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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

This WILL NEVER happens.

The US and NATO have what we called "Doomsday Scenario" planned. On the event of a global thermonuclear war, the doomsday watch (comprise of a pair of USN E-6B Looking Glass and USAF E-4 Nightwatch) will be duplicated as a National Command Center, it will be automatically takes over in the event of a HEMP Strike and all comm lost to ground comm station. Both planes are HEMP proof. And they are going to be taking over after the event of the first strike

There are currently 16 E-6B and 4 E-4 that can double as command centres not just within the US Command Structure, their location and functions are highly classified (And when i say even I don't know that mean those thing are the real shit) but most people believe 1 set of E-6B and E-4 are to work as NORAD command, and the other set of E-6B and E-4 would work as NATO command.

Yeah, but Sleepy Joe permission to launch nuke is still needed.

And any RF communications can be jammed. All those airplanes and all their communications can be isolated.

You can make a place HEMP proof, but that place will be isolated through RF comms, and cable communications can be cut with a nice conventional bomb too.

Do you know when it's not needed Sleepy Joe permission? To launch antimissile interceptors, I bet it's made to work in dead hand mode. But that's for protect USA mainland. Europe will be fked.

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If most Ru forces are concentrated in Bakhmut and Donetsk front there can be an imminent Ukr attack in Zaporijia sector cutting lines from Crimea. That would also show loss of Bakhmut of Ukraine as a tactical victory and sell more hope to its soldiers. Something similar to Ukr Kharkiv offensive while Russia occupied with Kherson. Russia should ready the Ka 50s for rapid close air support asap.
Ukraine defenders can withdraw from Bakhmut at anytime. There are deep trenches, hideouts 30-40 km all the way and behind Bakhmut. Those positions are better defended as they lay on higher ground. However it’s not the right time yet, Ukraine army strategy appears to kill as much Russians as they can. Ukraine is preparing the counteroffensive in April or May. If they succeed in the center front and cut off the Russians into two halfs, isolating the Russia invasion army, threatening the existence of Crimea then the war could be victorious for Ukraine and the war would be over by end of this year.

About Putin’s nuclear threat, I don’t think he would do it. He came from a very poor family. He lived in extreme poverty. He knows what hunger is. He spends much effort to steal much as he can from Russia. 200 billion Swiss franc hidden alone in Swiss. He loves money, he loves luxury life, why should he commit suicide in a nuclear war where he can’t win?

Putin will seek a way out to save face and end this war. He wants to keep the money he stole from Russia. The problem is there is no way out. He is much a rat in the corner.
Yeah, but Sleepy Joe permission to launch nuke is still needed.

And any RF communications can be jammed. All those airplanes and all their communications can be isolated.

You can make a place HEMP proof, but that place will be isolated through RF comms, and cable communications can be cut with a nice conventional bomb too.

Do you know when it's not needed Sleepy Joe permission? To launch antimissile interceptors, I bet it's made to work in dead hand mode. But that's for protect USA mainland. Europe will be fked.

No, if you are talking about a first strike already launch, sleepy joe and the rest of the executive branch are assumed to be incapacitated. That's why TACAMO is in charge, whoever SAC general was in that TACAMO plane in charge of all minutemen silo and whoever admiral was on that Mercury Looking Glass will be in charge of the Naval launch (Ballistic Sub and carrier based nuke)

And these comm will not be only on RF, it's either UHF or Satellite communication, TACAMO plane can accommodate everything from Satellite network to morse code. All these plane have already been put thru every type of jamming, and remember US is THE LEADING POWER of E-Dub.

Sleepy joe Command Authority only exist when the US is doing the first strike, if someone else already detonated nuke in the US, either Sleepy Joe have to come up and take the charge or ABNCP will be put in charge until a line of succession can be determined.
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There is a speculation that RU forces haven't been moving around for more than a month now. They just hold static defence, and push piecemeal attacks where they do, without new forces coming to plug holes left when they expire.

Avdiivka been the sole notable exception, and it might've been done by Russians exactly to insinuate that they can sustain more than two pushes at at time, and make Ukrainian HQ think twice about RU push being close to exhausted.

Donetsk hosts the biggest ball of Russian manpower on the front, and Russians only tried to activate forces staying there for a push just few times in this conflict before, and these pushes were always wound down, and recalled.
That is because the Wagner refused to work with Ru MOD on this.

Look at it this way, Russia MOD have put around 200,000 new troop in the entire frontline, that's number may be impressive but knowing the frontline is 1260km long, that's wouldn't really do much, on the other hand, there are upward to 50,000 Wagner folks near Bakhmut trying to push just that tiny little corner in the frontline.

If Russian troop move away from their defensive position and make any push, they will have to shred troop from other defensive position because Wagner wouldn't back them up, doing that is the same as invite to attack.

What most western analyst think is Russia trying to probe the line and see where the weak point is, otherwise their progress is unremarkable.

Russia Sold Oil Far Above Price Cap, Researchers Say​

  • Prices averaged $74 a barrel in first weeks after price cap
  • Authors advise stricter enforcement of oil sanctions

That is because the Wagner refused to work with Ru MOD on this.

Look at it this way, Russia MOD have put around 200,000 new troop in the entire frontline, that's number may be impressive but knowing the frontline is 1260km long, that's wouldn't really do much, on the other hand, there are upward to 50,000 Wagner folks near Bakhmut trying to push just that tiny little corner in the frontline.

If Russian troop move away from their defensive position and make any push, they will have to shred troop from other defensive position because Wagner wouldn't back them up, doing that is the same as invite to attack.

What most western analyst think is Russia trying to probe the line and see where the weak point is, otherwise their progress is unremarkable.

Wagner started recruiting From the beginning of July. On 5 January 2023, the first group of 24 prisoners finished their six-month contracts and were released with full amnesty.

We are almost two month past that , and for sure , many more prisoners where released since than.

Two weeks ago I read they stopped recruiting .

I don't have exact data , but I guess most those who decided to recruit , did so in the first months. So i would not be surprised if very soon , the Wagner Group would not be able to use them as cannon fodder anymore.

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