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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Except its not propaganda or hate speech is it. It's globally acknowledged verifiable information, that Zionists control positions of power globally in order to achieve their goals.
The Clown of Kiev is just one of their pawns on the grand chess board desperately looking to start a global conflict.
Here is one of his pals....both siphoning money from this tragic war they jointly engineered.

And here is a fellow Jew telling it how it is.

Grand chess board ? Seriously, one that only they started playing a 100 years ago? Positions of power: how many US presidents have been jewish?

Its only globally acknowledged by people like you. Thats why none of the heads of the top 4 tech companies are jewish (they are Indian origin).

What if a bunch of muslim haters put up similar videos: than some racist losers will tell their fellow racists 'its verifiable information'

So many launches by patriot and targetting few missiles how the hell is this effective then ? Wasnt it said it has greater kill probability against missiles ?

What is more terrifying here is that location of Patriot system is available to Russians.
the only video shown of the night imply that certain battery get silenced.
it in itself can't be a proof but when it put beside the confirmation from western sources that the system get damaged you put 2+2 together and conclude that they maybe managed to damage radar or control unit

Or they just finished firing them salvo.

On the other hand, if you are talking about that "Flash" video, then I can't even tell if that was Patriot......Unless you are talking about some other video being circulated out there.

in that regard each day we see photo that claim a certain amount of interception without any evidence and according to people here and in western hemisphere they must be truth because they come from Ukraine , interestingly Russian defense minister claim the number of interception in these reports are 3 time the amount of missile and drones they fired.

the problem here is that everything come from russia is considred lies and everything from Ukraine truth and facts

That mostly because most of the time when Ukraine claim they destroyed something, they show proof that they had destroyed them.

On the other hand, when Russia claim they destroyed something, they will just say they had destroyed it, without provide much evidence, if any, I mean, if we go by what Russian claim, Ukraine already lost 44 HIMARS launcher, which is something they do not have.

Again, I wouldn't buy anyone word, not Ukrainian nor Russian, unless there is proof that said system was indeed destroyed,
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Silly games lead to silly outcomes. Despite the international community condemning and urging the UK not to send depleted Uranium weapons to Ukraine, they persisted and went ahead. Now their so called "allies" will suffer. Good on Russia for destroying these weapons before they could be used.
Instead it's getting encircled by Ukrainian troops. Russia is screwed either way. Even if they take Bakhmut, they're gonna be forced to withdraw if Ukraine continues to successfully advance its encirclement strategy.

So patriot isn't a single battery, it's an entire system. What do the Russians mean when they say they took out Patriot? Is there even actual proof that they even damaged it, instead of a far away shot with questionable camera quality? At this point I take every Russian claims with a grain of salt.

If they somehow managed to destroy the battery, that's not really anything to brag about because the battery is pretty much the cheapest part of the patriot system to replace. It's literally just basic launchers.

Or there was nothing to target, so the launches stopped?

I mean I get what you're saying, but that's not good logic, and can easily be countered.

More chest thumping

Ukraine Azov battalion crucified a Russian soldier in 2014 while live steaming it on Twitter

In 2015 Odessa 40 Russians were burned alive and ones who had smoke inhalation had their heads smashed by metal pipes

It’s all online check for yourself

So now Azov battalion is no more

Azov battalion like ISIS is a creation of USA

Russia defeated both

Well done Russia

Or they just finished firing them salvo.

On the other hand, if you are talking about that "Flash" video, then I can't even tell if that was Patriot......Unless you are talking about some other video being circulated out there.

That mostly because most of the time when Ukraine claim they destroyed something, they show proof that they had destroyed them.

On the other hand, when Russia claim they destroyed something, they will just say they had destroyed it, without provide much evidence, if any, I mean, if we go by what Russian claim, Ukraine already lost 44 HIMARS launcher, which is something they do not have.

