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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Dear guys : (1) a PAC 3 doesn't have to chase down a missile if its fired in front of it. (2) that POS Kinsal is subsonic in its terminal flight phase, so it's as worthless as every other 'superweapon" Russians have.
Finally someone understands relative speed allows air defenses to take out targets much faster than the interceptor
Finally someone understands relative speed allows air defenses to take out targets much faster than the interceptor

Then why did Kiev suffer so much damaged of all the missiles were intercepted

Ukraine supported US invasion of Iraq

Ukraine also supports Israel

And even Israel refused to give iron dome

Nazi also hate Muslims

So this is how it ends for them

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Likely deceiving with fake spoofed ADS-B and ACARS signal.

Like in the MH17 crash, when pro-Russians believed that it was a Ukrainian aircraft.

Or when Iran didnt identify a Ukrainian civilian flight and attacked it in 2020.

How many more times the same trick will work again?
A hypersonic missile has three stages during its flight: Launch, Hypersonic phase and final descent. During the first and last stages it is at much lower speeds and obviously vulnerable to being shot down, no matter what Putin claims.
"UK and Netherlands"

Netherlands have F16.
UK can help giving pilots a place to train themselves.
Given the US accept it, I am sure Denmark is donating its F-16s to Ukraine when the F-35s start arriving in late 2023. Norway may even have some 30 F-16 left to donate too. No doubt in my mind Ukraine is going to operate F-16 in the future.
A Patriot system consists of a command centre and 6-8 batteries. Apparently one battery may have been slightly damaged in last nights mass attack. Unless you knck out the whole system it is hardly a disaster. As theyhit 18 missiles , 6 of which were hypersonic it is obvious the patriot system is OK.
When Iskander M struck that mall in Kyiv last year, it was huge and all over social media.
that was because Ukraine and its NATO supporters were in much better shape militarily vs Russia...
You’re not seeing that with Kinzhal because all of them were shot down.
All the Kinzhals were shot down by US media, so keep enjoying the fiction stories US news media pump out.

The Russians don’t sit idle.
Neither does US
They empty prisons.
US emptied a country- Ukraine.
That’s 2 wins.
that's 2 losses for US and NATO.
They have fresh soldiers.
Ukraine has few fresh soldiers, because US emptied the country of them.
If those inmates die they save Russia society foods.
If those Ukrainians die they save US society blood- US not willing to die for its NATO ambitions, but Ukrainians are fine for that "role".
oh and there is no need for evidence at all just a claim from Ukraine propaganda machine is enough
It's the same story on the other side

Russia too had not release any footage of any Patriot missile system was destroyed. If they have an imagery or video evidence, they would probably will show it just to brag, and Patriot System have a very distinct profile, you know it was it even with the grainiest picture

So either they had not destroyed the system, thus nothing can be shown to you, or they don't have the IMGINT technology (Drone, Satellite and so on) and they cannot be verified, which you would need because this is a missile strike 50+km away, not a Russian tank driving up to it and shot at it. If they don't have that capability, how do you know it was destroyed or what you actually hit??

This is a war, I don't trust anything said between either side unless there are visual proof that it did happened. Because both side have reason to lie

On the other hand, was it really that important? Like M777 or HIMARS. everything can be replaced, again, it's not like Raytheon is going to stop making these system once they were, as the Russian said, "killed" the system.
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This whole Ukraine war has been such a terrible marketing for Russian weapons.

No country will buy Russian weapons given now pathetic they performed. I mean, we’ve always known Russian/Soviet equipment were always irrelevant and hype, but pro Russian voices have always claimed the export versions of Russian weapons weren’t as good as the Russian specific versions. Well, it turns out now that even the Russians versions as pathetic.
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