stupidity
Sadly, he couldn't really do it, even if he wanted to.

For "The West ™" it's over until a hard regime change with killings, purges etc. occurs, again something like in 3rd world countries from where you can take inspiration.

The West ™ is too OP, the reason the became obese, lazy, too soft.
Now "immigrating" 3rd worlders think they (Westerners) are weaklings and and only they are manly, strong, powerful.
Yeah sure thing buddies, the main reasons why your "countries" are so great and in the states they are, is because you are doing so well and the best people on earth.
Look, the Israelis were to a certain percentage a bunch of inteliigent wildlings, they were kicking Muslim armies left and right even they should have lost on paper.
Today they became soft. Dumb enemies think they are winning because they are stronger and Israelis don't restrain their own strength.
IF Israelis (or Americans) were really the big bad monsters they are portrayed here, NOTHING would be left and no god could help you there.
Really dumb, these people.
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lol living in evil west exercising full freedom lmao
Doesn't have the guts to live in the sh*thole where she belongs to.
Reminds me of many immigrants who boast about the sh*thole where they or their ancestors fled from but ranting about everything.
It's not bravery to stand up in a country where you have every possibility and basic human rights.
Same goes for stupid "liberals" and Nazi-Feminism.
Go to Saudi Arabia and try your shit there, you are welcome.
Greta Thunberg should open her mouth in PRC or SA, will see how far Asperger Apocalypse Greta will come.
Doesn't have the guts to live in the sh*thole where she belongs to.
Reminds me of many immigrants who boast about the sh*thole where they or their ancestors fled from but ranting about everything.
It's not bravery to stand up in a country where you have every possibility and basic human rights.
Same goes for stupid "liberals" and Nazi-Feminism.
Go to Saudi Arabia and try your shit there, you are welcome.
Greta Thunberg should open her mouth in PRC or SA, will see how far Asperger Apocalypse Greta will come.
Dude these immigrants will rather stay in Canadian or us Jail instead going back to there shit hole countries

that’s why west need to go right and only let people in who integrate or just go back to shit hole they came from

None of these Somalis and pak or bangla or African will ever go to china or Russia and will do anything to enter west and then whine day and night of evil west lmao
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