Again, I wouldn't buy anyone word, not Ukrainian nor Russian, unless there is proof that said system was indeed destroyed,
abut finishing salvo then why they didn't fire on the two that hit ground? and whats this admitting to the damages.
about showing evidence on Russian tanks and BMPs , Medics and injured yes when it come to drone and missiles its a little stretching the truth if you say they show evidence for their claims
Instead it's getting encircled by Ukrainian troops. Russia is screwed either way. Even if they take Bakhmut, they're gonna be forced to withdraw if Ukraine continues to successfully advance its encirclement strategy.

So patriot isn't a single battery, it's an entire system. What do the Russians mean when they say they took out Patriot? Is there even actual proof that they even damaged it, instead of a far away shot with questionable camera quality? At this point I take every Russian claims with a grain of salt.

If they somehow managed to destroy the battery, that's not really anything to brag about because the battery is pretty much the cheapest part of the patriot system to replace. It's literally just basic launchers.

Or there was nothing to target, so the launches stopped?

I mean I get what you're saying, but that's not good logic, and can easily be countered.

Before you begin your usual tirade that I've noticed on this thread, I have no fanboy allegiances. I don't care, I'm just an observer of the war in Ukraine. I find it amusing that both pro-US/NATO/West and pro-Russian fanboys are exactly the same on this thread, two sides of the same coin - downplay every event by the other side, but start jumping up and down at the very mere suggestion of a positive outcome for their side. Truth is always the first casualty in any war, and both sides (West/Russia) have done a great job at throttling it.

Yes I know, the Patriot is a system. Does the evidence suggest at least the launchers were hit by something? Yes. Does the evidence suggest this was intentional targeting? Yes, given the fact there were multiple explosions on the Patriot site, as well as what appears to be an entire battery of launchers firing most if not all of its missiles at potential incoming targets. Does this change anything in the outcome of the war? No, not in the slightest. Does this event give plenty of material to flame fanboy arguments on forums? Yes, absolutely.

Carry on with your conditioning.
Before you begin your usual tirade that I've noticed on this thread, I have no fanboy allegiances. I don't care, I'm just an observer of the war in Ukraine. I find it amusing that both pro-US/NATO/West and pro-Russian fanboys are exactly the same on this thread, two sides of the same coin - downplay every event by the other side, but start jumping up and down at the very mere suggestion of a positive outcome for their side. Truth is always the first casualty in any war, and both sides (West/Russia) have done a great job at throttling it.

Yes I know, the Patriot is a system. Does the evidence suggest at least the launchers were hit by something? Yes. Does the evidence suggest this was intentional targeting? Yes, given the fact there were multiple explosions on the Patriot site, as well as what appears to be an entire battery of launchers firing most if not all of its missiles at potential incoming targets. Does this change anything in the outcome of the war? No, not in the slightest. Does this event give plenty of material to flame fanboy arguments on forums? Yes, absolutely.

Carry on with your conditioning.

It wasn’t hit by any Russian missile. As I’ve said the entire time, it was damaged by missile fragment debris or a failed Patriot missile.

There’s more evidence now that a Patriot missile failed.

It is called damage control, buddy. If CNN, which is a mouthpiece for the deep state, is reporting it, then the damage is mostly likely much more extensive than these officials are admitting.

Interception of Russian missiles has already been confirmed. A Patriot launcher was damaged by falling missile debris or a failed Patriot missile. Further evidence of a failed missile above.

It wasn’t hit by any Russian missile. As I’ve said the entire time, it was damaged by missile fragment debris or a failed Patriot missile.

There’s more evidence now that a Patriot missile failed.

Interception of Russian missiles has already been confirmed. A Patriot launcher was damaged by falling missile debris or a failed Patriot missile. Further evidence of a failed missile above.

Debris from Russian missiles that included the warhead, given the size of the explosions? And that happened twice in quick succession?! Difficult to believe.
No, we don't have confirmation of all Russian missiles being intercepted, we only have Ukrainian and US claims, which don't mean much.
In the videos posted, there was no exhaust plume smoke from a potential Patriot missile gone astray, just the two explosions in quick succession, which suggest high speed impact and no rocket exhaust. The pics you've posted above don't match the videos.
What's most likely is that some of the missiles did get through, at least two by the looks of it. But of course, there's no way the most likely outcome is possible, in your view.
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